—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, November 11, 1972 34 Public Sales Register (Continued From Page 33) NOV 17 - 9 A M Public Auction of Dairy Farm Jug Milk Operation, Park Crest Farms, State College, Penna. Terms by Mrs Herbert Jordan FRI NOV 17- 10 AM. Farm Machinery Auction Sale located 4 miles North of York, Pa. on Route 181, Exit 10 or 11 off in terstate 83 Emigsville, Pa SAT NOV 18-2 PM Public Sale of 105 Acre Farm located midway between E-town, Hershey, and Middletown, 1' 2 miles West of Deodate along Rt 341, Colebrook Rd., Conewago Twp, Dauphin Co , Pa Sale by Ada W. Brandt Estate, Mrs Elsie B Snavely and Mrs Lillian B Kreider, Executrixes Rufus Geib. Auc tioneer SAT NOV 18-11 A M Public Sale of Dairy Herd, Farm Machinery of the premises, located along Goshen Mill Road, 2 miles west of Route 272, 2 miles Northwest of Wakefield, 2 miles south of Chestnut Level, Drumore Township, Lancaster Co., Pa Sale by Arthur R Long, Jr , Frank and Paul Snyder, Auc tioneers SAT NOV 18- 10 30 A M Public Sale of Real Estate, Farm Machinery, Hay, Straw, Household Goods and located approx 1 mile west of Glen Rock and 3 miles from Rt. 83, off Rt 216, turning at Strausbaugh Pontiac Garage and follow signs to sale Sale by Mr & Mrs Russell Forry, Glen Rock, Pa RD2, owners, Robert L Sechnst, Auctioneer SAT NOV 18- 10 A M Antique Sale at the Black and White Holstein Farm, Lancaster, Pa. across from the Comet Dnve-in Theatre or 1 1 mi west of breeding unit Charles C Myers, owner, Abe Diffenbach, auc tioneer MON & TUBS NOV 20 & 21- 10 30 AM 400 Registered Holsteins Selling (featuring 40 red and white and 360 black and white) at the Charles D Blaisure Complete Dispersal at the farm north of York, Pa off Rte 1-83 Coming from north (Harrisburg) get off at Exit 12, turn right, go to Ist cross road turn right again and farm lane on left Coming from south (York), get off at Exit 11, turn left, go to 1 st stop sign, turn right and go to village of Zion View and turn left toward Mt Washington Church Farm lane on left Sale by Charles D Blaisure, owner, York RD4, Pa ANNOUNCING NEW POLICY AT LANCASTER STOCK YARDS STOCKER AND FEEDER AUCTION SALE TO BE HELD ON FRIDAYS DURING THE FALL SEASON Nov. 17 - 24-Dec. 8 STEERS HEIFERS BULLS ALL GRADES. BREEDS, WEIGHTS LOAD LOTS —SMALL LOTS LANCASTER STOCK YARDS Lancaster, Pa. Ph. 717-394-2611 R Austin Backus Inc., sale Mgrs. and Antiques located at RDI and Auctioneers, Mexico, N. Y. Windsor, Pa. on Route 624 bet ween Martinsville and Bit tersville Terms by Mr. & Mrs. John Massa; Jacob A. Gilbert, Auctioneer. THURS. NOV. 23-10 A.M. Public Sale of Farm Machinery, Truck, Tools, and Livestock located approx. 2 mile south ot Red Lion and about Vi mile off Rt. 74 at the intersection of Bahn Mill Rd. and Bethlehem Church Rd. in York Co., Pa Sale by John H. Peters, owner, Robert L. Sechnst, auctioneer. SAT NOV 25 - 10 A.M. Public Sale of Valuable Farm Machinery, Personal Property Special Calf and Feeder Cattle Sale Farmers Livestock Exchange, Inc. Winchester, Va. Thursday, November 16,-7:00 P.M. Please have cattle in by 4:00 P.M. on day of Sale Consign Your Cattle to This Sale Lmdy Heironimus, Mgr. Phone (703) 667-1023 SPECIAL STOCKER AND REPLACEMENT CATTLE SALE MONDAY, NOV. 13, 1972 7 00 PM 1,000 head of ail classes Steer and Heifer Calves and Yearling Cattle All cattle are yard graded and weighed the same day WOODSTOCK LIVESTOCK MARKET, INC. U S Route 11, Woodstock, Va. Contact-Harry Gochenour 703-459-4778 or Thomas Eagle 703-459-4402 SAT NOV 25- 10 AM. Public Sale of Arm Machinery, Corn, Household Goods, Antiques, & Butchering Tools located approx. mile from the Square of Cross Roads on the road to Brogueville, in Cross Roads Boro, York Co., Pa. Terms by Mr. & Mrs. Charles Grim, Felton, Pa , woners; Robert L Sechrist, Auctioneer. (Continued On Page 35) A n head grade AA VW and PUREBRED W HOLSTEINS at Black and White Holstein Farm, Lancaster, Pa. across from the