Sale Refitter (Continued from Page 24) Sale to be held on the J. M Bru baker Farm located just south of Willow-Street Village, just off Rte. 72 and 222, 5 miles South of Lancaster, Pa. R. Austin Backus, Inc., Sales Mgrs. & Aucts., Mexi co, N.Y.; Earl L. Groff, Local EVENING DAIRY CATTLE SALE MON. EVE., SEPT, 20, 1971 7:30 P.M. SHARP Located in Perry County, 2 miles east of Landisburg, Pa., along Rt. 850 OUR EARLY AUTUMN SALE OF 50 Registered & Grade Holstein Cows & First Calf Heifers From Tioga County, Up State New York and Canada. Heifer calves from these outstanding individuals will be offered. This is one of the finest groups of cattle we’ve had the pleasure of assembling for you. Size, type and good udders. All cows fresh or close. HEALTH CHARTS WITH EVERY ANIMAL ALFRED ALBRIGHT Landisburg, Pa. Phone 789-3387 Naugle, Pedigrees Shull, Auctioneer FREE DELIVERY •SPECIAL FALL FEEDER SALES* Friday Evenings At 7 O’clock September) ,&4 October 1,8, 22 All-Charofois Show & Sale October 8 November 5 and 19. - VINTAGE SALES STABLES INC. Box 100, Paradise, Pa. Lancaster County The Heart of Pennsylvania Steer Feeding Country Anyone Wishing to Consign Cattle Telephone Area Code 717 - 442-4181 KENNETH E. HERSHEY, MANAGER CALL Elmer Beiler SEE THE NEW INTERNATIONAL CADET 60 RIDING MOWER With the Purchase of the Above Riding Mower You Will Receive Free A Lawn Sweeper Sole Register s Strasburg; Mrs. Dorothy Chapman, Owner, Christiana. 99 T ' P.M. Special Fed Cattle Sale at Panquier ML e i t 0 , r . Exc h an ge, Inoorp., Marshall, Virginia. RADIO CONTROLLED TRUCKS FOR BETTER C. B. HOOBER & SON Intercourse, Penna. Sole Register TUES OCT. s—l P.M Public Sale of Complete milking herd dispersal along Rte. 472 on Spruce Grove Road, 4 mile South of Kirkwood, 5 mile north of Oxford Terms by John Vasco and Son, Oxford RD2, Pa Kreider and Diller, auctioneers. SAT. OCT. 9—ll AM. 85 Hoi. Dairy Cows. 800 gal. tank, 2 Ghl wagons, Harvester and Blower. Sale by Arthur Short & Son, Smyrna. Del. Harry Rudnick & Sons of Galena, Auctioneers. MON. OCT. 11—7 P.M Special Fall Feeder Sale, feeder and re placement cattle by Woodstock Livestock Market, Inc, on U S 11, Woodstock. Va THURS. OCT. 14—7 P.M. Spe cial .Yearling Cattle Sale at Fau quier Livestock - Exchange. Incorp., Marshall,'Virginia. FRI OCT. 15—1 P.M. 2nd Fall Yearling Sale to be held at the Farmers Livestock Exchange, Local Classified Advertising Rotes Use This Handy Chart To - Figure Your Cost Words (1) Issue (3) Issues 14 or Less $l.OO $2.40 15 1.05 2.52 16 1.12 2.69 17 1.19 2.86 18 1.26 3.03 Call 394-3047 or 626-2191 to place your classified ad. KEYED ADS (Ads with answer coming to a Box Number, % Lancaster Farm ing); 50c additional. Ads running 3 or more con secutive times with no change billed at 20% discount with $l.OO minimum. Deadline: Thursday of each week’s publication. Lancaster Farming P. O. Box 266 Lititz, Pa. CALL Bob or Los On New, Used & Rental factors & Equipment New I.H. 615 Combine with 13 ft. Grain Platform New Model