Lancaster Saturday, September ife Farm Equipment For Sale—Papec Field chopper corn and picker heads with good Le Roy motor. Make offer Earl- Heist, Norristown RDI, Ph. 215- 584-6667. MANURE PITS -36 ft., 48 ft. & 60 ft. Diameter 12 ft. Dip circular precast concrete with Gunite coated interior. Zimmerman Industries, Inc. RD#l Ephrata, Pa. 17522 733-6166 DAVID BROWN SALES, PARTS & SERVICE Walter Binkley & Son E.D. 4, Lititz, Pa. Ph. 626-4705 Farm Equipment Reconditioned Used Farm o I.TTT „ Equipment 2 MH Corn Picker Farmall 460 Tractor, excellent cond N- H. 300 Spreader I.~H. 35 Spreader Farmall 460 Tractor, excellent condition I. H 30 G D Spreader Loader for Farmall H, M, 300 400, 350, 450 2-A Hay Conditioner International Harvester Sales & Service 1054 S State St., Ephrata Phone 733-2283 FARM SERVICE For fast service on your New Holland, AC, or other farm equipment call 626-7766 NH Demonstrators Self Pro pelled “1880” 9 knife and pull type 880 9 knife Forage Harves ters. USED: Silage Distributors and Silo Goosenecks; Tank and Beat er type Manure Spreaders New NH and Lamco Forage Boxes. ROYAi * SERVICE 700 Woodcrest Ave. RD#3 Lititz, Pa. NOTICE! Check our prices before buying your engine needs. We have power units , available ranging in size ' from 3 H.P. to 900 H.P. We have a few engines in stock at old prices. Act now before a 10% import tax goes in affect. Petter Power Pays “Let us Prove it” John M. AUgyer, Prop. Sunset Volley Electrical Service % mi. N.W. of Bard’s Crossing Bird-In-Hand RD#l, Pa. Call 397-4081 Morn, or Eve. and I will contact you. Phone 394-3047 or 626-2191 Farm Equipment PARTS BY THE THOUSANDS: Dismantling Cat D 2 turn D 8; 933, 955, 977; HDS thru HD2I Int. TD6 thru TD2S; Oliver Cletrac, JD, Case, transmissions, final drives, winches. Engines, power units. Good used crawlers, loaders, backhoes. New & used tracks, rollers, idlers, sprockets, up to 30% off on new bottoms. “If Not Listed Ask For It” Wanted: Used equip, parts. Ben Lombardo Equip. Co.', R.D.#6, Sink Sprg. MN, Rdg., Pa. Ph: 215-678-1941, 944-7171. USED TRACTORS Case 1030 Dsl. Case 930 Dsl.-Sold Case 730 Gas Case 430 Dsl w/loader Case 541 C Gas Case 530 w/loadei Case 400 Dsl Ford 971 Dsl MM Model U -Sold Oliver 77 Gas USED CRAWLERS AC Model K Dozer IH Model TD 9 Dozer Case 310 Loader Case 450 Loader New 6 in PTO Driven Auger Elevators 32 foot lengths $350. Cash & Carry. Not set up. Call for special prices on new Gravity Boxes. Used N.I 702 Dsl Uni-System w/cab. KINZER EQUIP. CO Kinzers, Pa Ph 442-4186 Lane Customers Ph. 768-8916 We are now open til 9 P M Tuesdays. 1 Model 702 Um-Harv Power* Unit (Gas) 760'Um-Forage Harv, with 2 Row Head (Bargain) 1 Model 80 Int Combine, Grain Bin & PTO ($lOOO 00) Chas J McComsey & Sons, Oxford, Pa , RD#3, Phone (215) 932-2615 NEW EQUIPMENT Case—New Idea Dunham tillage equipment Farm-eze belt feeders Heald & Sensation trail bikes USED EQUIPMENT IH, NH, NI, AC, Ford spreaders Kawkbilt tank spreader NH, IH forage blowers AC 56F flail chopper 660 Case combine, gram & corn NI 702 Uni w/forage harvester Case 480 loader-hoe 300 hrs. Rental Equipment Case Uni-loader Case Backhoe-loader Case Wmdrower A. L. HERR & BRO. Quarryville 786-3521 Grove Silage Wagon Gehl Silage Wagon Kools Hoppei Blower S G Darlington RD2, Litatz Phone 626-7440 Little Colt Camper Caps Road Cap Pickup Caps NI Mtd Corn