26 mcaster Farming, Saturday, September 18,1971 classified —Lai Mail Box Market For Sale—Used 30 ft. New Hol land Bale and Grain Elevator, good condition Phone 653-5448. For Sale—Ford V 8 power unit, industrial mfadel, good condition. For more information, contact Harvey S. Martin, Ephrata RD3, near Mohler’s Church. For Sale Big Dutchman two lihe poultry feeder with 800 foot of trough and 30 roll-away nests. Phone Mount Joy 653-1744. For Sale Suffolk Ram, two years old, also two M 2-row corn pickers Phone 354-7886. For Sale—Bath tub, very good condition with fixtures. Daniel K King, Quarryville RD3. For Sale Sorrel horse, five years old, broke, gentle, and traffic safe. John W. Hoover, Bowmansville, Pa. 17557. Wanted. Belt Pulley for WD-45. ■For sale, F-20 Farmall, horse drawn mower, both on rubber. George M. Gates, Nottingham, Pa. 19362, or phone 932-2678. For Sale—2o Holstein Heifers, Bred approximately 5 months. Phone 717-687-7475 Strasburg. For Sale—MM Uni Tractor with Corn She her and Combine, ready to go. Phone 786-2839. For Sale—2 Purebreds, service age Holstein bulls, 1 by Per foimer, 1 by Apollo; Also 1 7 months old Tidy Gent bull. Stephen R. Glick, Leola R.D. #l, at Millport. For ale—Starline Water Bowls, 1 or 20, $3.50 each. Phone 215- 269-3442. Sole Register (Continued from Page 25) THURS NOV. 4 “Colossal” Progeny Sale, Staunton, Vir ginia. EFFECTIVE IMMEDIATELY!!! No Finance Charges until next Spring on the following: New & Used Tractors; New & Used Balers, Mower-conditioners and Windrowers; Used Combines. Your trade-in will most likely be enough to cover the down payment on the following ma chines we have in stock ready to go: USED TRACTORS J.D. 4020 D power shift, 4010 D, 3020 D syn., 3020 G power shift, 3010 D, Ford 4000 Gas with 727 hydraulic' loader. USED COM BINE A-C G Gleaner. NEW BALER JD 24T with #2 bale ejector (Demo.). We also have the following in stock and ready to go: FORAGE HARVESTERS JD #6, 34 & 38; NH 800 & 717. FLAIL CHOPPERS JD 16A, Gehl & Horn. BLOWER IHC 56. POTATO HARVEST ERS—2-row Champions, engine & PTO. POTATO DIGGERS 2-row JD. and Oliver. DISC HARROWS— JD KBA WC 28, 32, 36 blade; RWA WC 28 blade. PLOWS JD Fl2O 3-16”, F 125 4-16”, F 825 3-16” roll-over, F 145 6-16”. ROLLER-HARROW JD 12 foot, Chattanooga 13 foot. CORN PICKERS JD237, Case 1-row. LAWN AND GARDEN EQUIP MENT USED WHEEL HORSE 1970 VHP with 32” mower, IHC BHP Cub Cadet with 42” mower, JD 110 BHP with 38” mower. NEW JD 110 BHP Hydraulic lift with 38” mower was $1,348.40, year end clearance price $1,075.00 Miller's Sales & Service, Inc. York County’s Progressive Dealer Highway 851 Stewartstown, Pa. Phone 717-993-2470 Mail Box Market For Sale 1969 Ford Club Wagon 123, 12 passenger, 3 speed automatic, 2 heaters, west coast mirrors, 34,000 miles, very good. Phone 717/637-6820, Han over’ RD#4. For Sale —Young Sheep Ram, black face Suffolk, from good stock, $25. Phone 665-5770. For Sale 30 Landrace feeder pigs, 45-50 pounds. $13.50 per head. Call Shellsville 717/469- 2103 after 5:30. For Sale—Used New Idea 1-row corn picker #7, $2OO. Phone 665- 3135. For Sale—32s Gallon Zero Bulk Tank, 3 h.p., Lehigh Valley Compressor, Philadelphia ap proved. Phone 354-0672. For Sale —One set steel New Idea corn picker wheels. Will fit New Idea or New Holland manure spreaders. Used one year. Daniel Beiler, 78 S. Maple Ave., Leola, Pa. For Sale—Farmec Gravity Flo grain wagon, good condition. Phone 215/286-9491. Livestock For Sole For SfTe—4 Reg. Duroc Boars, Feb. and March farrowed, cer tifier. meat Sire and Dam, rea sonable prices. Rodger Bankert, Hanover R.D. #3 near Hanover Canning Co. Phone 717-637-2932. SPF origin Hybrids bred to meet demand of commercial producer. Excellent litter size and growth rate. Final cross is four-way cross which adds vigor and car cass quality. Jet Age Swine Breeders, Inc., Nicholas Kohut, Manager. 