54 —-Ljnanfr Farmlni. Saturday. Feb. 15. 1975 75 Enthusiastic Students Attend Milking School A two-day milking school held last week at the 1 Lan caster Farm and Home Center was attended by 75 enthusiastic milkers. And, according to N. Alan Bair, the assoicate county agent who organized the school, there were almost that many applicants who couldn't be accomodated because there just wasn’t enough room. For those who were disappointed at not getting into the school here, Bair pointed out that there will be a three-day milking school at Penn State on April 1-3. The fee for the school will be $lO, Bair said, and students must pre-register. More in formation on the school can be had either from Bair or by contacting: Agricultural Conference Coordinator, 410 J. 0. Keller Building, Penn State University, Umverstiy Park, Pa., 16802. Asked if there were any FARM MACHINERY HOUSEHOLD GOODS SAT., MAR. 8,1975 Location: On Cooper Drive off Sproul Road be tween Route 472 and Andrews Bridge. 2 miles Southeast of Kirkwood, Colerain Twp. 3 Formal! Tractors International 350 with hydramatic, torque and fast hitch; Farmall Super B with fast hitch & culti vators; Farmall Super A with plow & cultivators. I.N. 2 16-in. bottom plows; 2 row IN. cornplanter; I.N. #lOO mower; I.N. #2OO scraper blade; abo\e equip, all fast hitch. 24 disc harrow; spring tooth har row , New Holland #477 haybme (2 yr. old); N.H. #56 rake; N.H. #269 baler, N.H. #155 elevator with corn chute (30 ft.); Cardinal elevator; drag elevator; Cunningham crimper; cultipacker; New Idea 6 ft. rotary mower. App. 36 ton ear corn, 20 ton clover hay, 18 ton alfalfa, Oliver 13 disc gram drill with fert.; New Idea —206 manure spreader; 1 gram bin wagon; 3 flat bed wagons. Elec, seed sower; corn sheller; old corn cracker; 24 ft. aluminum ex ladder; 2 large cast iron water ing troughs; 2 potato plows; wooden wheelbarrow; Forney elec, welder; elec, motors; elec, cords; cattle mineral box; feed cart & scoop SP 11 vacuum pump,'2 Surge milker units; 2 SS buckets & 2 SS strainers, milk cans & milk stools; hog troughs, feeders, waterers; 3 elec, heat bulb brooders: chicken feeders, waterers; crates; plat form scales; P&beam scales: coal bucket & shovel; grindstone, feed chest, old tools; saws; log chains; pulleys, shovel, fork; ropes; ice tongs; oil drums; many other articles too numerous to mention. 1 Reg Guernse\ Cow due Juh, 4 bred Reg. Guernsey heifers, 2 brood sows with pigs, 150 leghorn yearling hens. Butchering Equipment 2 iron kettles with 3 feet; 1 iron kettle with jack et. old copper kettle; scalding trough; scrapers; hooks; stirers, lard press, #32 meat grinder with motor; forks & buckets. Household Goods & Antiques 2 3-pc. bedroom suites; 1 double metal bed & single bed; folding cot; living room suite; 3 ward robes (1 cedar): old mantle clock 1830; coal oil lamps; butter churn; milk bottles; small desk & ta ble; gun rack; high chair; cabinets: crib; curtain stretcher; picture frames & mirrors; elec, buffej; elec lamps: upright Hoover vacuum cleaner; new 2 gal thermos jug: baskets; pillows; cushions; quilts; 2 sets of dishes; pots; pans; silverware; kmc knacks; radio; meat saw; slaw cutters; crocks; jugs; shoe lathe; old almanacs; stools; picnic table & chairs; old benches; bottle capper & bottles. Terms bv, John E. & Elizabeth G. Hastings Order of sale; Small items 9:30; household 11:00; hay, straw, corn 1:00; la mi mach. 1:15; livestock 2:45. Kreider & Diller, Aucts. Lunch by Farm Women Society 15. plans to conduct anothe local school, Bair re r that it wasn't likely because of the inherent difficulties in getting the instructors. Most of the milking school in structors are resident faculty members at the university, which means they aren't as available for off-campus instruction as are members of the ex tension staff. Bair said he was well pleased with the response to the school. They covered the subject of milking from inside the udder to inside the bulk tank. Technique, equipment and main tamence, and the physiology of