C'M'l.t' (W I JIUIMI ’ I'U i 6—Umciiter Firming, Saturday. Feb. 8. 1975 Pa. Auction Summary 19 Livestock Market* Week Ending January 31,1975 CATTLE 5528. Compared with 5481 head last week, and 5967 head a year ago. Compared with last week’s market, slaughter steers steady to $1 lower. Slaughter cows mostly steady to 50 cents lower. Slaughter bulls mostly weak .to $1.50 lower. STEERS: High Choice and Prime 37.35-39.50, Choice 35.00- Good 31.00-35.50, Standard 26.50-32.00, Utility 23.00- HEIFERS: Choice 30.00-34.75, Good 28.00- few Standard 22.00- few UtiUty 19.50- 24.00. COWS: Utility 8c High Dressing Cutter 19.00-21.50, Cutters 17.75-20.00, Canners 15.75- Shells down to 12.00. BULLOCKS: Few Choice 32.00-35.00, Good 27.00- few Standard 24.75- few Utility 22.00- 25.00. BULLS: Yield Grade No. 1 1000-2000 lbs. 24.00- 27.50; yield grade No. 2 900- 1600 lbs. 22.75-26.00. FEEDER CATTLE: Choice 350-415 lbs. feeder steers 28.50-33.50, Good 270-750 lbs. 22.00- Medium 300-800 lbs. 18.00-23.50; Good 260-500 lbs. feeder heifers 21.00- 28.00. Medium 200-700 lbs. 14.00- few Good 300-700 lbs. feeder bulls 21.50-27.00, Medium 350-800 lbs. 17.00- 20.50. CALVES 3928. Compared with 3652 head last week, and 3160 head a year ago. Vealers grading Standard to Choice unevenly steady, Utility $2 to $5 higher. VEALERS: Few Prime 62.00- Choice 54.00- 62.00. Good 44.00-54.00, Standard 32.0044.00, Utility 90-120 lbs. 24.00-32.00, 70-85 lbs. 20.00-26.00. Farm calves, holstein bulls 90-120 lbs. 25.00- HOGS 7577. Compared with 6027 head last week, and 7301 head a year ago. Barrows 8c Gilts uneven, spots 50 cents higher, to 50 cents lower. BARROWS 8c GILTS: Few US No. 1-2 200-235 lbs. 41.00- 42.00, No. 1-3 190-250 lbs. 39.50-40.50, few to 41.00, No. 2-3 190-260 lbs. 38.00-39.75, No. 24 250-300 lbs. 35.00- 40.00, No. 24 130-180 lbs. 31.00-37.00. SOWS: US No. 1-3 300-550 lbs. 32.00-36.00, No. 2- 3 375-600 lbs. 27.00-32.00 Boars 22.00-27.00. FEEDER PIGS 1354. Compared with 1141 head last week, and 867 head a year ago. US No. 1-3 20-35 lbs. feeder pigs 8.00-15.50 per head, No. 1-3 35-50 lbs. 15.00- 27.50, No. 1-3 50-90 lbs. 25.00- 36.00, Utility 25-75 lbs. 7.00- 16.00 per head. SHEEP 773. Compared with 395 head last week, and 555 head a year ago. Wooled slaughter lambs steady to 25 cents lower. Choice 75-115 lbs. wooled slaughter lambs 39.0043.60, Good 65-105 lbs. 32.00-39.75, few Utility 50-70 lbs. 25.00-29.00. Slaughter ewes 8.00-14.00. Local Grain Thursday, February 6 These prices are made up of the average prices quoted by a number of participating local feed and grain con cerns. It should be noted, however, that not every dealer or broker handles each commodity. All prices are per busehl except ear com which is per ton. The average local grain prices quoted Thursday, February 6, 1975 are as follows: i i ~, m : Peoria Cattle February I Weekly Summary Cattle This Week Last Week Last Year Compared with Ifst week’s close, slaughter steers SO LDO higher. Slaughter heifers, steady to SO higher. Cows strong to 1.00 higher. Bulls steady. Receipts 7S pet. slaughter steers, IS pet. slaughter heifers and the balance cows. SLAUGHTER STE&fc; Choice and Prime 11S0-131S lbs. yield grade 3-4, 35.00- 37.50. late 36.50-37.50;' load 1600 lbs. yield grade 5, 31.00: Choice 950-1275 lbs. yield grade 2-4. 