Tractors Have Arrived Used 37 & 461. H. Baler Used Farmall Tractor 140 with 60-in. Rotary Mower Used 3 pt. Hitch 6 Ft. Scraper Blade New 10 Ft. Wheel Controlled Disc Harrow ... . $985. Grim Hay Tedders Try one Fox Forage Harvester Model I.F. 546 with 2 row corn head and pickup unit 1 P.R. Picker McCurdy Grain Bins Selling At Old Price While They Last Used New Holland 7 ft. Haybine IH 234 Corn Picker with husking bed and shelling unit Farmall H Tractor Farmall 706 Tractor CALL Dick Bomberger CALLUS! IT COULD BE WE HAVE IT. SILO COVERS 12 ft. $3.35 20 ft. x 100 ft. 14 ft 380 $16.95 16 » 24 ft. x 100 ft. 16 ft. 4.35 $20.00 18 ft. 4.95 32 ft. x 100 ft. 20 ft. 5.25 $26.95 SPECIAL Angle Posts 69e Round Posts Ssc 35 lb. Poll Grease $9.98 Corn Knives Only $2.15 ea. 1.33 3.20 1.40 3.36 Lancaster Farming, Saturday, September 18,1971—25 Sale Register Inc. located 1% miles west of nrT> oq _ 7 p m 2nd JWcrtgr, ya.onUS.Rte.sq. S er °Si f gale to be held at FRI. OCT 15—7 30 PM State the Farmers Livestock Exchange, Graded Calf Sale at the South Inc., located IVfe miles west of Branch Stockyards, Inc -Moore- Winchester, Va. on US. Rte 50 field, West Virginia _ FRI NOV 5—7.30 PM Stock THURS. OCT. 28—7 P.M. Spe- Cattle and Calf Sale at the South dal Feeder Calves Sale at Branch Stockyards, Inc, Moore- Fauquier Livestock Exchange, field, West Virginia Incorp., Marshall, Virginia. (Continued on Page 26) MARK CROSSMAN HERD DISPERSAL at the Shady Lane Dairy Cow Stables Located ' % A mile West of Quarry ville FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 24 60 HEAD REGISTERED AND HIGH GRADE HOLSTEINS This herd consists of 36 head fresh close springers, balance all stages of lactation. These cows are mostly second and third calf with size, dairy quality and the kind of udders you like. Farmers This herd was a well kept herd, very closely culled. Herd being offered only due to Mr. Crossman’s ac cident. Also 20 head real fresh and close cows and Heifers, 6 real good first calf Heifers from one herd. If you want good cows, plan to be at this sale. GLENN FITE Quarryville Ph. 717-786-2750 Kersey Bradley, Auct. Everett Eschbach, Clerk P.S. Oct. 2, 1:00 P.M. Sale of 60 Head Holsteins from George Eager Herd. CALL Henry Esh For Sales Service Part* • 4 - L.R. 2- 8 H.P. Lister Engines Like New Special Price • New m H.P. Slow Speed • Used 8 H.P. Bamford Engine • 33 H.P, Lister Engine • 4% H.P. Bamford Engine • New Quincy Air Compresors • New Listers with Lima Generators • Used G.M.C. Diesel Engine We Have Some Very Good Buys On Used Diesel Engines. Area Distributor for Lister Diesel Engines CALL Titus Burkholder 500 Gal. Esco Tank M.C.D. 1 N.Y. 425 Gal. Esco Tank M.C.D. 1 N.Y. 1 300 Gal. Esco Tank 2 Used Kold-Hold Egg Plates MILKKEEPER BULK MILK TANKS Full line of Liquid Washing Cleansers Kleenzade Automatic Bulk Tank Washers CALL Leroy Zook FOR DEMONSTRATOR WEAVERLINE FEED CART AND LANCASTER SILOS SERVICE Phone 768-8231 Sole Register 7:30 DST. s
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