New York Dressed Meats February!, 1975 Daily distributive • less than carlot meat trade. Compared with Wed nesday: Prices unchanged for Beef, Veal, Calf and lamb but weakness per meating general price structure for these classes. Pork Loins mostly $2.00 higher and other listed Pork cuts steady. Poor movement of meats The Proven Performers! RD. 1, Box 82 Kinzer, Pa. 17535 at both wholesale and retail influenced to some degree by snow and ice conditions in the entire area. Some In shipments running late particularly Beef and I,amb. also impeded by rood con ditions. Wholesalers con tinue in the struggle to hold money together but cutting of carcass Beef and I.amb into primal cuts dcfinatcly a minus net dollar return. Steer Beef Prime 600-900 lbs. $61.50- 63.00; Choice 600-700 61.00- 63.00, 700-800 60.5042.00, 800- 900 59.00-60.50; Good 500-800 55.00-58.00. COMPLETE SALES & SERVICE YOUR GIRTON DEALER FOR 22 YEARS CLARK ELECTRIC, INC. Heifer Reef Choice 500*700 lb.s, 60,00* 02.00. '’ Coif (Skin Off i Choice 150*350 lbs. 58.00- 04.00; Good 150-350 48.00- 54.00; Standard 150*350 44.00- 47.00. Veal (Skin Off) Choice 00-150 lbs. 81.00* 80.00; Good 00*00 72,00-76.00; Standard 60-120 60.00*65.00. Choice & Prime 30*55 85.00- 87.00, 5545 83.0045.00. Choice Beef Cuts Hinds (Steen 145-100 lbs Carlisle ; Livestock Carlisle, Pennsylvania J ' February 4,1975 CATTLE 188. Compared with last Tuesday's market, slaughter cows steady to strong, spots 25 cents higher. Few Choice 1135-1460 lbs. yield grade 3-4, slaughter steers 34.00-37.10, few Good 30.00- Standard 27.75- 30.25, few Utility 20.60-27.00. Few Good slaughter heifers 28.00- few Standard 24.85-27.75, few Utility 20.75- 23.85. Utility and High Dressing Cutter slaughter cows 19.60-20.85, couple 21.85 and 22.50, Cutters 18.00-19.85, Canners 16.35-18.10, Shells down to 14.25. Few Standard slaughter bullocks 22.50- 24.60. Yield Grade No. 2,1590 lbs. slaughter bull at 22.50. Few Medium and Good 465- 700 lbs. feeder steers 21.75- 28.75. County Clinics The February schedule for Pap Clinics has been an nounced by the sponsoring agencies, the American Cancer Society and Planned Parenthood. The schedule is as follows: At the American Cancer Society, 625 Manor St., Lanc.-every Thursday, Feb. I vd DIPLOMAT - / I Proven on thousands of dairy farms the world over. 200 to 1500 gallon sizes FULLY-FLOODED GIRTON COLD PLATE STEEL CONSTRUCTION IRE FREON 12. THE SAFE REFRIGERANT [FOAMED IN PLACE) INSULATION AMBASSADOR - | The ultimate tank for the large, quality conscious dairy farmer 500 to 300 C gallon sizes IK PH: 768-8228 74.00*76.00; Arm Chucks 90- 105 52.00-55.00; Nibs (7-Hibl 34*40 73.00*78.00; Loins (Trim!l $(V"0 874)0*92.00; Hounds i Steen 70*95 74.00- 76.00; Full Plates 36.00*37.00; Hinds i Heifer) 120-170 73.00* 75.00. Pork Cuts (Fresh) Ixiins (Regular) 8-14 79.00- 81.00, 14-17 76.00-79.00; Picnics (Regular) 44 45.00- 48.50; Boston Butts 44 61.00* 63.50; Sparcribs 3 lbs. down 79.0043.00; Hams (Skinned) 14-17 71.50*75.00, 17*20 69.50- 71.00. l-omb •CiAJ-VpS 114. Vealers grading Utility and Standard mostly steady. Few Choice few Good 4ASrS6 2 OCC Standard 30.00- 45.00, Utility 90-120 lbs. 20.00- 27.00, 7045 lbs. 15.00-19.50. Farm Calves: Holstein bulls 80-130 lbs. 23.00-34.00. HOGS 220. Barrows and gilts mostly $1 higher. US No. 1-3 195-240 lbs. barrows and gilts 40.25-41.25, No. 2-3 190-245 lbs. 39.75-40.60, few - No. 24 255-350 lbs. 38.00- 38.60, few No. 2-4 145-185 lbs. 33.50-39.10. Few US No. 1-3 290-590 lbs. sows 30.00-34.50. Few Boars 23.75-27.50. FEEDER PIGS 37. l/)t US No. 1-3 35 lbs. feeder pigs 16.00 per head, lot No. 1-3 80 lbs. at 28.00 per head, lot Utility 35 lbs. at 14.00 per head. SHEEP 34. Few Crop, Choice 70-75 lbs. lambs 46.00- 50.00; Utility and Good 60-70 lbs. 30.00-32.50. Give Pap Tests 6,13,20 and 27 at 10 a.m. to 12 noon, plus Feb. 20 from 1 to 3 p.m. (A breast examination and instruction in breast self-examination are given as well at this clinic.) By appointment only. Call 397- 3744. At the Lancaster Free Clinic, 545 Pershing Ave., Lanc.