34.00-37.25; closed 35.00-37.25; part load 36.00. Mixed Good and Choice 900- 1300 lbs. 33.00-35.00. Good 30.50- Standard and Good Holsteins 28.00-31.00. SLAUGHTER HEIFERS: Choice’ and Prime 900-1075 lbs. yield grade 3-4, 35.00- 36.50; late 36.00-36.50. Choice 850-1050 lbs. yield grade 2-4, 34.50- Mixed Good and Choice- 750-1100 lbs. 30,50- 34.50. Good 26.50-31.00. Standard and Good 23.50- 26.50. COWS; Utility and Commercial 15.50-18.00. High dressing utility 18.50- 19.00; few 19.25. Cutter 13.00- 17.00. Canner 11.00-13.00. BULLS: Yield grade 1-2, 1100-1700 lbs. 21.00-24.50. Bid+ Offered+ Ear Com New Old Shelled Com 3.01 3.23 Oats Local Western Barley Wheat Feed 2.75 3.15 Millers 3.29 —■ +Bid is the price the dealer will buy from the farmer delivered to the mill. Offered is the price the dealer will sell for at his mill. €2.33 70.00 1.67 1.93 2.29 2.41 2.66 > i,l i il( Leesport Livestock Auction 5200 5300 2300 Leesport, PA February 5,1975 CATTLE 273. Supply in cluded 98 head feeder cattle. Compared with last Wed nesday's market, slaughter steers steady to $1.50 higher. Slaughter cows mostly $1 to $1.75 higher. Good & Choice slaughter steers 35.00-38.00, Good 32.75-35.75, Standard 27.10- Few Choice slaughter heifers 31.00-34.00, few Good 29.00-33.50, few Standard 23.50-27.25. Utility & High Dressing Cutter slaughter cows 20.25-22.75, Cutters 18.85-20.50, Canners 17.10- Good & Choice slaughter bullocks 26.85- 30.10, one Standard at 24.00. Yield Grade No. 1 1350 and 1485 lbs. slaughter bulls 28.25 and 28.35; couple yield grade No. 1050 and 1080 lbs. 23.25 and 24.75. Choice 350-500 lbs. feeder steers 28.00-35.00, Good 200-650 lbs. 25.00-29.50; one lot Good & Choice 488 lbs. feeder heifers Galloway 27.50, one lot Good & Choice 433 lbs. charolais at 28.50, Good 300-500 lbs. 21.50-25.00, Medium 260-500 lbs. 17.00- 20.00; few Good& Choice 400- 675 lbs. feeder bulls 25.00- 29.00, Good 200-550 lbs. 23.00- 26.50. CALVES 87. Vealers grading Standard & Good $2 to 38 higher, Utility mostly steady to 34 lower. In dividual Choice vealer at 60.00, Good 50.00-56.00, Standard 35.00-50.00, Utility 90-110 lbs. 20.00-28.00, 110-125 lbs. 28.00-37.00, 70-85 lbs. 15.00- Farm calves, few holstein bulls 90-110 lbs. 27.00- HOGS 222. Barrows & Gilts mostly $1 to $1.75 higher. US No. 1-3 200-235 lbs. barrows & gUts 42.00-42.50, No. 2-3 185- 230 lbs. 39.00-42.00, No. 2-4 250-300 lbs. 38.00-44.00, one lot No. 2-4 146 lbs. 34.25. US No. 1-3 285-560 lbs. sows 35.25-39.00, No. 2-3 300-700 lbs. 33.00-25.25. Boars 22.00- 27.00, FEEDER PIGS 106. US No. 1-3 20-35 lbs. feeder pigs 11.00- per head, No. 1-3 35-50 lbs. 20.00-23.50, Utility 15-25 lbs. 7.00-13.50 per head. SHEEP 0. No sales on offer. Lancaster Feeder Cattle Friday, January 31 Today Last Week FEEDER CATTLE: Compared to last Friday steers over 750 lb. fully steady, with weights under 750 lb. 50-1.00 higher. At tendance was increased over last week with sales arena filled to about half capacity. Supply included load mixed Choice and Prime feeder steers, couple loads