Comet Drive-in Theatre or V* mi. west of breeding unit on Friday Night Nov. 17 at 8 o’clock Sharp. Selling 60 head of grade and Purebred Holstems of large size, good type and lots of milking quality. All cows fresh or Close-up springers. Farmers and dairymen, if you are in the need of top quality herd replacements you cannot afford to miss this sale. They are all purchased first hand from farms where they were raised by some of the best judges of dairy cows in the business. If you need a can of milk per day or 100 lbs per day we have the cows for you. Just by all means get to this sale. CHARLES C. MYERS OWNER Abe Diffenbach: Auct. Henry Kettering: Pedigrees Credit available: Contact Charles Myers prior to sale. Complete Farm DISPERSAL THURSDAY, NOV. 16,1972 beginning at 9:30 A.M. Located approx. 4 miles east of Fawn Grove, Pa., about mile off Rt. 851 along Gross Road, in Peach Bot tom Twp., York Co., Pa. Watch for arrows. 37 Head 27 bead of top grade Holstein cows in all stages of production Approx 20 head are first, second, & third calf cows & balance mature cows There will be approx. 10 head fresh between sale date and the first of the year These cows were raised fiom Curtiss Breeding and have very good size and udders 10 head of very fine Holstein heifers 6 mos to 1 yr old. Herd will be checked for preg nancy and tested within 30 days to be eligible foi inter state" shipment Dairy Equipment Dari-Kool bulk tank calibrated to 2670 lbs.: 52 gal glass lined hot water heatei: double stainless steel wash tubs, galvanized drain table; 3 Ig size Surge milker pails. 3 electronic pulsators with 28 stall hookup, Surge S.P. 22 vacuum pump, 4 unit size, pipe lines; stainless pails with lids; strainers; metal storage cabinet, full case of cleanei powder: other supplies; feed and silage cart, etc Approx. 60 tons of very good clover and timothy "mixed hay; approx. 40 tons of straw; corn silage in a 14 x 50 silo % full to be sold m a lump Farm Machinery Farmall 656 gas ti actor fully equipped with fast hitch. Farmall 544 gas tractor also fully equipped. Int £2OOO manuie loader, Farmall H tractor with 7 ft side mounted mower: PTO manure spreader, like new, New Idea model 12A tractor spreader; Int £440 PTO baler with bale thrower, very good cond , Woods Bros 80 in rotary mower, like new used 1 yr, another Woods Bios 80 in. rotary mower in working cond.; Papec PTO 2 row corn head foiage haivester, Int 4 row cultivators; Int 2 row fast hitch cultivators, J D 4 row corn planter; New Holland diag elevatoi, 2- 5 ton Grove wagon running gears with 165 bu. Huskie gravity bins. Int 12 ft. hydraulic wheel disc: Int 9 ft transport disc on rubber, cultipacker with rubber transport wheels. Post hole digger: J D. kilafer disc, portable air compressor; acetylene cutting torch and welding outfit with tanks on wheels, outside metal feed bin, iron wheel wagon with 500 gal water tank, hydraulic cylinders; log chains, baler twine, case of 2-4 D weed killer; case of anti-freeze; oil and some small items to be sold off wagon too numerous to mention Household Articles- recliner chair; kneehole desk and chair- bookcase; antique oak rocker; set of 6 oak straight back chairs; other chairs; oak wash stand; oak stands: beds; floor lamp; picture frames; new heavy duty shop vacuum; jardemers, etc. Auct. note and sale order- most of the above machin ery is only 1 or 2 yrs. old and in like new condition, owner selling due to ill health. Small items and household arti cles to be sold first, then large farm machinery followed by hay, straw, and corn silage at approx 12:00. Dairy equipment and cattle to be sold at approx 1:00. Terms- cash or approved check Robert L. Sechrist, auctioneer Ph. 382-4379 John Hope Anderson, clerk Not responsible for accidents Refreshments by MU Olivet Church Herd & Dairy Machinery Dairy Herd Feed Mr. & Mrs. J. Edgar Gross Whiteford, Md. owners 37 Head
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