Upward Mobility Program Begun Secretary of Agriculture Earl L. Butz has established a Departmental Upward Mobility Program to help lower grade U.S. Department of Agriculture employees acquire added skills and education needed to compete for advancement to better jobs. The program, created with an Hanging Waterers Start to Finish For Broilers, Layers, & Turkeys Will Work On all Pressures up to 100 Pounds. CHICK THESE FEATURES: is Detachable Starting Ring is Variable Weight Ballast (adjustable for light or heavy birds) Saddle Connector to Hook to Water Line is 10 ft. Water Line Waters Day old thru to Market p* Suspended by Plastic Coated Cord. is Made of High Quality Plastic BIG DUTCHMAN (§) A Division of U.S. Industries, Inc. EASTERN BRANCH 215 Diller Ave., New Holland, Pa. 17557 initial budget of $1.2 million, is the outgrowth of recom mendations made by the Secretary’s Task Force on Up ward Mobility. The Task Force found the need for a coordinated Departmentwide program to provide employees in the lower grades with training, education Round Plastic By US Ag Dept. and job-opportunities leading to positions of greater respon sibilities The Upward Mobility Program is composed of four major components: General Education Development (GED) - To help USDA employees without a high school diploma to earn a high school equivalency certificate Operation Upgrade - Designed to move lower level employees into skilled, sub professional, administrative and para-professional positions through job experience and formal skills training Career Opoortunities Program - To provide educational and career coun seling for some metropolitan area employees College Study Program - To provide college study op portunities leading to the AA, BA or BS degree. The Upward Mobility Program is designed to aid USDA em ployees in General Service (GS) grades 1 through 10 and equivalent The newly-created Upward Mobility Program will be com posed of two units a Depart mental Upward Mobility Board and an Upward Mobility Unit in the Office of Personnel The overall program will be coor dinated by the Director of Per sonnel The Upward Mobility Program is designed to use existing manpower resources to the best advantage. Secretary Butz said m a memorandum creating the program WATER PIPE*/ ' SADDLE I CONNECTOR I PLASTIC COATED CORD BLACK TUBING 10 S /Vi PLASTIC SLIDE / J j TUBING GUIDE HANGING STRAP I' Phone 354-5168 Lancaster Farming, Saturday, November 11.1972 Milk Sanitarians Conclude Workshop The Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture’s 17 milk sanitarians have just concluded their annual workshop for the purpose of discussing new con cepts and problems experienced in routine inspections during the past year Secretary of Agriculture Jim McHale said that for the first time personnel engaged by local municipalities for the inspections of milk and milk products were also invited to attend Recent legislation permits the Secretary to appoint these individuals to act as his agents Seven of the eight local governments accepting the designation were in attendance McHale said the municipal inspectors expressed an ap preciation tor the workshop and for the opportunity to work together with the state sanitarians as a team It is an Using Yesterday’s Methods To Build Tomorrow’s Beef? Are you profiting from the latest rumen nutri tion findings? They prove conclusively that you can build beef faster, with fess feed, on “protein variety" instead of the old fashioned “single protein" supplement (such as soy bean meal), Wayne Beef Balancers are in tune with the times. Let their appetite-stimu lating ingredients and tested, protein-varied contents, with stilbestrol, aureomycin and cost-cutting urea, get your beef to market faster. Formulated to fill your individual feed s' ■ needs. See us I ROHRER’SMILL R. D. 1, Ronks JE'MAR FARM SUPPLY INC. Lawn Ph • 964-3444 H. JACOB HOOBER Intercourse, Pa. HAROLD H. GOOD Terre Hill GRUBB SUPPLY CO. Elizabethtown E. SAUDER & SONS R D. 1, East Earl HERSHEY BROS. Reinholds WHITE OAK MILL R. D. 4, Manheim ticiapted that the joint sessions will be continued in the future State milk sanitarians protect the quality of milk from the farm to the doorstep by supervising the activities of approved farm in spectors and the inspection of handling and processing equipment of raw milk and finally the refrigeration facilities that store milk until it is pur chased by the consumer In addition, sanitarians are responsible for checking labels and approving the facilities and techniques of dairy laboratories and analysts Much Mocha Coffee is consumed eithei as a hot oi cold drink In about one-thud of the worlds population in amounts behe\ed largei than foi am othei bevei a fie USE WAYNE ANIMAL HEALTH AIDS TO KEEP A OCR LIVESTOCK AND POULTRY HE\LTHY MOUNTVILLE FEED SERVICE R D 2, Columbia DUTCHMAN FEED MILLS. INC. R. D. 1, Stevens STEVENS FEED MILL, INC. Stevens, Pa. r- PARADISE Su4PLY Paradise FOWL’S FEED SERVICE R. D. 2, Peach Bottom H. M. STAUFFER & SONS, INC. Witmer 31
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