TRY A CLASSIFIED AD! ANTIQUE SALE ON SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 18-10 A.M. at the Black and White Holstein Farm, Lancaster, Pa. across from the Comet Drive-in-Theatre on Rt. 283. Winchester Gun collection of 44 different guns dated from 1860 1908 International automobile, top con dition. Old coins including gold pieces. Truck load of antique glassware Many other items too numerous to mention, over 400 in all. CHARLES C. MYERS ABE DIFFENBACH, Auct. OWNER 400 REGISTERED HOLSTEINS SELLING!! (FEATURING 40 RED & WHITE AND 360 BLACK & WHITE) (225 Cows - 60 Bred Heifers - 60 Open Heifers - 50 Younger Heifers - 5 Bulls All Eligible For Immediate Interstate Shipment CHARLES D. BLAISURE COMPLETE DISPERSAL (All Salable Animals) Monday & Tuesday, November 20 & 21 (10:30) A.M At the farm north of York, Pa. off Rte. 1-83.. Coming from north (Harrisburg) get off at Exit 12, turn right, go to last cross road turn right again and farm lane on left. Coming from south (York), get off at Exit 11, turn left, go to Ist Stop Sign, turn right and go to village of Zion View and turn left toward Mt. Washington Church. Farm lane on left. LOUDEN HILL ELEVATION (EX-PQ 5/72) SELLS WITH OVER 30 DAUGHTERS Born Oct 20,1965 and proven at 16,137-lb milk level. USDA Sire Summary 5-72 PQ 11 dtrs. ave 1 27 recs. 16,137 M 540 F Pred Diff 383 M +2 fat His 5 class dtrs ave. 82 8. He is a son of Tidy Burke Elevation from a “VG-88” dtr of “Ivanhoe”, next dam “EX”. He is, therefore a % brother to the famed Round Oak RA Elevation. He has dtrs selling with up to nearly 19,000-lbs milk Udder description show him especially strong in siring udder support and udder quality. OTHER TOP SIRES WITH DAUGHTERS SELLING!! Lassie Leader 40 Penstate Ivanhoe Star 20 Selling Rockman 19 Mooseheart Pioneer 7 Rosafe Citation R 6 Paclamar Astronaut 6 Thornlea Texal Supreme 2 Hilltop Apollo Ivanhoe 3 Roybrook Telstar 1 Osborndale Ivanhoe 2 Romandale Divedend Performer 22 THE 40 RED & WHITES ARE A SENSATIONAL GROUP!! A sensational group, carefully selected and bred. Three are by Agro Acres Marquis Ned “EX" and they make up a top “Get” for any show that required three progeny. A Milk & Honey Ivanhoe from a “VG” Rosafe Citation R is another standout. A great deal of Rosafe Citation R blood in this herd h. When have 40 Red & Whites Registered been sold i. one dispersal. An exceptional Opportunity. Financing available by contracting Charles C Myers, 2220 Dairy Lane, Lancaster, Pa. ahead of the sale. Phone 717-569-2106. See the Nov. 10 issue of Holstein World for pictures and more detail MAKE YOUR PLANS TO ATTEND THIS GREAT 2 DAY HOLSTEIN DISPERSAL!! Open House for refreshments Sun. & Mon. mtes ahead of sale ». mm backus me. Mpt"® Sale Mgrs. & Auctioneers 2220 Dairy Lane Mexico, N.Y. 21M 315-963-7231 717-569-2106 CHHUES D. BUISURE Owner, York, Pa. R.D.4 York, Pa Public Sales Register Tn! 13 i 7 'F l^^ l Annua j WED NOV 15 -11 AM Public Renlacpnfpn? Sale of Farm Real Estate and Wn&T i C ff Ul t A/. 1 \ / Household Goods located in Woodstock Livestock Market, pprrv rvinntv mtnatpd 2 miles U S Route 11, Woodstock, Va. Perry County Sltuatea 2 milefa Public Sale Real Estate, Farm Machinery, Hay, Straw, Household Goods & Antiques SATURDAY NOV. 18, 1972 at- 10:30 A.M. Sharp Located approv 1 mile west ol Glen Rock & 3 mile from Rt. 83, oil Rt. 216, turning at Strausbaugh Pontiac Garage and follow signs to sale. REAL ESTATE—T 25 ACRE FARM Large farm oi 125 acres ol which thexe aic ap piu\ 100 acies ol laiming land and the balance pasture and woodland Improiements consist ol a 7 room 2 ston, iramc house with bathioom, oil 1 1 red hot an furnace, electric hot water heater, also a 5 loom Iramc lenam house with bath & electric hot watei heate’ othei impro\ements are alg bank bain, silo, corn bam & implement shod & othei outbuildings Watei is supplied to the laim kw a ne\ci (ailing spnng and theie is a Jg stieam 1 lowing tmough the pastuie This lain l . has mani possibilities a-, an m\cstment ol near Glen Rock or just as a iei ;> good gems a! larm Terms 10 '< down daj ol sale, balance in 60 Real Estate to be olteied at 1 00 PM Inspection eienings and weekends JD 4020 Uacot with 3 pi. hook, powei lues icai & lulh equipped, J.D 620 tracot tullj equipped. JD 60 tractor, J.D A tractor, J.D 24T baler like new. baled less than 3000 bales, J D ;£M2S 4 - 16” tup bot tom high beam plow, Int 7 It PTO combine, cut about 120 acres (like new), J.D 10 It. transput disc on rubber, JD 12 st 4 section harrow. Case 10 ft cultipacker, Oluer 2 bottom plow, 8 It. disc, 8 It Durham cultipacker. 