14 —Lancaster Farming, Saturday, Feb. 8. 1975 Poultry Diseases • the cause of most concern in the poultry business - may originate in a flock by three different means, according to a "Poultry Health Handbook” published by The Penn sylvania State University’s College of Agriculture. "Diseases are brought on BEEF SALES MONDAY 2:30 P.M. THURSDAY 12:00 NOON Sale Order - Fat Bulls, Steers, Stockers, Beef Cows and Veal Calves. NEW HOLLAND SALES STABLES, INC. Phone 717-354-4341 Daily Market Report Phone 717-354-7288 Abe Diffenbach, Manager Field Representatives • Bob Kllng 717-354-5023 Luke Eberly 215-267-0608 NOW! For Hog Men From... YOUR WAYNE DEALER All-New! Here’s great new profit-making help for you— all-new Wayne Tail Curler Rockets Pigs can be weaned as early as 3 weeks. This ore-starter formula is rich in milk products for added taste appeal and fast starts. Follow with all-new, highly fortified Wayne Tail Curler Pig Starter, with the quality protein to build 50 pounds of pig fast’ USE WAYNE ANIMAL HEALTH AIDS TO KEEP YOUR LIVESTOCK AND POULTRY HEALTHY _ WBSS WYIUg I From jimimai I Allied Jliils: ; (NNWATtKS BRANDT’S MILL SADDLERY SHOP 830 Maple St Lebanon. Pa 17042 DUTCHMAN FEED MILLS, INC. R D 1, Stevens HAROLD H. GOOD Terre Hill HERSHEYBROS. Reinhoids H. M. STAUFFER & SONS, INC. Witmer J.C. WALKER COMPANY Gap, Pa JE'MAR FARM SUPPLYING. Lawn - Ph 964-3444 Disease Handbook the farm with new poultry, contamination as a result of carry - over from previous flocks, and are introduced by a lack of sanitation or relaxation of security measures,” said Dr. L. Dwight Schwartz, Penn State Extension veterinarian and author of the If you have fat cattle or need feeders . . . THINK NEW HOLLAND Feed for the difference innovations make. Feed Wayne. MOUNTVILLE FEED SERVICE R 0 2, Columbia PARADISE SUPPLY Paradise CHARLES E.SAUDER &SONS R D 1, East Earl STEVENS FEED MILL INC. Stevens, Pa FOWL’S FEED SERVICE R D 2. Peach Bottom VAN-MAR FEEDS INC. Leesoort Pa WHITE OAK MILL R 0 5, Manheim publication. The handbook is designed to provide poultrymcn, servicemen, ficldmen, and hatcherymcn with a ready and accessible source of information about poultry diseases and other aspects of poultry health. “The introductory section induces such topics as a sanitation outline, a )l# tl of reliable disinfectants, a description of the Penn sylvania Vaccination Program, and other facts useful for creating and maintaining sound poultry health programs,” Dr. Sch wartz points out. Another section covers the respiratory diseases of poultry regardless of the causative agent - virus, bacteria, protozoa, or parasites. Still another section is devoted to miscellaneous poultry diseases. The book may be pur chased for $2.50 plus 6 percent Pennsylvania sales tax. Make check or money order payable to The Penn sylvania State University and send with your name and address to POULTRY HEALTH HANDBOOK, Box 6000, University Park, Pa. 16802. Solanco Dairy Club The Solanco Dairy Club held its first meeting recently with Tom Galbreath, president, presiding. Officers elected at the meeting included: Joe Winters, president; Marshal Trimble, vice-president and Donna Akers, secretary reporter. Dr. William Fredd ad dressed the club on the purpose of meeting, stating LOW COST WAREHOUSING Options: • Additional passdoors • Sliding doors • Additional overhead doors • 3' x 2' aluminum siide-by-windows • 3' x 3' aluminum slide-by-windows • 4' x 3' aluminum slide-by-windows • Insulation T _ /I . 9 and Dr. Joe H. McQahcn, Lancaster County s ,r s /n n n „ « afternoon program, which la Crops & Soils Day 1 J weed control in major farm Of .IP 171 1 *| A crops and the outlook for Mated tor reb. lo ftrxrtLS!! for *2. maximum returns from the Dr. Willis L. McClellan, '75 com crop. The 15th annual Lancaster County Crops and Soils Day program has been scheduled for Tuesday; February 18, at the Lancaster Farm and Home Center, associate Lancaster County agent Arnold Lueck announced this week. The doors to the Farm and Home Center auditorium will open on the exhibits and displays at 8:30 a.m. The program will begin an hour later when Lueck will present a film on water movement in soils, and give some of his observations on crop production. Other morning speakers will be Dr. W. Wayne Hinish, Penn State extension agronomist, who will talk about adjusting soil test recommendations, efficient fertilizer use and new soil tests in the works. John Yocum, superintendent of the Penn State Southeast Field Research Lab at Landisville, will give an update on alfalfa, soybeans and tobacco. Henry F. Nixon, director of the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture’s Bureau of Plant Industry, will round out the morning with a presentation on licensing procedures for pesticide applicators. Lunch wUI be available at the Farm and Home Center that learning to appreciate dairy animals as well as developing skills in judging and showing were some of the main ideals of the organization. The club decided that the meeting would be held on Wednesday evenings at 7:30 p.m. ♦4,970. 6” x 48* x 12* Light Commercial 28' INCLUDES 12' x 12’ Sliding Door 3’ x 6' 8" Pass Door Available Sizes: Width: 28’6”, 36', 44', 50', 60' Length: 16' increments Height: 12'4", 14'4",'16'4" Overhead door opening; 12' W X 10' H SUPPLY CENTER 1027 DILLERVILLE ROAD, LANCASTER, PA PHONE 717-397-4761 . : S\ ,S> ! 'I
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