FARM DISPERSAL FRIDAY, FEB. 21,1975 11:00 A.M, Silt 15 Mlkt south ol Qimryvllk, Follow sail signs from Pa 272 at Uttk Britain Ston, Lane. Co. on (hi pnmitts known at Tuckaway Farm. Complete Herd Dispersal - 65 Registered & Grade HOLSTEIN DAIRY CATTLE (59 reg.-6grade) 42 cows - 8 bred heifers - 2 bulls -13 open heifers. This herd of large, well bred cattle has good udders, good health and is ready to work for you. Included are: 11 daughters of Milk & Honey Ivanhoe, 1 very nice Red & White Reg. Holstein. 3 yrs. old. 2 daughters of Citation R. Maple, 2 by Lassie Leader. 2 by Doncroft Majesty, 2 by Harrisburg Gay Ideal, 2 by Eagle Point Design Bonus. Several other famous Sires represented by 1 daughter each. 1 service age bull by Ivanhoe Jack • Herd T.B. & blood tested and pregnancy checked. COMPLETE LINE OF LATE MODEL FARM EQUIPMENT International 856 One Hundred H.P. tractor used 515 hours, Int. 574 tractor, Massey Ferguson 35 tractor with mower and cultivators, Int. chisel plow used very little, Allis Chalmers 4 row no-till corn planter, N.H. hay baler, with kicker, 2 new N.H. hay wagons, Grove silage wagon, N.H. haybine, N.H. flail chopper, N.H. silage blower. Heavy Duty Hawk Bilt side unloading manure spreader, new Int. disk on rubber, Int. hay rake, John Deere 4 bottom 16 in. plow, Ontario Grain drill, lime spreader, 30 ft. elevator, Grove grain bin, P.T.O. Irrigation pump & aluminum pipe. Small tools include complete set of Craftsman tools, vise, new Handyman jack, forks, shovels, and a few other items Approx. 20 tons of ear corn 10 tons of Alfalfa & mixed hay Come early, only a few items! Sale by order of Dr. Eugene B. Spitz Media, Pa. For further information contact: Leroy C. Sensenig, Quarryville, Pa. Auctioneer & Sale Mgr. PH: 717-786-3128 Paul E. Sanger, Associate Auctioneer PUBLIC SALE OF FARM MACHINERY, HOLSTEIN DAIRY COWS AND HEIFERS FRIDAY, FEB. 21, 1975 Located 'h mile East of Georgetown, 2 miles South of Nickel Mines store along the old dam road, Lancaster County, Pa LIVESTOCK 17 HEAD HOLSTEIN DAIRY COWS in all stages of production; 4 Heifers. Health charts for each.cow. 1 REGISTERED HOLSTEIN BULL. 1 PAIR 2 AND 4 YEAR OLD MULES. ' 2 ODD MULES, 1 gray mare, 10 years old. Registered Border Collie Dog. FARM EQUIPMENT W-30 tractor; 16” Papec ensilage cutter; McDeenng P.T.O. corn binder with loader; McDeenng ground driven corn bmder; McDeenng No. 7 grass mower with T bar; McDeenng cultivator; Oliver 2-way plow with steel bottoms; Oliver 1 bottom 16” plow; z Jonn Deere 999 corn planters; 3 section harrow; spring tooth harrow; cultipacker; 104 Wiard plow; weeder; Mc- Deering manure spreader; New Idea tobacco planter, good condition; New Idea side rake; low down steel wheel wagon with 16 ft. bed; 2-wheeled carts; potato plow; oats roller; lime drill; hydraulic outfit; Jamesway litter carrier and track; locust posts; pump jacks; bucket a day stove; carnage jacks; tobacco lath; TOBACCO SHEARS & SPEARS; snow fence; feed bin; feed carts; Lister diesel; Sleigh, new and used Harnesses and Bridles, Single, Double and Triple Trees. 2 unit Surge milker; vacuum pump; 1 h.p. compressor; can hoist; 8 can milk cooler; 22 milk cans; twin tubs; 30 gal. gas water heater; weed bur ner; Napsack sprayer; approx. 10 ton ear corn; new ' spouting; a few household goods. Heatrola; a few dishes; 2 qt. jars; gallon jugs; and other items. John Deere Disc Harrow. Sale at 11:30 A.M Terms by LEVI K. SMOKER Also at the Same Time and Place the following tools will be sold for Menno Beiler: All kinds of new Tools, Forks, Shovels, Wheelbarrows, and Wheels, Nails, Bolts, Etc. ' Leroy Zook, Leon Kurtz, Auctioneers LUNCH AVAILABLE 3 Milk Co-ops A meeting of the collective boards of directors of the three northeast milk cooperatives, NEDCO, Eastern and Dairylca, was held last week at Syracuse, N.Y., under the sponsorship of