,6—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, Feb. 8,1975 I Honey Production Reported Maryland bees, busy producers of that delicious and flavorsome sweetner, honey and of beeswax, were fewer in number and less productive in 1974 than during the previous year. The Maryland Delaware Crop Reporting Service, the cooperative statistic gathering center of the USDA and the Maryland .Department of Agriculture, says that the state’s 12,000 bee colonies produced 284.000 pounds of honey and 6.000 pounds of wax in 1974. The 1973 yield was 442,000 and 8,000 pounds respec tively. There were 1,000 fewer bee colonies active than in 1973, when colonies numbered 13,000. Last year’s 12,000 colonies yielded 22 pounds You are cordially invited to see our Husky Equipment At the Carl & John layer's Farm with the HARVESTORE SLURRYSTORE SYSTEM. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 9:30 A.M. to 3:30 P.M. YOUR NO. 1 STOP FOR LIQUID MANURE EQUIPMENT THIS IS THE BEST PUMP FOR PROBLEM PITS Trailer Mounted 8-10-12 Ft. HUSKY 3100 in Maryland each, some 12 pounds less than in 1973, a substantial production fall off, mostly attributable to weather factors. John Lindner, beekeeping inspector for the Maryland Department of Agriculture, who operates out of Cum berland, says that the decline in honey production last year was primarily the result of unfavorable weather in spring and fall, which came Just at the time of the honey flow. He also pointed out that these climatic conditions ad versely affected bee swarming to reduce the number of colonies. By Maryland law, beekeepers and apiaries are required to .be registered with the Maryland Depart* HUSKY C 72 LIQUID MANURE PUMP m 3 point Hitch Mounted Husky Pumps Tanks - 1250 gal. 1875 gal. Tandem 2500 gal. Tandem 3000 gal. Tandem Pumps SHEWS FARM SERVICE RD4 Lititz, PA Phone 626-4355 ment of Agriculture, Apiary Inapeotion Office, Peat Management Section, College Park, Maryland 20742. Laat year there were 562 beekeepora and 750 apiaries so registered. Mr. Lindner inspected more than 6,000 colonies and rendered valuable assistance to hundreds of beekeepers. A major purpose of the registration law is to control and eliminate bee dleases, which reduce honey production. Only three apiaries had to be quaran tined in 1974. Most of the state’s apiaries are located in Western Maryland, where apple and peach orchards abound. The pollination function of bees is essential to the production of these and other fruits. Maryland’s 1974 honey is bringing an average of 67.1 cents per pound, as con trasted with 58.9 cents in 1973. The 1974 yield is valued at $177,000 and the wax at $7,000. At mid-December, Maryland producers had 32,000 pounds of honey on hand. U.S. production of honey reached 185,338 million pounds in 1974, down from 236,657 million the previous year. The average bee colony produced 44.2 pounds, while in the 20 major beekeeping states, the yield per colony was 60.2 pounds. Thus, Maryland production ran about 50 percent less than the U.S. average. 1975 TSC TSC TSC TSC TSC TSC TSC TSC TSC TSC TSC TSC W TRACTOR SUPPLY Lancaster, Pa. Phone 717-393-3149 £ TRAILER SPRAYERS 300 GAL TRAILER 8 ROW o Gas-Line h Anti-Freeze 0 Regular 49c J 3 S I y Prevents carburetor icing (/> and gas-line freeze-up f-2299. 8 *“TSC REG. LOW PRICE *664.00 Traveller® TRACTOR SUPPLY CO. 2400 W. Market 2217 Lincoln Hwy. E. 1818 N. Cameron York, Pa. Lancaster, Pa. Harrisburg, Pa. Items subject to stock on hand. TSC TSC TSC TSC TSC TSC TSC TSC Knowwhafs happening on the farming scene? Read Lancaster Farming for all the news! fBIG TRUCK | HAULING 8 WITH YOUR PICKUP AND THE:.. WHiSSSuSa. Agri-Trailer* 2217 LINCOLN HWY. E, LESS TIRES AND PUMP EARLY BIRD SAVING ON 2-4-D LV 400 WEED KILLER $14.50 I Jm Per Gal. 42-0105 Two-speed landing gear provides aasy hitching. Hitch this versatile trailar to your truck for road travel, switch it to your tractor for field loading. The Winnebago Agri-Trailer can carry as much as a 3-ton truck. It can haul over Th tons. Or 285 bushels of grain. Winnebago's sth wheel design gives unique stability. It turns short, backs up easy, and trails true at highway speeds without fishtailing. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiimmniiiiiiiiiiHiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiii CK OVER AN AGRI-TRAILER TODAY AT- EC-V CITY, INC. 66S Shiloh Pike Rt. 49 Bridieton, New Jersey 01302 *O9-451-3144 Send This Coupon For Free Brochure— NAME STREET STATI Price Good Thru Feb. 14,1975 Sava a Dollar Fortified Crumbles Regular M 0.95 g Choose aureomycin- or ter ramycin. 50 lb. bag. 22-0634. CLEARANCE!! POLYETHYLENE 16’x 100’ 20’ x 100’ 20’x 50’ 16’ x 100’ 20’ x 10” SAVE ON THESE SIZES NOW IN STOCK. TSC TSC TSC Easy hook-up with wida-opaning jaws of Pin & Plata. TSC TSC TSC TSi TSC TSC 3^\ CO. Portable Oil Space Heater 8 REGULAR $172.95 So 5 149' 95 * H Gives dependable, low cost, CO odor-free heat! 21-5025. ° COVERS 6 mil 6 mil 6 mil 8 mil 8 mil $41.95 51.95 39.95 61.95 76.95 - - 2-8-75 h ■ESP 8 < BANKftMERICAIi 8 TSC TSC TSC TSC TSC 8
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