—Lancaster Farming. Saturday, August 19, 1972 16 Pequea and Grassland FFA Chapter Fitting and Showing Workshop Hold A fitting and showing demonstration for boys who are planning to show dairy animals during the next few months was presented by the Grassland FFA Chapter at the home of Ken Groff on Monday, August 14. Members from both the Pequea Valley Chapter and Grassland Chapter were present. It’s time to start brushing up on some of the finer points of fitting and showing, reminds Gerald Phillips, agriculture teacher at Peaquea Valley High School. The way a heifer or cow is prepared SPECIAL PRICE ON - GOLDEN MALRIN FLY BAIT - FLY SPRAYS - JET FOGGERS - ACID CLEANERS - TEAT DIP - MAES INFLATIONS AARON S. GROFF RD3, Ephrata, Pa 17572 (Hinkletown) Mike Martin, left. Grassland FFA Chapter member, prepares to demonstrate brushing techniques of a dairy animal during a workshop at the farm of fellow-FFA-member Ken Groff. and presented to the judge can go a long way in determining where the animal will place in its class. For one thing, the condition of the animal is one of the important points under fitting. Clifford Day, FFA advisor at Garden Spot High School, ex plained correct clipping and grooming. Clipping should be done so that the clipped areas will blend in neatly with the undipped areas. Mr. Phillips explained the proper way for trimming the hoofs and also discussed leading and posing the animal. Watch your animal but also be aware of Farm & Dairy Store Store Hours 7 A.M. to 9 P.M. Closed Tue. & Sat. at 5:30 P.M. Phone 354-0744 where the judge is standing. Respond quickly to what the judge tells you to do. And above all, be courteous and a sportsman at all times. Chapter Reporter, Michael Martin M; Neighbors F / >» I CORN CRIBS 5x5 GAUGE BAR MESH CRIB SIZES AVAILABLE 750 and 1100 Bu. Capacity 13’ -9” Diameter 1000 and 1500 Bu. Capacity 16’ -8” Diameter ACCESSORIES AVAILABLE Corn Diverter Roof Ladder We also can supply your needs for building your own com crib welded wire, hardware cloth, creosoted lumber, creosoted poles, steel and or aluminum roofing, nails, silo or snow fence, etc. One of the successes of showing an animal at local fairs is the proper stance, both for the animal and for the showman. Theses FFA members are observing procedures under the direction of Clifford Day, Grassland FFA advisor, standing in the foreground. ATGLEN CHRISTIANIA SAVINGS & LOAN ASSOCIATION Atglen, Pa. ANNOUNCING NEW SAVINGS ACCOUNT INTEREST SCHEDULE! ON 2 YR. CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSIT 0 /0 MINIMUM OF $5,000 m | / O/ 0N 1 YR - CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSIT 9 /2 /O MINIMUM OF $l,OOO 50/ ON OPTIONAL ACCOUNTS /O ANY AMOUNT callAII accounts insured to $ 20,000 o* m 215-593-5137 REASONS WHY MORE FARMERS PREFER THE AGWAY GREEN DOOR BAR MESH CORN CRIBS Vent Stack Call 397-4761 Ask for Harold Kinsey Supply Center WAY 1. Galvannealed Wire 2. Steep Pitched Roof 3. Easy Erection 4. Easy Loading and Unloading 5. Positive “Safety Locking” of all sections 6. Tested Under Extreme Load Conditions 7. Excellent Basic Design 8. Reliable Manufacturer, (Foley & Lavish Engineering Co.)
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