Lancaster Farming. Saturday, March 29, 1975 68 Public Sales Register I Continued from Page 67 j Co. Sulo by I,ewis E. Fisher, owner: I/>ng Bros., Auc tioneers. THURS. APRIL 10 ■ 12:30 Noon Sunnydell Farm Guernsey Dispersal. Warren arid Ellen Bucher, Owners, Myerstown, Pa. to be held at the Ass'n. Sales Pavilion, Lancaster, Penna. Sale managed by Penna. Guern sey Breeders’ Ass’n., Camp Hill. Pa THURS. APRIL 10 - Semi- Annual Open Class Fat Steer Show and Sale at the New Holland Sales Stables, Inc., New Holland, PA. Judging 10 PA ANGUS ASSOCIATION SPRING SALE SATURDAY, APRIL 5,1975 11:00 A.M. 50 HEAD OF REGISTERED ANGUS CATTLE WILL BE SOLD Cows and Calves Bulls, Open Heifers, Bred Heifers Location - 8 miles East of Hershey on Rt 422. near Annville, Old Millarden Farm An Excellent Offering of Angus Cattle Lunch Available on Grounds Catalogs on Request Write to: JEAN FRETZ ...RDI, Zionsville, PA 18092 WAKEFIELD LIONS CLUB 2nd ANNUAL COMMUNITY AUCTION SATURDAY, APRIL 5,1975 10:00 A.M. At Fowl's Feed Mill along Rt 272,17 miles South of Lancaster, Pa , 1 mile North of Wakefield, Pa Farm Equipment Sold at 1:00 P.M, Model 4000 Ford with Industrial loader and scraper, less than 1000 hours; 14 x 35 Metal silo; Oliver Raydex trailing 3-14” plow on rubber; Fertilizer drill; Hay crimper; IHC 2-row corn planter; IHC 13 disc gram drill; Fox Chopper 1 row with power unit; Gas Brooder (50 chick size). Many more items expected not listed. 3 pt. hitch 2-row cultivator; Farmall A Tractor with hand lift cultivators; 8 H.P J C. Penney riding mower with snow blower, like new 1966 Chev Pickup l /z ton, 6 cyl., stick with tool racks. 1967 Chev Van, good condition 1967 Buick LaSabre, fully equip, with radials. 1967 Camaro, VB, Vinyl top, automatic 175 cc Bridgestone Motorcycle. 1960 Int Bus converted to Camper HAY, STRAW, LIVESTOCK Note Reg. Half Arabian Chestnut Colt (Champion Bloodhnes). Building Materials. 2x4’s, 2x6’s, 2xB’s, Aluminum Storm Windows, Alum Siamg, other materials ex pected not listed HOUSEHOLD GOODS AND APPLIANCES Antiques Hitchcock chair, Oak sideboards, Painted China Closet, Dishes, Screens, Ven. Blinds, Vac Cleaner, Assorted Chairs; Patio Furn , Baby Crib, Universal Elec Range, Hotpomt Range, Kelvinator 30” built-in range, auto Maytag Washer, 21” Zenith Color TV, Zenith radio, lamps, 20” window fan, record player, port typewriter, 20’ Triangle TV tower, lawn mowers, 1 Refrigeration unit, 100 ft heavy extension cord Many small items expected not listed Dogs - 4 year old AKC Beagle, year old AKC Brittany Spaniel All items sold on a commission basis and should be in good condition Donated items appreciated Food will be available To consign call 786-2627 or 548-2803 J Everett Kreider, Auctioneer A.M., Sale 3 P.M. Entries may be registered with Abe Diffcnbach, Manager. THURS. APRIL 10 - 12 00 Noon Public Sale of 96 Head Reg. and Grade Holstein Dairy Dispersal (one of the top herds in Bradford Co.) Ix>catton - Go off Ht. 187 North to Rome, Pa. Bradford Co. 16 miles East of Towanda and 16 miles Southeast from Sayre and 16 miles South of Owego, N.Y. along Battle- Creek Road. Sale oy Jesse Gardner; Randal V. Kline and Lloyd H. Kreider, Auctioneers. FRI. APRIL 11 - 1:30 P.M. Special Sale, Feeder Cattle VEHICLES and Calves at the Blue Ridge Livestock Sales. Inc.. Charles Town. W. Va. FRI. APRIL 11 • !) a.m. Public Sale of Tractors. Full Lines of Orchard and Farm Equipment, Irrigation System, Tools, etc. located fi miles South of Mt. Holly Springs, turning East off Route No. 34 at Goodyear Church 2 miles thence North MO mile to sale or Midway between Mt. Hollv and York Springs turning West off Route No. 94 at the Goodyear Road 2 miles to Sale. Sale by Lester F. Stamer, Maybelle M. Stamer, Owners, RDI, Gardners, Pa.; Clair R. Slaybaugh, Auct. FRI. APRIL 11 - 10:30 A.M. Public Sale of Farm Machinery, Dairy Equip ment, Feed, and 60 Holstein Cows and 5 Bred Heifers