12 hoe Ontanondnll, JD. —227 2 row corn picker, good cond , anothei ;b227 coin picker tor parts only, JD #5 7 It mower, JD. Model R 95 bu tractor manure spreader, JD. Model L 75 bu. manure spreader, JD ;p:45 manure loader, Ohter 2 row 7 corn plantei, Oliver 2 barrel sprajer, Oluer 3 barrel trailer sprayer, 3 sets ol JD culti lators, David Bradley side delivery rake, 24 It hai & grain elevator; Smoker drag eleiator, heavj dut> J.D 14 ft. wagon with tight bed & sides, like new, J.D 16 ft. flat bed wagon; Int. wagon running gears; Int. flat bed wagon; Case wagon; Int combine motor, %HP electric motor; 275 gal skid tank; tractor saw'; potato plow; furrow plow, 2 & 4 hole hog feeders, drill press; false end gate wagon unloader, platform scales, gasoline motor; and a wagon load of the usual small farm tools & misc. items 1961 Chevy % ton pickup truck Approx. 12 ton ol clover & timothj hay, approx. 10 tons of wheat straw; approx 6 tons barley straw ; some loose oats straw; approx. 250 bu barley; 2 bu. home grown clover seed HOUSEHOLD GOODS & ANTIQUES Kelvinator electric stove; 9 pc. dining room suite; small modern corner cupboard; 21 in. B&W TV; oak bedroom suite; bed, washstand & dresser, other wash stands; dressers; buffet; vanity; spool stand; end tables; chair; hassock; desk; antique rocker; high chair; portable sewing machine; metal porch chairs; 2 iron kettles; wood box; some dishes, pots, pans; and many items too numerous to mention. Terms: cash or approved check. Mr. & Mrs. Russell Forry Glen Rock, Pa. R.D.#2, owners Robert L. Sechrist, auctioneer Ph. 382-4379 John Hope Anderson, clerk Not responsible for accidents FARM MACHINERY HAY & STRAW Lunch served Lancaster Farming, Saturday, November 11,1972 west of Duncannon, Pa just off Rt 274 Sale by Linda M Achenbach, Estate, John W Achenbach Executor, Mary Louise Doudnck Executrix Dean Shull Landisburg Pa , Auctioneer THURS NOV 16 - 930 A M Complete Diary Herd and Farm Machinery Dispersal located approx 4 miles east ot h awn Grove, Pa about ' t mile off Rt 851 along Gross Road, in Peach Bottom Twp , York Co , Pa Sale by Mr & Mrs J Edgar Gross. Whiteford, Md owners Robert L Sechnst. Auctioneer THURS NOV 16-11 AM Melvin Kolb, Inc Monthly Holstein Cattle Auction at his Maryland Farm Sale Barn, located mi NW of Woodsboro, on Rl 550. Frederick Co Mel Kolb Sale Manager, James G Trout, Auctioneer THURS NOV 16 -12 Noon Tubhc Auction Estate of John R Ennis, t-a Ennis Brothers, Rt 13 DuPont Highway at Odessa Delaware. Bank of Delaware Executor Rudmck and Matas. Auctioneers, 212 W Bth Street, Wilmington, Delaware FRI NOV 17 - 7 30 P M Public Sale of Holstein Grade Dair\ Cattle located along Herr Drive, 2 miles South of Rt 222. Irom Robert Fulton Birthplace, 5 miles South of Quarryville, 1 mile Northeast of Little Britain Presbyterian Church Andrew Jackson Complete Milking Herd Dispersal Terms by Kreider and Diller, Auctioners FRI NIGHT NOV 17- BPM 60 Head Grade and Purebred Holsteins at the Black and While Holstein Farm, Lancaster Pa across from the Comet Drwe-m Theatre or '-i mi west of. breeding unit Charles C Myers, Owner, Abe Dilfenbach, Auc tioneer (Continued On Page 34) PUBLIC SALE Valuable Farm Machinery, Personal Property & Antiques on Saturday, Nov. 25,1972 at 111 A.M Sharp at RDI, Windsor, Pa on Route 624 between Martinsville and Bittersville The undersigned having sold our farm will offer at Public Sale The following' Ford Jubilee tractor A-l shape, mower, cultivators, plow, weeder, rotary mower, disc, corn planter, New Idea manure spreader, Emco rubber tire wagon, Myers sprayer, side delivery rake on steel, Ontario 9 hoe gram drill, Sauder manure loader and scoop, 3 section spring harrow, Cardinal conveyor, hay tedder, Oliver plow, shovel plow, lime spreader, 3 wheelbarrows, single and double trees, 2 housings, grain bags, hog troughs, ladders, corn sheller, usual wagon items Also personal property and antiques Note Farm items will be sold first Not responsible for accidents on day of sale Refreshments by Salem Sunday School Class. Terms Cash Mr. & Mrs. John Massa Jacob A. Gilbert, Auc tioneer. Kline, Gilbert & Leher, Clerks. 33
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