Empire Cooperative Milk Producers Bargaining Agency, Inc. of which the three cooperatives arc equal members. The meeting was called to explore the present status of legislation and other regulations concerning the bonding provisions for licensed milk dealers and aspects of producer security as it currently exists in New York and Pennsylvania. Speaking to the subject of bonding legislation and provisions for security of producer payments m Federal Order 2 was a panel of dairy experts from New York and Pennsylvania. Following a welcome by Empire President Leo Briggs, the panel addressed the vital issue of improving the security of producer payments in the New York - New Jersey milkshed. Making up the panel were John Noakes, Dairylea PUBLIC SALE OF FARM EQUIPMENT, LIVESTOCK, ANTIQUES & HOUSEHOLD ITEMS. THURSDAY, MARCH 6,1975 AT 10:00 A.M. Located 2 miles East of Lancaster of the Old Philadelphia Pike on Horseshoe Road near Conestoga Valley High School, Lancaster County, PA. 39 Head of Holstein dairy cows 25 Head of dairy cows m all stages of lactation 4 Heifers due this spring, 5 yearlings, 4 from 1 to 3 months 1 Registered bull 1 pair sorrel 8-year-old mules 1 odd mule, good worker 1 pair black mules, 5 years old, well broken 1 saddle bred driving horse, 6 years old FARM EQUIPMENT McCormick W-9 tractor on steel, New Holland 272 baler, both reconditioned, 28 foot Stoltzfus elevator with hydraulic unit, International 101 and New Idea 206 manure spreaders, both used 3 years, 16 foot flatbed wagon, Oliver radex 14-inch plow, tobacco planter and wagon with ladders, New Idea.trailer mower, New Idea hay crimper with A.C. motor, Mc-D 28 disc, 3 section spring harrows, cultipacker, riding cultivators, Papec 16-mch ensilage cutter, Mc-D No. 9 7-foot grass mower, Mc-D 8-foot grain binder, ground driven corn binder, loader, wooden land roller, Superior gram drill, McCormick 10-foot fertilizer drill, Mc-D Black Hawk corn planter, spring wagon, Wiard walking plows, foretruck, horse sleigh, sleds, barnyard scraper, 3 bale boxes, tobacco shears, spears, lima bean poles, seeder, potato plow forks, 1 cycle Lister diesel engine. MILKING EQUIPMENT DeLaval milking units, 2 40-lb. pails, 1 150-lb. pail, _ water heater, milking supplies, forks, wire fence, 1,2, 3,4, 5 horse hitches, harness, collars, bridles. ANTIQUES & HOUSEHOLD ITEMS Doughtray, 6 old plank bottom chairs, old 2 door cupboard, apple peeler, wheat sheaf butter mold, cream separator, chest, couch, crocks, 10 gal. - 3 gal. - 1 gal. jars, pmt jars, jar dated 100 years old, old irons, Coaloil gas lanterns, copper kettles, old buggy lan terns, tobacco sizing boxes, old nail kegs, milk stools, old bottles, old gallon jugs, old agateware, straw cutter, brass base Aladdin lamp with shade, milk cans, iron-troughs, sausage stuffer, large meat grinder, small grinder, old rocking horse, old quilt, wooden V 2 bushel measure, small room heater, rope bed, double bed, youth bed, small crib, 2 chest of drawers, earthen pie plates, earthen casseroles, and lots of items too numerous to mention. Small items at 10:00 A.M. Antiques about 11-30 A.M DANIEL K. KING ALVIN L. MILLER, Auctioneer 1927 Horseshoe Road Lancaster, PA 392-1547 Clerking by C L Mumma Item-Receipt System assistant to the president, and Ted Day, Deputy Commissioner, New York State Department of Agriculture and Markets, who provided background oh New York legislation; Dan Williams, legal counsel for Eastern Milk Producers, and Edward Osborne representing James McHale, Pennsylvania Secretary of Agriculture, who discussed security payment en forcement procedures in Pennsylvania; and Thomas Wilson, Federal Market Administrator for Order 2, outlining procedures available under Federal enabling legislation. Panel moderator was Richard Wiles, Counsel to NEDCO and to the Cooperative Marketing Agency. The over fifty