MILKING PROBLEM THESE PROBLE CALL YOUR BOU-MATIC DEALER NOW. WE ARE HERE TO HELP YOU. BOU-MATIC TECHNOLOGY PROFESSIONAL INSTALLATION • AUTOMATIC DETACHERS AND SERVICE • VACUUM PUMPS PIPELINE SYSTEMS • BULK TANKS AUTOMATED HERRINGBONES • PIPELINE WASHERS AUTOMATED CAROUSELS • PRE COOLERS AUTOMATED POLYGONS • REPLACEMENT PARTS. BOU CROWDING GATES MATIC INSTALLATIONS STIMULATION STALLS • AUTOMATED SIDE OPENING MILKERS STALLS • BUCKET SYSTEM Professional milking systems for the milking professional COMPLETE PLANNING - INSTALLATION - SERVICE SHEIK’S FARM R.D.4, LITITZ, PA. PHONE 626-4355 FREE CONCRETE When You Buy Any Butler Farmsted® Building... For a Limited Time Only! It's all yours. Free. Enough concrete for an 8" wide curtain wall foundation when you buy a Butler Farmsted* building. The amount of concrete fur nished is limited to the amount specified in the Butler foundation drawings (§, $26.75 per yard maximum. If you elect to pour a complete concrete floor, you’ll be credited the amount of concrete required forthe curtain wall foundation. All-Metal Farmsted is fire-resistant and termite-proof. Clear-span interior. No space-stealing rafters or trusses. Easily insulated. Complete accessories avail able. Offered in a variety of sizes. Adaptable to almost any farm or ranch use. Don’t miss out on the free concrete. Offer expires midnight March 31,1975. FARMILL CONSTRUCTION and REPAIR Spudersburg, Pa. SERVICE (Contlnuid (rom Pag* 1| economics. Besides, the closest processing plants right now arc in western Ohio and Michigan. It would cost a lot to ship beets that far.” Eakm lo not even keen on people growing sugar beets in their gardens. ‘‘Beets arc only about 15-percent sugar," he said, "Raw beets don’t even have a sweet taste, and they’re not fit for human consumption. The extraction process is very complicated, that’s why it takes an expensive processing plant. I’ve heard from some people who want to know if they can make CURTAIN WALL How Not To Beet JJ)/ CASH IN ON mk EARLYBIRD SPECIAL On Lawn & Garden Equipment Tune Up & Service Special Take this coupon & your lawn mower, I chain saw, tiller or Lawn & Garden | tractor to John L. Stauffer Repair | Service for a $3.00 deduction on your I bllL ONE PER UNIT LF. \ OFFER ENDS FEB 28. 1975 j -JohnL Stauffer REPAIR SERVICE Vz mile N. of Goodville on Union Grove Rd. Phone: 445-6175 beet sugar the same way they make maple sugar, but there's no remote similarity between the two processes. "All you have to do with maple syrup is boil it long enough. Beets need grinding, crushing, heat, pressure, chemicals - it's very com plicated. You Just can’t make your own sugar from back yard beets.” Eakln’s pessimistic comments were echoed in a letter from Gerald Coe, a research geneticist with the USDA’s field crops laboratory in Beltsville, Md. ' One-by-one, Coe ticked off the points against sugar beets, with a single tick BUTLER KAN-SUN BATCH DRYER * Ph. 687-7659 Lancaster Farming, Saturday, Feb. 8,1975 in their favor. He, too, pic tured an outlook that is heavily against beet production here. Coe said: 1. It takes a $40,000,000 factory to extract the sugar from sugnrbccts. 2. It takes about 3 years to build one of these factories. 3. Until 1974, the return on the capital investment in a sugar-beet factory was extremely small. I would guess less than 5 percent in most years, and in some years no profit at all. For this reason, the only fac tories built in the U.S. in recent years have been in North Dakota by Farmer’s Co-ops, where the profit is in growing large sugarbeet acreages and not in factory operation. Knowledgeable people realize that by the time a sugarbeet factory is built the price of sugar may be back down to 11- or 12- cents a pound. Therefore, it is nearly impossible to at tract outside capital into a sugarbeet factory. 4. A sugarbeet factory operates about 90 to 120 days a year. This is the maximum length of time beets can be stored after harvesting. Deterioration in root storage piles makes it unfeasible to process for a longer period. Sugarbeet factories contract acreage to growers in order to assure an adequate supply and to prevent an over- MEMO HAY, STRAW and EAR CORN SALE EVERY MONDAY AT 11A M EVERY WEDNESDAY 12:00 NOON NEW HOLLAND SALES STABLES. INC. Phone-717-354-4341 Lloyd H Kreider Auct butler AGRIBUILDER supply. Therefore, the sugarbccta are grown rather close to the factory. Hauling costs make it uneconomical to grow beets very for from the factory. 5. Permanent factory employees spend most of the year repairing factory equipment getting ready for the next campaign < harvest season). Trained personnel to operate and repair a factory are scarce, and they do not like moving to a factory in a new area because the chances of the operation being a success are rather small. 6. Several years of ex perimental trials in a new area are essential to be sure sugarbeets can be grown successfully. 7. Even when sugarbeets can be grown successfully, a thorough economic feasibility study is essential to be certain farmers will grow sugarbeets year after year. Farmer ownership of the factory is one means of insuring a supply of beets, but even this will not work if competing crops are too attractive. Unlike com or wheat, an unusually large number of factors have to be ideal before the growing of sugarbeets is practical even in areas where sugarbeets can be grown. We have had many inquiries from people who, under present market conditions, think they would like to get into the sugarbeet business. I can only recommend that they -proceed with extreme caution, get all the facts, call m experts from sugarbeet growing areas, and then get into the business when there seems to be no other alter native. Actually, this is a pessimistic point of view, but not too far from a realistic outlook.” • the farmer whose daily harvest rate is under 2 100 bushels • the farmer who is drying gram for the first time and wants to make a minimum dryer investment • the feeder who raises limited amounts of gram and doesn’t want to haul his gram to town for drying and haul it back for feed • . the farmer with separate field and storage locations, the portable Kan-Sun Batch Dryer can be moved to the gram, and to the storage • the farmer who owns an m-bm system such as Butler Stor-N-Dry® and wants to increase his daily drying rate he will use the Kan Sun for drying and the bins as cooling and storage tanks (dryeration) The Butler Kan Sun Batch Dryer can remove 10 points of moisture from 90 bushels of corn an hour In a 24 hour drying day the total dried and cooled will be 2.100 bushels Using dryeration can increase drying capacity to 2 700 bushels 17
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