717-768-8378. Meat Type Registered HAMPSHIRE BOARS Ready for service. Top Bloodlines EARL H. RABENOLD R D #2 Kutztown, Pa. 19530 Phone 215-683-3603 Purebred Yorkshire boars, bred gilts and open gilts Carcass Championship Wil low Glen Fafm, RDI, Strasburg, Pa. Ph AC 717-786-2562 LANCASTER SILOS Starline Labor Sayers Feed Lot Planning Sales & Service by J. SAMUEL SHERER Mt. Joy R 2 Phone 717-653-5207 or 717-653-5208 SELL * YOUR JlmF j BUTCHER J hogs yz, .Jj DIRECT TO ARMOUR CO. READING, PA. We will be glad to look at vour bogs tt bid you CALL AL SHAFFER AT (215> 376-2941 Evenings (215) 779-3147 Phone 394-3047 or 626-2191 Notice Custom Corn Picker - Shelling Trucks available to haul corn Glenn D. Hershey Ph: 768-8574 if no answer 768-8172 Help Wanted Married man for large modern dairy farm, herdsman or assis tant herdsman, milking parlor, free stalls, days off. vacation with pay. house provided. (Ex cellent opportunity for qualified man. LEO BROS. SunnyhiU 'Farms Harrisburg RDI, 17111 Phone 564-1452 Man for Modern Dairy Farm, House Available, Good Wages Phone 215-267-6198. Pets'- Available Oct Ist. stud service, miniature Red Dachshund male, - have pedigree back three gener- 1 ations. Call 869-2978 after 5 p.m. Miscellaneous For Sale—Winter coat, fur col lar, like new, dark blue, size 17- 18. Phone 548-3121. LOW PRICES New 7 & 10 Ton Heavy Duty Wagons Husky Liquid Manure Equipment Spreaders & Pumps New Elevators New Blowers New Forage Boxes McCurdy Grain Bins SHENK'S FARM SERVICE B. D. 4, Lititz, Pa. Ph. 626-4355 Real Estate Working Farms For Sale in CENTRE COUNTY Call Collect or Write UNIVERSITY REALTY 301 South Allen Street State College, Penna. 814-237-6543 Anita N. Coombs, Realtor Farms in Centre County include: 1. Farm Ponds - stocked with bass 2. Public water available plus good wells 3. Tilable acreage, pasture, woodland 4. Large barns, outbuildings 5. Large 4 bedroom farm Homes Femole Help APPLY NOW! Evening free? Sell Toys & Gifts, Party Plan. No Investment. No Collecting—No Delivering. No experience needed. Call or write “Santa’s Parties”, Avon, Conn. 06001 Telephone 1 (203) 673- 3455. ALSO BOOKING PAR TIES. Miscellaneous WOOD SHAVINGS, Meal for work-ways and bedding. $l2 per , ton. Can be delivered m bulk loads of. 10-12 tons. Less expen sive than straw or tanbark. Con tact Bob Geist at Leola Supply Co, Inc. Ph. 717-656-6811. For Sale Dry wood shavings. Store now for winter use. Len Lyn Farms Stevens RDI 267-6726 Wanted to Buy—'Organic pro duce and grains Phone 215-692- 1944 or 215-942-3349. License Plates—We have those hard to get front plates for cars, USA Flag, Peace Symbol, Play boy Bunny, Rebel Flag, Penna. Land of Taxes and Road Run ner. Send $1 plus 25c hand. chg. each plate. Novelty License Plates 1400 Logan Ave. Altoona, Pa. 16602 WENGER’S Farm Machinery, Inc. Largest Selection Of Late Model New Idea Super Pickers East Of The Mississippi River Corn Pickers: New Idea super pull type narrow row with 12 roll bed, 2 row pull wide row 8 and 12 roll bed, New Idea 1 row pull, (new reduced prices), New Idea super mounted 8 or 12 roll bed or sheller or grinder, In ternational 234-2MHD-2MH, John Deere 237-227, Oliver 1 and 2 row pull type, 12 roll bed and mounted, MM 1 and 2 row pull type with 12 roll bed, Ford 1 and 2 row, -MF 1 and 2 row, AC 170-190, All Late model clean pick ers now on display. New Gravity Boxes $2lO. 6 Ton Wagon $175 3 point Blades $95 ' Model 1600 Corn Cribs $435. Grain Drills: Me, John Deere, Ontario, Oliver Combine Shellers: Me, John Deere, MF, Gleaner, attach, priced for quick sale) Oliver, New Idea Uni 2-3-4 row heads. (Special Gehl S.P. Harvester with 2 and 3 row corn head and pick up Steerable plows 4-S-6-7 bottom. Disc Harrows 8-i O-11-12-14 12-14 foot. Cultimulchers 10-12-14 foot. Cultipackers 8- 10-11-12-14 foot. Self-unload wagons. Tractors: Farmall 806-706-656-660-560-460-504-400-M-H. Oliver 1950-1850-1650 Super 88-77. John Deere 4020-4010- 3020-3010-2010-730-720-70-60-50-G-A-B. Massey Fergu son, MM, Case, David Brown, AC, Farmall Cub & Cub Cadet, Ford. Loaders, snow plows, snow mobiles, crawlers Large selection used parts for late model tractors and equipment. If you need any equipment not list ed, phone, there is a good chance we have it. Farm Equipment Used Century welder model 70, 180 amps with carbon torch, hel met, good working condition, $69.50. 1—225 AMP Lincoln Welder, good condition $95.00 1—260 AMP Twentieth Century Welder, excellent condition, $199 50 AGWAY SUPPLY CENTER ' Lancaster, Pa. Ph. 397-4761 N.H. 611 Forage Harvester Farmall 460 Tractor International 16 Forage Harvest- er New Holland 800 Forage Har vester COPE & WEAVER CO. New Providence 786-7351 Doiry Equipment One 425 gallon Sunset Bulk Tank, M.C.D. No, 1 stamped. One 400 gallon Girton round vacuum tank. CLARK ELECTRIC RDI, Kinzers, Pa. Ph: Intercourse 768-8228 Feed & Seed Nice Penrad seed barley. Clean ed and treated. Phone 626-7665. For Sale—Clean seed Speltz. Christian G. Esh, Osceola Mill Road, Gordonville ®D#l, Pa. 17529. NEW & USED MACHINERY South Race St., Myerstown, Pa. 717-866-2138
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