co-op directors in attendance agreed that more definitive work should be undertaken immediately to ascertain whether the agriculturally oriented organizations in the two states could develop and present to the legislature or to the U.S. Department of Agriculture appropriate modifications to improve the LIVESTOCK HORSE & MULES SALE BY Lunch Available Lancaster Farming. Saturday, Feb. 15,1975 At Joint Meet security position of producer payments to cooperatives. Empire, formed In Sep tember 1974, by the three northeast co-ops, is an organization through which the cooperatives will seek to Directors Meet The Lancaster County Holstein Association Board of Directors met on February 7th at 8:00 p.m. in the Farm and Home Center. Among items discussed was the countytour that is being planned.'This year's tour will be a two day event to be held on March 11 and 12. The group will be travling to the state of Virginia. Tour chairman, Robert Kauffman said more information will be available soon and it will be included in the County Holstein Club’s newsletter that will be going out within the next several weeks. Barn meetings are scheduled for March 6 and 7 f 0 6° EVERY WEDNESDAY IS \ DAIRY SSL DAY AT NEW HOLLAND SALES StABLES, INC. New Holland, Pa. If you need 1 cow or a truck load, we have from 100 to 200 cows to sell every week at your price Mostly fresh and close springing Holstems Cows from local farmers and our regular shippers including Marvin Eshleman, Glenn Fite, Gordon Fritz, Blaine Hoffer, Dale Hostetter, Bill Lang, H D Matz, and Jerry Miller. SALE STARTS 12:30 SHARP Also Every Wednesday, Hay, Straw & ■ A Ear Corn Sale 12:00 Noon. Cr PUBLIC SALE FARM MACHINERY 6 miles south of Quarrwille, off Route 222. Ist road left south of Robert Fulton birthplace, first road right, first farm on left. 3 miles north of Wakefield off Route 222. THURS., MARCH 20,1975 John Deere 3020 diesel with dual hydraulics lull cqu*iped also roll guard, John Deere 2510 gas 1600 hrs . new rubber. Case 630 gas (good shape) John Deere F 125 3-bottom 16 in trip plow. Case 3 bottom 14 in contour plow with cylinder, Ford 32 transpoit disc harrow. John Deere cultimulcher. New Idea Cutditioner with 2 sets knives; John Deere 336 balci with thrower (1 yr old), Darf 5 wheel rake New Idea roll bai rake. Case wide Hack wagon with racks. John Decie 953 with racks, spare wagon with racks 1970 VW bus recently overhauled New Idea =:215 manure spicader. New Holland 3f» It elcxatoi with moloi. New Idea manure loadei with 6ft bucket fork with Greccian sahes, 3 bottom Kcsten plow rake Gro\e wagon with gieen chop tacks. Biadj flail chopper, John Docie AIB high picssure washer, 180 amp Forne> welder with ac ccssoncs IHC drill, push guaid foi John Deeie. (> liont end weights. 2 h\d cxhndeis 3 bales twine, double axle trailer Stiidcbakcr pickup for paits (inns) 6 \r old saddle horse, ! Shetland pon\ 1 RCA sieteo iccord plau,'i 1G E tecoidei & tape pla\ ci Not nidn.v small items Kreider & Diller, Vucts. Lunch b\ Robeil Fulton 1 uc to bargain with New York State milk processors to maintain a level of milk prices which will permit producers to realize the current costs of production in the sale of thetr milk. and begin at 7:30 pm. The March 6th meeting will be held in the southern part of the county on the farm of Amos and Ken Rutt. The meeting on the 7th will be held in the northern section of the county at Albert Fry's farm. The state calf sale will be held on April 17 at the Farm Show building. It will be followed by a bred heifer, cow and bull sale on the 18th and the state Holstein show on the 19th. The Field day committee has set a tentative date of August 7th for the event. The next directors meeting will be on April 4 at 8:00 p.m. OF 12 noon Terms In. Emanuel S. Stoltzfus 717-521-22‘1.j 55
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