TRY A CLASSIFIED AD - IT PAYS LEVEL FLO SILAGE SPREADER i'n Two Models to fit 10 to 30 ft. Silo. 9” Steel or Vinyl Fill Pipe installed on any type Silo P & D Silo Unloader Terre Hill Concrete Stave Silo SALES & SERVICE STOLTZFUS SILO EQUIPMENT RDI, Box 77 Kinzer, Pa. 17535 Phone 717-768-3873 Introducing the 3-row Supersheller combine capacity at a fraction of a combine’s price. Bet you never thought there’d be a pull- Rugged cage shelling mechanism has tre type corn harvester that would pick and mendous capacity—yet it’s seed corn shell over 450 bushels of corn an hour. gentle. See it today. It’s got a .J-row com- But there is. From New Idea. It’s the new bine’s capacity—at far less than a com 3-row (wide or narrow) Supersheller. bine’s price. Fits 2- or 3-row Superpicker gathering units both have new hydraulic hitch for effortless switching from picking positions to transport There’s a good idea behind every New Idea A. L. HERR&BRO. Quarryville KINZER EQUIP. CO. Kinzer LANDIS BROS., INC. Lancaster N. G. HERSHEY & SON Manheim ROY H. BUCH, INC Ephrata, R.D. #2 LONGENECKER FARM SUPPLY Rheems During the political campaign ahead, a great deal will be said about the state of the economy Specifically, there is certain to be a lot of talk about the cost of living Before all of the charges and counter-charges of the campaign begin to obscure the facts, you might be interested in con sidering what has happened to the economy in the past 12 months. That’s the period of time during which the President’s price and wage control program has been in effect. The facts show that the control program is working The rate of inflation is down, and this has been done even though the controls are limited in nature so that enforcement does not require a huge bureaucracy The figures show conclusively how much the inflation rate has dropped. During the 2nd quarter of last year consumer prices were going up at the rate of 4.7 per cent. The 2nd quarter of this year showed that the rate has CHAS. J. McCOMSEY & SONS Hickory Hill, Pa. STOLTZFUS FARM SERVICE Cochranville, Pa. A. B. C. GROFF, INC. New Holland Lancaster Farming. Saturday, Am dropped to 2.2 percent. That dramatic decline in the inflation rate has to be credited to the success of the control program. At the same time that the brighter picture in consumer prices has been coming about, there has been a rapid rise in employment and production Therefore, the control program has not been at the expense of a growing economy, but instead has contributed to the growth Most importantly for every American working man and woman, real spendable weekly wages began to go up in 1971 and the rate of increase has quickened during the past year For the average production worker, the income he has to spend after taxes, inflation, etc have taken their bite is up 4 1 per cent over a year ago That compares with an average an nual increase of 1 3 percent from 1960 to 1968 One area that has been par ticularly controversial in this whole business of controls is the continued upward climb of food prices. The facts show that food costs are going up at a rate greater than the overall inflation rate During a twelve month period ending in April, 1972 food prices in this country rose by 3 9 percent. That is considerably more than the 2.2 percent in flation rate mentioned previously But the surge in U S food prices is a part of a world-wide BARGAIN NEW IDEA MOWDITIONER DEMONSTRATOR A.L. KERR & BRO. Quarryville, Pa. 786-3521 Take me to the hardware store! , COMMOI m {®®s m\ if Commonwealth JV National Bank /A The Master Charge Bank ■ h H I MAIL THIS COUPON TODAY FOR YOUR MASTER CHARGE APPLICATION* Commonwealth National Bank Penn Square Lancaster, Pa 17604 Name. Address. City. *Or bring it to any Commonwealth office trend, and actually our rate of increase is lower than that for other major countries. By way of comparison, here are some food price increase rates for several other major nations for that same twelve month period: West Germany - 4 5 percent, Italy - 4 6 percent, Japan - 4.6 percent, Austria - 4 8 percent, Switzerland - 5 0 percent, Netherlands - 6 2 percent, Norway - 6 4 percent, Canade - 6.4 percent, France - 6 9 percent, Britain - 7 1 percent, Spain - 7.6 percent, Sweden - 8 4 percent, and Finland 9 6 percent. Try A Classified Ad It Pays! BANK .Pa , Zip 17 [u5t19,1972 ■i sad
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