the udder and lactation were all explained. All the students were in terested and enthusiastic, but Bair commented especially on the vo-ag students who were enrolled through their schools. OF AND 9:30 A.M. straw and oats. Silver Spurs Elects Officers The Silver Spurs 4-H Horse and Pony Club held it's Feb. meeting at the home of Randy and Jim Click, Barcvillc. The election of officers for the 1975 year arc as follows: Jim Click, president; Randy Click, vice president; Sue Baker, secretary; Patty Nauman, senior treasurer; Beth Robbins, junior treasurer and Margaret Keeney, news reporter. County Council representatives selected were: Roberta Stein, Donna Bare, Cherri Gochenaur and Margaret Keeney. Activities for the new year were discussed. The club will hold its annual Open Horse Show on August 17 at the Lancaster County Riding Club. Jim and Randy Click gave a demonstration on English and Western tack and its use. The next meeting will he held at the home of Amy Katz, Lancaster on March 7. Crop Day The crop outlook for 1975 will be discussed by Louis Moore, Penn State Marketing Specialist, at the Chester County Crops Day. The public is invited to at tend the event at 10:00 A.M., Wednesday, February 19 at the Stone Bam, Rt. 842, about 2 miles west of Unionville. Lunch reser vations are $3.00, and may be made by contacting the Extension Office (696-3500) by Friday, February 14. Penn State agronomist, James Eakin, will inform farmers about the basic recommendations for raising a good crop of soy beans. He will also offer farmers some suggestions on how to cope with the current fertilizer situation. The pros and cons of dif ferent tillage systems will be pointed out by Burton Horne, Penn State Agricultural engineer. PUBLIC SALE OF MODERN FARM EQUIPMENT TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 18,1975 11:00 A.M. Located along Cloverleaf Road, 3 miles northeast of Elizabethtown, Pa, get off 283 Bypass at Rheems and Milton Grove Interchange, turn north 4 TRACTORS A.C. Dl7 w-Wide Front End; A.C. Dl4; A.C. WD 45 w-No. 400 Loader A.C. CA w-culti. Tractors have Snap Couples & Power Steering. No. 469 N.H. Haybine; No. 273 N.H. Baler w- Thrower, P.T.0.; J.D. No. 1240 h Jv Corn Planter w insecticide Hoppers; N.H. Spreader; 140- bu. Single Beater Spreader; J.D> 3-Pt. 1000-lb. Fer tilizer Spreader; Ford Semi-Mounted 1-row Corn Picker; A.C. Hopper Blower, A.C. Hay Rake; A.C. 56 Flail Chopper; A.C. Subsoiler; A.C. No. 363 B. 14” Plow; Smoker 26’ Elevator; 2 Gravity Bins w- Running Gears; 3 Bale Wagons w-Racks; Grove Wagon w-Bed; I.N. 3-Pt. 5’ Rotary Mower; M. Moline 13 disc Grain Drill on Rubber; A.C. Field Sprayer on Rubber; I.N. 10’ Spring Harrow; Wind Power Generator w-52 A.M.P.S.; Tractor Wheel Weights; Elect. Motors; Log Chains; Forks; Shovels; Ext. Ladder; Grease; Oil; Baler Twine; Iron Troughs; Walking Plow; 2-Hole Corn Sheller; Used and New Tires; 52-Gal. Water Heater; Used Metal Roofing; 55 I.N. Rl3O 3-ton Truck w-Cattle Racks; 30 tons of Hay; 15 tons of Straw, and many other items not mentioned. AUCT’S NOTE: Farm Machinery is in Good con dition, like new. S3IO by STELLA and DAVID MILLER HAROLD (ABE) SHAFFNER, 653-5689 RAYMOND MILLER, Aucts. DIFFENDERFER & WASER, Clerks FOOD STAND New Holland Baby Beef The New Holland Baby Beef 4-H club met recently at Victor F. Weavers, Inc. Members opened the meeting with the club pledge followed by reports on their steers. A regular business session was held with leaders giving reports. Lisa and Audrey Hoover closed the meeting with refresh ments. Young Farmers Meet The Cedar Crest Young Farmers recently held their monthly meeting for February. Brick and block laying and small engine repairs were the meeting topics presented, by Don McNutt. Richard Kreider, president con ducted a short business meeting. The following dates were announced; Month of March - 4 week course on welding. Feb. 25 - Volleyball game with Cedar Crest FFA and March 14 - Family Swim night at the Cedar Crest pool. Youth Calendar Wednesday, Feb. 19 • Lancaster Co. 4-H Council meeting at the Lancaster Farm and Home Center at 7:30 p.m. Guest will be Lu Oliverda, an exchange student from Brazil. Wednesday, Feb. 26 4-H Leader Kick-off from 10:00 a.m. - 2:30 p.m. Farm and Home Center. Thursday, March 13 Beginning of 4-H Expo that runs through the 15th. Exhibits will be set up at Park City Shopping Mall. READ LANCASTER FARMING FOR FULL MARKET REPORTS PUBLIC SALE OF VALUABLE FARM EQUIPMENT THURSDAY, FEB. 20,1975 Situated in Londenderry Twp , Dauphin Co . PA Along Route 341 2 miles West of Deodalc, Vh miles East of Middletown Known as Colebrook Road FARM EQUIPMENT Farmall 544 gas Tractor equipped. New Holland Super 67 Baler with P.T.O. thrower, New Idea 2 row regular Model 318 Super Picker, New Holland 461 9 ft. Hobine, New Holland 24 ft. elevator, New Idea wagon with 8 ft. x 16 ft. bale body, Farm wagon with 7 ft. x 16 ft. bed and sides. McCormick roto-bar rake, Fanner Carvity gram wagon, McCormick 13x7 single disc grain drill. McCormick 249 tractor planter with Fert. att. McCormick 8 ft. Fert. distributor, McCurdy corn drag, Allis table blower with pipe, McCormick No. 31 P.T.O. spreader. New Idea No. 17 spreader, John Deere 8 ft. orchard cultivator. McCormick No. 351 3-16” plow, John Deere KBA 28 wheel carrier disc, Brillion 9 ft. pulverizer, Oliver 36 wheel carrier disk. McCormick 12 ft. tractor-controlled springtooth harrow, Sunmaster 6 ft. 3 pt. rotary cutter Graham 8 ft. chisel plow. 5 ft. pull rotary cutter. 3 pt. subsoiler. Kim 3 pt. post hole digger, 275 gal. trailer field sprayer. Wikomi 16 ft. Aluminum elevator. Power unloader unit, 2 false front roller units. Ton 10-20-10 Fertilizer, 8 bale baler twine. Blacksmith forge, Vise, Anvil, Clamps, 50 wood apple crates. Antique door hinges, latches, large copper kettle, wooden plane, electric motors, 2 rotary power lawn mowers. One ton chain hoist, rakes, forks, shovels, saws, ropes, axes, sledges, scrap iron, and numerous other items. Sale to commence at 11:30 A.M. Auct. Earl S. Buffenmeyer Clerks, Zug, and Brandt CONDITIONS BY: MRS. EVA B. MECKLEY Refreshments Ladies of Geyers United Methodist Church FARM MACHINERY AND DAIRY EQUIPMENT TUESDAY, FEB. 18,1975 12:00 NOON SHARP Located along Rt. 222, just south of Quarryville, first farm on right across from Presbyterian Home. FORD 801, power steering, good condition; Massey Ferguson 65 with multi-power; Oliver 880 Diesel with power steering; John Deere B with cultivator; Far mall C with hydro, lift and cultivator. New Holland 273 Baler with thrower (only baled 6000 bales); N.H. 450 Mower, 3-pt.; N.H. 404 Crusher, good condition; 18-ft. Bale Rack Wagon with 8-ton running gear; N.H. 145-bu. Right Tank Spreader; Horning Right Tank Spreader, N.H. 130-bu. PTO Spreader, Sauder Loader D 2, Sauder High-lift Loader; 2 J.D. 4- 16” Roll-over Plows, J.D. 5-14” Semi-mounted Plow, J.D. 2-16” Plow, J.D. 494 A 4-row Com Planter, J.D. 2- row Com Planter, Case 10-ft. Transport Disc, Oliver 10- ft. Transport Disc, J.D. KBA 24 Disc, 2 section rotary hoe, A.C. 2 row com planter. J.D. 4-section Rotary Hoe, 12-ft. Dunham Cultimulcher, like new; 3-pt. 12-ft. Harrow, 11-ft. Cultipacker, 13-hole Grain Drill, 3-pt. Ford 2-row Cultivator, J.D. Fertilizer Spreader, Dion Forage Wagon, Little Giant 24-ft. Elevator with 1-hp. motor N.H. 36-ft. Elevator, 32-ft. Farmec Elevator, Badger 12-ft. Manure Pump; 215.5x38 Tractor Tires and Rims, 2 36” Airomatic Fans. 1967 Chevrolet Pickup, 1961 Chevrolet 3 /4-ton Pickup, 1963 International Roadstar Truck, just overhauled, no bed. DAIRY EQUIPMENT DeLaval 74 Milker Pump, 3 DeLaval Milkers with electric pulsator. Cow Clippers, 30 Cow Trainers, 2 Feed Carts r Wash Tubs. 13 elevated Calf Stalls. SOFA BED, Dresser, Humidifier, Glass Jugs. NOTE: Come early, not many small tools. Sale at 12:00 noon, sharp. Terms by M. VERNON WEAVER Nevin Z. Martin, Auct. - 717-354-7186 Martin-Martin, Clerks Lunch Served Not Responsible for Accidents TRACTORS TRUCKS 717-786-7938
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