Picker w/12 101 l husking bed Kill Bros 185 bu Gram Bins $215 J D B Tractor w/N I Loader ELWOOD FLOWERS Manheim RD2, Pa Phone 653-4839 Robert K. Rohrer Bulldozing - Grading Patz Sales & Service Barn Cleaners - Silo Unloaders - Cattle Feeders Quarryville, R. D. 1 Hensel 548-2559 .ter F Farm Equipment Corn Pickers, 1 & 2 roTv"and self propelled; corn cribs, grain box es, harvesters, elevators, forage wagons, blowers, choppers, grain Drills, grinder mixers, disc har rows, plows, wheel rakes, 3 pt blades, PTO corn shellers, liquid manure spreaders and PTO spreaders, crawler tractois w/ loaders and blades, wheel tractors with loaders, tractois with loaders and backhoes and trenchers. CLYDE E. KEENER Intersection of Rt. 72 and 283 1531 Manheim Pike Lancaster Phone 717-569-9861. Oliver OCI2 crawler with winch and log skitter V-21 Power Unit, 10 ft. used silo roof. Donald Balthaser RD. #6 Sinking Spring, Pa 19608 Phone 215-777-0052 For Sale —IH TD9 crawler, over hauled with belt pulley Frick BV2 x 10 steam' traction engine ■with new grates and reflued Rufus Nolt, East Eail RD #l, Pa 17519 along Rte. 897 near Terre Hill Silo Co Oliver 1-row Picker. like new Ezee-Flo Fertilize! Dull, 10 ft 8 N Ford Tractor Roy H Buch, Inc 859-2441 Ephrata New & Used Forage Equipment I—N H 616 HARVESTER with 1- Corn Head and Hay Pack-up I—N H 717 HARVESTER with 2- Corn Head-9 knives I—N H HARVESTER with 2- Row Coin Head I—J. D 6 HARVESTER with 1-Row Corn Head and Hay Pick-up I—J D 16A FLAIL CHOPPER I—N H 23 HOPPER BLOWER I—A llis-Chalmers TABLE BLOWER I—N H No 6 CROP CARRIER with Roof I—N HNo 3 CROP CARRIER NEVIN N. MYERS & SONS, INC. Rl, Chester Springs, Pa 19425 Phone 215-827-7481 Fickes Silos and Badger Feeding Equipment. Speedy Corn Cribs. GRUMELLI FARM SERVICE Quarryville Ph. 786-3630 Poultry & Supplies Green Eggs—Do you want a hen that lay green eggs 9 $5 00 per pair Call 717-529-2984- KimberChiks and Started Pullets -Warren Sex-Sal, Golden Sex Link, Broiler Chicks Cobb and Wt. Mt. Moyer's Chicks, Inc. Quakertown, Pa Ph. 215-536-3155 LONGENECKER'S HATCHERY 2 Box 317 Elizabethtown, Pa. 17022 Phone (717) 367-1545 Day old and started pullets • J. J. WARREN SEX-SAL DAY OLD AND STARTED PULLETS LEUKOSIS RESISTANT GIVE THEM A TRY! • WHITE MOUNTAIN CROSS BROILER CHICKS ‘ BROILER CHICKS WITH TOP PERFORMANCE Sati Farm Equipment FARM EQUIPMENT Wagons Over stocked 6 ton $l9B. less tires. Also 7 & 8 ton in stock Rotary cutters Rear Blades 300 used Case Tractor, new tires, overall good cond. $1475 Used Elevators $25. to $175 Top Trade In Allowance On Elevators Parts - Sales & Service WALTER BINKLEY & SON R. D. 4, Lititz. Pa. Ph. 626-4705 For Rent Cement Finisher $l3 00 per day Sander—sls.oo per day Howaid Groff Co 111 E Bth St Quau vville. Pa 17566 Used Brady Stalk Choppeis Used N H Potato Harvester M M WEAVER & SONS Massey-Ferguson Sales &, Service 717-656-7702 Leola, Pa Used Olivet 1650 Gas Tractor w/cyhnder FARMERSVILLE EQUIP Inc Ephrau RD2, Pa 717-354-4271 Farmall 706 Tractor Massey Ferguson 310 SP Com bine w/2-row corn head SHOTZBERGER’S EQUIP CO Elm, Pa Ph 665-2141 626-2258 Poultry & Supplies For Sale—2oo Musser Leghorn 20 week old pullets, vaccinated and wormed Phone 656-6801 SHAVER Q - J LAYERS Greider Leghorn Farms, Inc. Phone 653-1855 MOUNT JOY R. 1, PA 27 18,1971 $295. $99.75
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