—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, November 11, 1972 32 Small Sire Breeds For Easier Calving Mating 2-year-old heifers to bulls of one of the smaller breeds would help cattlemen avoid many of the calving difficulties associated with mating young cows to large sire breeds. Calving difficulty is an in creasing problem m the beef industry with the use of the larger exotic breeds Economically, calving difficulties are a major cause of calf mortality and in creased labor requirements. Now, scientists know that the subsequent reproduction of the cow is also affected The effects of several factors on calving difficulty and the subsequent result of calving difficulty on reproductive per formance were studied by ARS scientists led by Danny B Laster, U S Meat Animal Research Center, Clay Center, Nebr In the 4-year study, 1,889 Hereford and Angus cows were bred as yearlings, 2,3, and 4 year olds. All were 2 years old at first calving Sire breeds were Hereford, Angus, Jersey, South Devon, Limousin, Simmental, and Charolais The cows were bred by ar tificial insemination Calving difficulty was scored as no dif ficulty, difficulty, and posterior presentation No difficulty meant the cow received no assistance or only minor hand assistance Difficulty meant a mechanical calf puller was used or the calf was removed surgically All calves were weighed within 24 hours of birth Results showed that calves sired by Charolais, Simmental, Limousin, and South Devon bulls were heavier at birth, and cows experienced mor salving dif ficulty with these calves than with those sirec by Hereford, Angus, or Jersey bulls The percent difficulty was higher in Hereford than in Jersey-sired calves There was no significant dif ference in the percent difficulty among Charolais, Simmental, Limousin, and South Devon bulls nor between Angus and Jersey sired calves Overall, Hereford cows had 8 percent more difficulty than Angus cows In calves, an increase in 1 pound at birth resulted in a 1 05 1 Moriarty W SUBSIDIARY WICKESCORP dear-span BUILDINGS o Professionally engineered structures, wide clear spans. • Rust-free aluminum or corrosion-resistant steel siding and roofing. Beautiful colors. • Free planning service. compare our quality CHECK OUR LOW PRICE For local service, call 717-733-7750 percent increase in calving difficulty. Cow age also had a significant effect on calving difficulty Two year-old cows had 36 percent more difficulty than 3 year olds, and 45 percent more difficulty than 4 and 5 year olds. Difficult births were 9 percent higher in 3 PUBLIC SALE NOVEMBER 18, Located midway between E'town, Hershey, and Middletown, IVz miles West of Deodate along Rt. 341, Colebrook Rd, Conewago Twp, Dauphin Co., Pa. 105 ACRES, more or less —80 Acres under Cultivation, balance in woodland and pasture land with stream 45 x 75 ft FRAME BANK BARN with Im plement shed attached Milk House, Corn Barn, Hog Stye, and french Silo adjoining to Barn, 22 x 30 ft. chicken house 2 1 /z STORY FRAME HOUSE with slate roof containing 10 rooms and bath Pressure water system New oil heat and bathroom (1971). Spring House, Summer House, and 3-Car Garage. This Farm has a good location with lots of road frontage. School bus at end of lane Could be made as a modern dairy or steer farm. If need of a farm—don’t miss this one l Tobacco rails, poplar boards, silo boards. Anyone wishing to view this farm may do so Saturday, November 4 and Saturday, November 11 from 1 to 4 PM or by calling 665-4136 for an appointment Terms: 10 percent down. Sale at 2 P.M. Charles Henry, Attorney, Lebanon Rufus Geib, Auctioneer Manheim, R.D. 2 Public Sale OF Holstein Grade DAIRY CATTLE Location Along Herr Drive, 2 miles South of Route 222 from Robert Fulton Birthplace, 5 miles South of Quarryville, 1 mile Northeast of Little Britain Presbyterian Church. FRIDAY, NOV. 17, 1972 7:30 P.M. Andrew Jackson complete milking herd dispersal. 