--first and third Friday, Feb. 7 and 21 from 7 to 10 p.m. No appointment is necessary. At the Solanco Family Health Center, 317 S. Chestnut St., Quarryviile- Feb. 4 from 8 to 10 p.m. By appointment only. Call 786- 7383. All testing and detection at these clinics is done free of charge. For further in formation, call 397-3744. want TO SAVE UP TO 50% ON MGH QUALITY, GUARANTEED ANNUAL HEALTH PRODUCTS? Send your name and address if you would like to receive our free monthly mailing. Mail to. ANIMAL MEDIC, INC. P.O. Box 575 Manchester, Penna. 17345 Address Cit No of Lvst Lancaster farming, Saturday. Ftb. 8.1975 February 6 Weekly Cattle Review: receipts 6700; last week 6100; year ago 4400. Compared to Tuesday last week, slaughter steers and heifers fully 50 lower, cows 1.00-1.50 higher, bulls steady. Supply about 41 percent slaughter steers, mostly Good and Choice 900-1150 lbs. yield grade 2-4; 22 percent heifers, 15 percent cows and 20 percent feeders. SLAUGHTER STEERS; Ix)ad Choice and Prime 1200 lbs. yield grade 3-5 35.50, package 1050 lbs. yield grade 4-5 34.50, part load 1450 lbs. yield grade 4-5 31.00. Choice 950-1200 lbs. yield grade 2-4 34.50-36.00, mostly 35.50 down. Mixed Good and Choice 33.00-35.00; Good 29.00- Standard and Good Holstems 1100-1350 lbs. 28.00- Standard 23.00- 28.00. SLAUGHTER HEIFERS: Ixiad Choice and Prime 950 lbs. yield grade 4 33.50; Choice 850-1000 lbs. yield This product and other animal health products available from your local feed and farm supply dealers iced bv Hamsonbuig. \a »2S«I Type Lvst Cattle Review grade 2-4 23.00-34.00, couple packages Monday 34.25- 34.50. Mixed Good and Choice 32.00-33.50, Good 29.00-32.00; 700-050 lbs. 26.00- .30.00; Standard 22.00-26.00. COWS: Utility and Commercial '17.00-19.50, several Holstcins 20.00, cutter 14.00-17.00, canncr 12.00-14.00. BULLS: Yield grade 1-2 1100-1000 lbs. 21.00-24.00. VEALERS Choice 34.00- 39.00. FEEDERS: Including around 700 at Thursday’s auction. Steers and heifers steady to 1.00 higher. STEERS: Choice 35M00 lbs. 25.00-27.00, couple packages 28.75, 650-860 lbs. 26.50-28.00, Good 350-600 lbs. 20.00-23.00, 700-850 lbs. 24.25- 26.00. HEIFERS: Choice 400-500 lbs. 20.50-23.50, 500-650 lbs. 25.00-25.50 fleshy 500-750 lbs. 27.25-28.75 going for slaughter. Good 400-550 lbs. 18.75-19.00. Shipping fever! . JMi > V / \ voQw / AUREO 8700 cM»r«eti«cvc>ioe JuMjftmtwme CRUMBLES HIBtCATCO I FOR BEEF CATTLE ROY ERICKSON COMPANY Be ready with CRUMBLES! Fall, winter, spring or sum mer AUREO S 700 Crumbles enables your cattle to main tain top gains in the presence of respiratory problems, such as shipping fever Feed it the first day cattle arrive and stay with it for 28 days On established cattle use it at the first sign of trouble It’s easy to use Simply sprin kle on top of the regular ration and mix it in It’s economical one 50-pound bag treats 10 animals for 28 days Fight economic losses from respiratorv diseases be ready with AUREO S 700 Crum bles Order your supply today' AUUI O S 700 w Aimn Ttf{ TME cm C \ in um<l ( om;> »n\ s (i tilt m irk for i i omlnn itton of At KI OM\( {\i ihtor toll uulmi Si IMI 1 i Mil MSOHIUKI fmu til i/itu W. nhili us 7 (i (Ns lufmt *sl muliii i AVAILABLE FROM YOUR FAVOBITC AJMIMM HEALTH SUPPLIER 7 OKCTIMI
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