on the Lawson Farm located on Ten Mile Creek Road just off Route 121 near Boyds, Montgomery Co., Maryland. From Route 270 take •Clarksburg-Boyds Exit and go J'j miles south on Route 121. Sale by John L. Bur dette, Boyds, Maryland; A. Doty Remsburg, Sale Mgr. and Auctioneer. SAT. APRIL 12 - 10 A.M. Seventh Annual Public Sale of the Rawhnsville Fire Co. Farm Implements, Building Materials, Household Goods and Antiques. Items sold on commission. Food served. Phone 284-4362 or 284-4530 SAT. APRIL 12 -1 P.M. Sale of 225 Head of Hogs and Feeder Pigs by Stan L. Reinecker, R 2, York Springs, Pa. DISPERSAL SALE FARM EQUIPMENT, DAIRY HERD, FEEDS TUESDAY, APRIL Bth, 1975 STARTING AT 10:00 A.M. Located 10 mile North of Gettysburg on Old U S Rt 15, or 1 mi North of Heidlersberg, Turn West two mile on Rock Chapel Road to sale 3 REGISTERED - 22 GRADE HOLSTEINS 18 milking age, about fresh or close by sale date - others due May and June. 7 heifers, 6 mos. to 1 year. Herd bred to ABC sires. A young herd with lots of potential. Wilson 300 gal. bulk tank, remote control; 3 Surge milker units; 2 50 lb.; SS strainer, bucket and twin wash vats; 40 cow trainers; Jamesway feed cart; 2 Jamesway litter carriers and track; Patz barn cleaner for 32 cows, good condition; 36” air conditioner fan; 10 - 85 lb. milk cans, good condition; Stewart clippers; dehorners; 3 metal bulk feed bins, 1-3 ton, 2-2 ton. Approx. 1,000 bu. earred corn. FARM EQUIPMENT JD 520 tractor with side weights; JD “B” with cultivators and pusher; Oliver 77 with New Idea loader; NH27I baler with bale thrower; NH No. 6 self unloading wagon; P.T. 10 Hesston Haybine; Papec portable grinder mixer; NH 616 forage harvester'with 3 heads; Oliver transport disc; Oliver 7’ disc harrow; New Idea No. 10 cornpicker; 5 ton Grove rubber tire wagon w-high side and tight bottom; Green Chop wagon; 2 rubber tire wagons, JD and David Bradley; JD 127 rotary mower, s’; JD 3 pt. 3-14” bottom tnpback plows; JD 10 ft lime and fertilizer spreader; NI stalk shredder; Roper 12” post hole digger; JD power driven corn sheller; NH 18’ bale elevator; Smoker hay and grain elevator, Cardinal 16’ elevator; Case 2 section rotary hoe; JD No 55 silo blower w-unloadmg at tachment; JD No 33 manure spreader; JD hyd cylinder; 2 rolls new American wire; egg washer, grader, baskets, and cooler; 32 ft. double wood ladder, platform scales; 3 bags Sudax; 2 wheelbarrow seeders; potatoe plow; broom corn cleaner, broom corn seed; 2 wagon loads of small farm tools and many miscellaneous items not mentioned Refreshments at sale HAROLD MANSBERGER, owner CLAIR R. SLAYBAUGH, Auctioneer IDAVILLE, PA, Phone 677-7479 SAT. APRIL 12 - 12 Noon Feeder Sale at Hunter's Sale Ram, Inc., Rising Sun, Route 276, Maryland, for merly West Nottingham Sales. SAT. APRIL 12 - 10 A.M. Public Sale of Modern Household Goods, Fine Collection of Victorian Antiques and Collectibles located at Catawissa, Pa. along Rt. 42 in Columbia County. Sale by Betty Cherrington, owner; John Autotore and Ronald Funk. Auctioneers. SAT. APRIL 12 - 1:30 P.M. Public Auction of 175-225 Head 40-80 pound Choice Feeder Pigs to be held 1 mile South of Richland, 3 miles South of Myerstown on 501 turn East at Country House Restaurant, follow sale signs. Terms by Paul M. Zimmerman, Myerstown R 2,; John E. and Paul E. Martin, Auctioneers. SAT. APRIL 12 - Public Sale of Real Estate, Power Tools, Household Goods and An tiques located in the Village of Lickdale, next to the Mobile Gas Station, Lebanon Co., Pa. Conditions by Roland Zechman; John Breidegam, Auctioneer. SAT. APRIL 12 - 10:30 A.M. Public Sale of Farm Machinery and Tools located approx. I*j miles south of Fawn Grove, Pa. along Fawn Grove Rd. in the 4th District of Harford Co., Md. Sale by Mrs. Walter Lowe, Pylesville, Md.; Robert L. Sechrist, Auctioneer SAT. APRIL 12-PublicSale of Farm Machinery, Ex cavating Equipment and lots of tools located near