—Lancaster Farming. Saturday. Feb. 8. 1975 8 Goodwill Industries Starts New Collection System To combat the unsightly problem of overflowing Goodwill collection boxes, and help reduce rapidly rising costs of operation. Goodwill Industries of Lancaster County has initiated a new *-ystem of materials collection. The system involves the use of 40 ft. trailers as collection vehicles, each manned by an attendant who receives donated mer chandise in person. Donated materials arc all stored inside the trailer, eliminating ram damage, Teens Sought For YCC Work The Department Education is recruiting youths between the ages of 15 and 19 to work in Youth Conservation Corps projects this summer, including some on State Park and State Forest lands. YCC projects will last from four to eight weeks and will have room for ap proximately 382 enrollees, including 218 youths assigned to six residential camps and 164 commuting to projects at 21 non-residential sites. The purposes of the program are to: accomplish needed conservation work on public lands; provide gainful employment for youth from all backgrounds; and develop an understanding and appreciation in the participants of the Nation’s environment and heritage. Enrollees will be chosen from among all completed applications by using a computerized random numbers table. Application forms are available from secondary school guidance counselors. Work assignments depend on the needs of the area but can include clearing stream banks, building trails, tending fish hatcheries, planting trees, constructing Park facilities and im proving wildlife habitat. Residential enrollees receive full means and lodging plus about $46 per week while non-residential participants will receive approximately $6O per week. A program spokesman said that only those ap plicants selected for positions will receive notification from the State. The notices will be sent out by April 1. Poster Contest The students of the Junior and Senior High Schools are again invited to participate in the 26th Annual Gigantic Poster Contest being sponsored for the benefit of the orphans, underprivileged children and Shrine Ac tivities Fund. To be eligible to be a participant, you must reside in the following counties: Adams, Cumberland, Dauphin, Franklin, Juniata, Lancaster, Lebanon, Perry or York in the Grades 7 through 12. Posters must be 14” x 20” prepared in a vertical ,'e the following; (1) Zembo Shrine Circus; (2) Farm Show Arena; (3) April 7 through 12. theft, and unsightliness. At the same time, the Goodwill attendant has the right to refuse any donations of unrepairable merchandise or trash, a problem that has plagued Goodwill for years. Advantages to the donator are the ability to receive a tax-deductible receipt on the spot, and an assurance that the donated merchandise will not be ruined or stolen and the convenience of having attended collection centers placed in shopping districts during regular shopping hours. Although the first of its kind in Southeastern Penn sylvania, Goodwill Attended Collection Centers have been tried in several larger cities throughout the nation, and all have proven extremely successful. Two locations have been initially established in the area. One is on the Lititz Pike on the Acme parking lot near the I,an caster Shopping Center. The second location is in the Manor Shopping Tenter, successful, Schell further Operating hours will be from states, additional manned approximately 10:00 am trailers will be placed In 0:00 pm Monday • Saturday other areas of as The centers will be closed on well as some of the towns Sundays If the first two attended collection centers prove STEVENS LAYER FEEDS GIVE PERFORMANCE * e- For more information and Record keeping services call: STEVENS FEED MILL, INC. 215-267-2150 or 717-733-2153 thioughout the county. Acquisition of the collection trailers was made The Industry's No.l Turkey Peering SysteM DoEsnt Need a ik HERSHEY EQUIPMENT CO., INC. 215 Diller Avenue New Holland, Pa. possible through funds from the 2nd Annual Goodwill itadiothon in October of last BUY WHOLESALE FORM A BUYERS GROUP. PURCHASE YOUR FARM NEEDS AT WHOLESALE PRICES. Make Savings Uke This: Hi-Score Hybrids Over 90 Percent Germination Single Cross MF Regular Price $39.90 Members of Buyers Group Buy As Low As $29.50 We are now manufacturing Hi-Score Liquid Fertilizer Solutions Save money on your fer tilizer purchases' FOR MORE INFORMATION CALL OR WRITE R.D.2, Lititz. Pa. 17543 Phone: 717-626-2457 or 717-626-8909 CONTACT US FOR INFORMATION CONCERNING DEALERSHIPS TkafficCop Big Dutchman's OVERHEAD CHAIN AND TROUGH FEED DELIVERY SYSTEM eliminates the TURKEY TRAFFIC PROB LEM. It allows the PRODUCER and the BIRD to move freely throughout the turkeyhouse, significantly reducing bumps and bruises to both. The system also features: • Proven, reliable chain and trough feed delivery. • Durable, specially designed feed pans to reduce feed waste. • Easily adjustable feed flow with op tional individual feeder shut-off. • Low Cost, Clear Plastic, Drop Tubes, • Low maintenance requirement. • Ample feeding space for every bird. Get ali the facts about this remarkable Over head Feeding System by calling or writing B'uj Putchman. year. Over $29,000 raised from the Hudiothon held at I'ark Phone 717-354-4576 AUTHORIZED DISTRIBUTOR (
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