0 One of the alternative energy conservation ideas being circulated in Washington involves rationing, there is a lot of talk that rationing would be better than higher gas and oil prices. Another point stressed is that rationing HOG PRODUCERS! Get Top Price for Your Hogs at j|* New Holland Sold in sorted lots the auction way. See them weighed and sold and pick up your check. SALE EVERY MONDAY 9:00 A.M. NEW HOLLAND SALES STABLES, INC. „ .. . Phone 717-354-4341 Daily Market Report Phone 717-354-7288 . Abe Diffenbach, Manager Build Your Future With Funk’s G-Hybrids The future That’s what it’s all about The future is today Tomorrow. Next year The rest of your lifetime Every business and personal decision you make has the sarrie.obje'ctives'To improve and protect vour family’s future One of these decisions is the selection of the seed corn you plant This is important! It directly affects the amount and quality of feed for your livestock, your income, and the most effective use of your valuable land, machinery, chemicals and time Consistently, year after year, Eastern corn growers who plant Funk’s G-Hybnds have found this choice to be a wise one. That's why the sale of Funk’s G4Hybrids is at an all-time high in the Hoffman 13 state sales area Funk’s G-Hybnds, developed by-the world’s most productive hybrid research team, are bred to deliver good gram and silage yields On rugged, strong-standing stalks Corn you can count on to make the most of your soil and season A.H. HOFFMAN SEEDS, INC. Landisville, Pa. 17538 Funk's is i Brand Name Numbars Identify Vanatias FUNK ■■■OS INTINNKnONAL, INC. Intarnatiana! Headquarters Bloeminflpn Illinois 61701 would be more equitable than higher prices that tend to favor the rich. But before you get sold on rationing, take a close look. First, consider the fact that those talking about it loudest are providing you with no details. Would everyone be The hmitatien ef warranty and remedy en the tag attached te each beg ef Funk s G Hybrid seld is a part of the terms ef sale thereof allocated five gallons, or ten gallons or fifteen gallons a week? We do not know because no one wants to get that specific. Rather they prefer to talk about giving the President stand-by rationing authority, or, in other words, put the monkey of coming up with details on his back. That way, these politicans will say that they have dealt with the energy problem by in stituting a rationing policy, but will take no respon sibility for the hardships that the precise regulations connected with the program might cause. If these lawmakers want rationing, let them come up with a specific program, not a stand-by program. Let them spell out the details of what they are proposing so that everyone has a chance to evaluate their plan before they consider it as a reasonable alternative. Why aren’t details being spelled out? The answer is because the specifics make rationing far less attractive. What if the upward limit per consumer turned out to be as low as five gallons per week? How many families could get by on that? Also, there is considerable question whether it is ail that equitable. There is a built-in assumption that some people are going to get more gas than others - those who use their car to make their living, those who need their car to obtain medical care, the farmer to run his machinery and many others who for good reason would qualify for an extra ration. Another major con sideration must be the possibility of black marketeering. The black market was very much a factor in the gas rationing efforts during World War II and can be expected because black market fuel would be most available to those most able to pay for it and the result would be dwindling supplies of fuel for those citizens who stayed legitimate. Finally, there is the question of price. Rationing does not guarantee a stable price. Therefore, you have to assume that any such program must also involve price controls. Such controls and rationing combine to establish the need for a huge new government bureaucracy to police the programs locally and ad- Bi •MDMMN TO TWB WOULD Lancaster Farmlnj, Saturday, Feb. 8,1975 Holsteins Receive Honors Hoistcin ■ Friesian Association of America has announced lifetime milk production credits of over 100 tons for three Penn sylvania Registered Holstcins. They Join a select group of over 700 cows of the breed to be recognized as "iron grandmas” by the Holstein Association. During their individual careers in food production, they each produced nearly 100,000 quarts of milk! Ann Star Osborndale 5201760 (EX-3E), whose lifetime output stands at 204,030 lbs. of milk and 6,754 lbs. of butterfat, is owned by Conewago Farms, Elizabethtown; Gautland Ivanhoe Loretta 5622393 (GP), whose lifetime output stands at 205,929 lbs. of milk and 8,166 lbs. of butterfat, is owned by John W. Gaut, Scottdale; and Roaring Maples Pilot Bess 5639560, who was owned by Roy H. & Ruth H. Book, Ronks, had a lifetime production of 202,270 minister them in Washington. That raises another question • who pays for this expansion of government? Obviously, the same taxpayer. may be right that the President’s plan to conserve fuel with higher prices is not the right one, but the case for rationing as a better plan has not yet been made. A real down-to-eart Air Planter The new Allis-Chalmers Air Planter has a seed drop of just 5'A" Closer than any other on the market today What does this do for you'’ Well, the shorter the drop the less chance there is for each seed to miss its target Which also means more uniform spacing And there s more Choice of unit drive or common drive Winkm Blmkm Monitoring Systems Electric motors that give you two-for-one savings Ask your Allis-Chalmers deale for more down-to-earth facts A ALLIS-CHALMERS BHM Farm Equipment, Inc. Annville.R D I.PA 717 *67 2211 Nissley Farm Service L H. Brubaker Washington Boro, PA 717 285 4844 /17-397-5179 Roy H. Buch, Inc. Ephrala, R D 2 717 859 2441 lbs. of milk and 7,019 lbs. of buttcrfat. Milk and buttcrfat records of more than 115,000 Registered Holstein cows on official test were added to the Holstein Association's files last year. Production testing is a herd im provement program which aids dairymen in main taining a more profitable operation. COMPLETE FARM PAINTING jH : i* d&* - WE USE BRUNING QUALITY PAINT AND IT DOES STAY ON'!! AERIAL LADDER EQUIPMENT: * Modern and Efficient Method * Reasonable Prices * Spray On and Brush In Method * Sandblasting if Necessary FOR FREE ESTIMATES WRITE: DANIELS. ESH (C RALPH MILLER) SPRAY-ON AND BRUSH-IN PAINTER BOX 350 A RONKS. PA 17572 n A. J. Noss I Son RD#2, Oley, PA 215 917 6257 Gnimelß Farm Service Quarryville, PA 717 7*6 7318 15
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