Mastersonville along the Colebrook Road. Sale tor the Kulp Estate and Anna Mary Kulp. Rufus Gclb and Raymond Miller, Auc tioneers. SAT. APRIL 12 ■ 10 A.M. Rain or Shine Public Sale of Ford and International New and Used I .awn and Garden Tractors, Riding Mowers. Push Mowers, and I.awn and Garden Accessories. Farm Tractors, Industrial Trac tors, Farm Equipment, and Miscellaneous Items too Numerous to Mention, location - the Old Dover Feed and Hardware Building, on Park Street in Dover, Penna., off Route 74. Blame N. Rentzel, Auc tioneer. GAP MICTION mm ekhhg, in. i, ms 6:00 P.M. Located off Route 41 - Lancaster Avenue Opposite Turkey Hill Mmit Market - Cross RR Bridge ANTIQUES SOLD AT EVERY AUCTION Inspection Friday from 9 00 a m until sale time CONSIGNMENTS ON MONDAYS OTHER DAYS BY APPOINTMENT FROM 8 00 A M. TO 7 00 P M Call us for pick up service IRA STOLTZFUS & SON, Auctioneers 442-4936 or 442-8254 CONDUCTORS ALL TYPES PUBLIC SALE PUBLIC SALE • ROLAND ZECHMAN Real Estate, Power Tools, Household Goods and Antiques SATURDAY, APRIL 12,1975 IN THE VILLAGE OF LICKDALE, next to the Mobil Gas Station, Lebanon Co, Pa Property to be sold at 1:30 P.M 2 , j Story Farm House This 2h Story Frame House has 4 rooms on the first floor with built-in Cupboards in Kitchen, also Bath. Second Floor has 3 Bedrooms. Attic, Basement, one Story Cement Block Garage and Work Shop. Inspection of Home on April 5 from 12:00 P.M. to 4:00 P.M. Household Goods and Antiques 3 Piece Living Room Suite, 5 Piece Bedroom Suite, Oak Bed and Bureau, Blanket Chest, Milk Cupboard, CRADLE, SLANT TOP DESK, Drop Leaf table, High Sink, Walnut Drop Leaf Table, Oak Round Table Plank seat and Kane seat chairs Child Chairs, Rockmg Chairs, Lawn Chairs, 2 China Closets, Coal Heatrola, T.V. Set, SINGER SEWING MACHINE, 3 - x 2 Spindle Chairs, High Chairs, Small Table and Chairs, Lanterns, Rayo Lights, 6 Oil Lights, Parlor Lights, 3 Light Bases, 2 Majestic Cook Stoves, Refrigerator, Brass Clothes Tree, Sewing Rocker, Wash Stand, Butcher Fork and Spoon, 1 Gal. and 5 Gal. Crocks, Jugs. Coins will be sold at 2:00 P.M. '5 Dollar Gold Piece, 10 Dollar Gold Note, Indian Head Cents, Mercury Dimes, 2 Cent Piece, 3 Cent Piece, Buffalo Nickles, Copper Cents, Silver Dollars, Lots of Silver Quarters and Lots of Other Coins. CRAFTSMAN SAW AND MOTOR, Table Saw and Motor, 6 in. Jointer, Turning Lathe, Drill Press, Miterbox and Saw, Hand Saws, Bench Grinder, Broad Ax, Posthole Ax, 2 Buck Saws, Electric Drill, Electric Sander, 6 Tool Chests, Pipe Vise, Squares, all kinds of Hammers, Pipe Wrenches, Tool Boxes, Lots of Nails, Drill Bits, All Kinds of Chisels of Various Calibers and Hundreds of small Items not mentioned. All kinds of carpenter tools Hog Trough, Brass Bucket, Sausage Stuffer, Garden Tools, Drawing Knives, 5 Cow Bells, Fishing Box Scale, OLD LOCKS, Early Hardware, Wheelbarrow, Power Lawn Mower. Shelf Clock, Oak Stand, Kitchen Chairs, Tin Cookie Cutters, Glass Baskets, Cake Stand, Cups, Saucers, Plates Sale starts at 10 OOA.M sharp Conditions By Roland Zechman ROBERT SIEGRIST of Siegnst, Kollar and Siegnst, Attorney JOHN BREIDEGAM, Auctioneer Curtis Swope & Ray Deck, Clerks Refreshments by the Ladies of the Lickdale Church SAT. Ami, 12 - 11 A.M, Public Sale of Holstein Dairy and Farm Machinery, located between Doylcsburg and Concord, along lU. 75, Franklin County, PA. Sale by William k. Bender, owner; Speer and Harry, Auctioneers. SAT. APRIL 12 - 11 a.m. - Public Sale of Stock Reduction of Hardware and Merchandise located at Noll's lee Plant, Martindale, Pa. Sale by Nolt’s lee Co.. Randal V. Kline and Paul Auctioneers. MON. EVE. APRIL 14 - 6 P.M Special Saddle Horse and Standardbred Horse Sale to be held at Paul Z. Martin's Sale Bam, 2 miles East of Intercourse, at in tersection of Route 340 and New Holland Road, 4 miles I Continued on Page 69| Tools
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