Choice and load Standard and Good Holsteins, balance of supply mainly mixed Good and Choice 380-550 lb. feeder calves. FEEDER STEERS: Load mixed Choice and Prune 875 lb. 32.60; around 50 head Choice 720-805 lb. 29.00-30.25, one small lot Choice 395 lb. 30.00; few lots mixed Good and Choice 410-775 lb. 27.35- 27.75; Good 380-500 lb. 22 50- 26.00; load mixed Standard and Good 820-940 lb. Holsteins 18.75-19.75. FEEDER BULLS: Couple lots mixed Good and Choice i, il l I,in, 1 ili i‘ i ili'ii, 1 'i. February 6,1975 Thursday Feeder Cattle Auction. Estimated receipts 3,700. Same day last week 4,666.; Trade moderately active. Feeder Steers steady to strong. Choice Feeder Heifers steady to 1.00, in stances 1.50 lower, rest about steady. Few Slaughter Steers about steady with Wednesday. Slaughter Heifers weak to 2.00, in stances 3.00 lower. Bulk of supply mixed Good and Choice, and Choice 500-750 lb. Feeder Steers, 450-600 lb. Feeder Heifers. Moderate attendance buyers. FEEDER STEERS: Few Choice 400-500 lb. 25.00-25.25; 500-600 lb. 25.00-26.00; 600-700 lb. 25.25-27.75; couple lots 774-775 lb. 28.00-28.80, other 700-800 lb. 26.00-27.75; few 800-900 lb. 27.50-28.25. Few Mixed Good and Choice 434- 435 lb. 24.25-24.75 ; 500-600 lb. 23.25-25.00; 600-725 lb. 23.75- 25.00. Good 400-650 lb. 17.75- 22.50; lot Good 551 lb. Holsteins 14.10 and lot 767 lb. at 20.00. FEEDER HEIFERS: Choice 4(96-500 lb. 19.50-22.00; 500-600 lb. 21.25-22.75; few ‘•V.V. mSBSSSS /•«♦>»» iffiwjTy >**» ffP* s, f -iS^r \U Feeder Cattle 418 393 PARTICIPATING PURINA DEALERS To protect your cattle and hogs from pneumonia, PPLO arthritis, vibrionic dysentery, foot rot and erysipelas use Purina Tylan Injectable for the safe, long lasting protection and . treatment they need. There's Purina Tylan 50, Each cc contains 50 mg. tylosm. It's ideal for young growing swine and cattle. And there's Purina Tylan 200 with the same powerful ingredients, with four times the con centration. It's designed for economical use in finishing and mature hogs and cattle. Clip this ad . . . take to your f= —S] participating Purina Dealer. . . for your one free bottle of the same with every jiSI six bottles you buy. Oklahoma City *SS6* Vfl* »ot no *** •!v WMnMK IEVERY 6 YOU **| BUY AT ‘ 7«1 21.50-22.00; Mixed Good and Choice 300-425 lb. n.OO-lO.OOvthree lots 714-768 lb. 18.70410.30. Few Good 300- 500 lb. 14.75-17.00. . SLAUGHTER STEERS; Few mostly Good 644-748 lb. 26.00-30.00. SLAUGHTER HEIFERS: I/>t mostly Good 769 lb. at 30.60; other Good 450-625 lb. 20.60-25.75. For the Week: Compared to the close of last week, Feeder Steers strong to 1.00 higher; Choice Feeder Heifers steady to 50c higher, rest generally steady. Majority fleshy Heifers were going to slaughtering establishments. Slaughter Cows finished 1.00-2.00 higher. Slaughter Bulls closed 1.00-1.50 -higher. Salable receipts this week totaled near 7,400 head compared to 11,348 last week and 12,532 same period last year. Cows made up near 19 percent of cattle receipts, while were 76 percent of total. Read Lancaster Farming For Full Market Reports FREE BOTTLE OF PURINA TYLAN ECTABLE FOR
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