33 cows, 6 first calf Heifers just fresh, 24 fresh Sept. 1 to Nov. 30, balance early winter. 18 years of Atlantic Breeding. This is strictly a Fall herd. Looking for Fall milk? Do not miss this evening sale. Terms by Kreider and Diller, Auctioneers. year olds than in 4 and 5 year olds. A significant finding was that calving difficulty had a definite adverse effect on rebreeding. During a 45-day rebreeding period, the percentage of cows detected in heat was 14.4 percent lower in cows requiring assistance at calving than in those not requiring assistance. Conception rate in cows bred by artificial insemination was 15.6 percent lower in cows with calving difficulty than in those without. During the total breeding period, cows that had experienced difficulty had a 15.9 percent lower conception rate. OF 105 ACRE FARM TO BE HELD SATURDAY, at 2 P.M, Sale by. ADA W. BRANDT ESTATE Mrs. Elsie B. Snavely Mrs. Lillian B. Kreider Executrixes 1972 READ LANCASTER FARMING Public Sale OF REAL ESTATE Located on the Bell Road, 4 miles South of Nine Points, 6 miles North of Oxford, Colerain Twp., Lancaster County, Pa. SATURDAY, NOV, 25,1972 1:00 P.M. A beautiful 77 acre farm, more or less. 4 acres woodland, balance in high state of cultivation. Large bank barn with 29 stan chions, new 16 x 60 stave silo with unloader, corn barn and implement shed, IVi story stone and frame dwelling with 9 rooms and 2 baths, automatic hot air oil heat with a never failing well. An opportunity of a life time to buy a fertile farm as level and nice as this one. Terms by Leigh Walton Christiana RD# 1 Ph: 717-529-2767 10% down and owner will give first mortgage. Interviews will be given all Satur day afternoons prior to sale. Kreider and Diller, Auctioneers. PUBLIC SALE OF DAIRY HERD, FARM MACHINERY SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 18,1972 The undersigned will offer at Public Sale on the prem ises, located along Goshen Mill Road, 2 Miles West of Route 272, 2 Miles Northwest of Wakefield, 2 Miles South of Chestnut Level, Drumore Township, Lancaster Co., Pa. Watch for Sale Signs along Route 272. VI GRADE COWS 50 HEAD OF HOLSTEIN 10 FRESH in Last 8 Weeks; 20 SPRINGERS, some due by Sale Day; Balance in all stages of production Farmers don’t miss this sale if you are in need of Cows. 30-Day Test, Pregnancy Cheeked. Cows sold at 1:00 P.M, FARM MACHINERY 1963 CHEVROLET %-TON TRUCK; 3 TRACTORS 630 John Deere, good condition; 1020 John Deere, with 37 Loader, good condition; John Deere B, with Cultivator; 7-Ft. John Deere Side Mower; New Idea Manure Spreader, used one year, PTO; New Idea Forge Wagon, front and back unload, used 1 year; Allis Chalmers Crimper, new; John Deere 14T Baler; John Deere No, 12 Harvester; John Deere No. 16-A Flail Chopper; John Deere 1-Row Corn Picker; John Deere 15-Disc Drill, on rubber; John Deere 28-Disc; John Deere 2-Row Corn Planter, 3-Pt.; John Deere 32-Ft. Elevator, like new. John Deere 3-Bottom Plow, 16" 3-Pt.; Oliver 2-Bottom Plow, 16", 3-Pt.; Scraper, 3-Pt.; 2 Grain Wagons; 9-Ft. Cultipacker; Massey Ferguson Rake, on rubber; 3-Section Harrow; Fertilizer Spreader; Stauffer 2.Row Tobacco Planter; Rubber Tire Wagon, 16-Ft. Bed; Wagon Beds; 2 Minnich Tobacco Presses; 8,000 Tobacco Laths; Tobacco Shears;Milk Cans; Milk Tank Washer; 2 Universal Milk ers; 50-lb. Dumping Station; Hot Water Heater, glass lined, 52 gallons; Stainless Steel Tubs; Tractor Chains; Chains', and many articles not mentioned. Sale at 11:00 A.M. Terms by ARTHUR R. Frank and Paul Snyder, Auots. 859-2688 or 733-7052 Lunch by Robert Fulton Fire Company Not Responsible for Accidents HAY, CORN, STRAW LONG, JR.
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