>ah aboard the ailed barns, side 22 x 60. ig bedding, upkeep to a its. )• 786-2146 ERTH-RITE SOL COWmOMER MAXICROP LIQUID PLANT FEEDING FEED-RITE Vitamin & Mineral for livestock and poultry. ZOOK & RANCH. INC. RDl.Gap.Pa. 17527 Phone7l7-442-4171 »JIG TRUCK - I WITH YOUR HAULING PICKUP AND THE... YfIMTEMCa. Agri-Trailer™ '-7 y iiimiimuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiininiimi , iniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiniiiiiimiiiiiinm , i Jim*'Jf CHECK OVER AN AGRI-TRAiLER TODAY AT REC-V CITY, INC. Livestock Consumers continued to indicate their preference for meal last year by spending a record amount of money for a greater volume of meat than in 1973. Red meat consumption in 1974 was the third largest on record at about 187 pounds per person, up more than 11 pounds from 1973. While consumer prices were up 11 percent for all goods and services in 1974, ' J (Sap , ( itfzz < . , Two-speed landing gear provides easy hitching. Hitch this versatile trailer to your truck for E road travel, switch it to your tractor for field 5 loading. The Winnebago Agri-Trailer can carry = as much as a 3-ton truck. It can haul over Th E tons. Or 285 bushels of grain. E Winnebago's sth E wheel design gives E unique stability. It E turns short, backs up = easy, and trails true E at highway speeds E without fishtailing. E i. ; > •*nl 668 Shiloh Pike Rt. 49 Bridgeton, New Jersey 08302 609-451-3144 Send This Coupon For Free Brochure — NAME STREET STATE Summary meat prices averaged only 2 percent. Demand for meat is ex pected to remain fairly strong in the first half of 1975; constant-dollar in comes still exceed year earlier levels. Although inflation, recession, and rising unemployment provide little basis for op timism, low consumer spending for such items as ZIP Easy hook-up with wide-opening jaws of Pin 81 Plate. Situation homes and automobiles may mean more money available for food, particularly meat. Expansion of food aid programs may help sustain meat purchasing power. Cattle slaughter and beef production will remain above year-earlier levels this winter as nonfed steers, heifers, and cows continue to offset smaller fed cattle slaughter. Total slaughter, however, may decline seasonally by a small amount from the record kill of over 10 million head during October-December. Fed cattle prices could strengthen later in the winter from January lows of $35-$36 per 100 pounds for Choice steers at Omaha. By spring, cow slaughter is expected to decline seasonally as pastures green up and cattle are moved back to grass. Choice steer prices could reach the mid s4o’s, with cow and feeder cattle prices also improving. Smaller supplies of pork and poultry will also be price strengthening factors in the spring. Feeder cattle prices will be sensitive to the demand for feedlot replacement cattle and the price of feed grain. Unless feed grain prices turn much higher by spring, feedlot placements in April-June could increase from a year earlier for the first time in 2 years. Large supplies of feeder cattle, however, will limit price increases for feeder cattle. If the fed market perks up as expected, Choice 600-700 pound feeder cattle at Kansas City could advance to $3O-$35 per 100 pounds in Lancaster Farming, Saturday. Feb. 15.1975 the spring from the January level of $25-127. The expanding cattle herd means potential slaughter supplies in the second half of 1975 arc large. Forage supplies and the level of feed prices will determine how slaughter of record large cattle suppl.es is divided between fed and nonfed cattle or calves. I.ast fall’s reduced corn crop with resultant high feed prices led to large scale liquidation of hog breeding stock. Market hog in ventories last December suggest hog slaughter and pork supplies in the first half of 1975 may be the lowest in 9 years. As hog slaughter dips below year-earlier levels, prices will strengthen throughout most of the first half of the year. Barrow and gilt prices are expected to range mostly between $4O - through June. Advancing hog prices will be tempered by expected large supplies of beef and demand un certainty. LEYLAND TRACTORS Shortline equipment such as BADGER - NEW IDEA - DION - COBEY Also, LAWN & GARDEN EQUIPMENT snapper LAWN BOY - NEW IDEA ELECTRIC BUY NOW AT WINTER PRICES If interested in any of these items or any others. See us before you buy. A. C. HEISET Farm Equipment Inc. ROl, Jonestown, Pa. 17038 Phone 717-865-4526 Located Vz mile South of Fredericksbure off Route 343 December hog far mers reported plans for record low sow farrow ings during Dccember-May. This planned cut points to a 14-16 percent reduction in hog slaughter for the second half of 1975. The January 1, 1975 sheep and lamb inventory totaled 14.5 million head, the smallest on record and a decline of 11 percent from a year earlier. A 9 percent drop in breeding ewes means a similiar cut for the 1975 lamb crop. Sheep and lamb slaughter will continue lower through the first half of 1975. Prices will remain strong, but will be influenced by cattle prices. Normal seasonal price trends for slaughter lambs are likely, with prices rising into late winter or early spring, then dropping back and stabilizing later in the year. Lamb prices will likely range between $4O-$45 per 100 pounds through the first 6 months of 1975. 53
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