24—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, September 18,1971 Kim Weaver, 4 H'er, Wins Solanco Baby Beef Show (Continued from Page 1) Safe Register MON. EVE. SEPT. 20—7:30 P.M. Evening Dairy Cattle Sale located in Perry County, 2 miles east of Landisburg, Pa. along Rt. 850. Sale by Alfred Albright, Landisburg, Pa. Naugle, Pedi grees, Shull, Auctioneer. WED SEPT 22—1 P.M Penn sylvania Invitational Jersey Sale at the Farm Show Building, Har risburg, Pa held in conjunction with Pa All-American Dairy Show Sponsored by Pa Jersey Cattle Club THURS. SEPT. 23—7 P.M. Spe cial Feeder Calves Sale at Fau quier Livestock Exchange, Incorp, .Marshall, Virginia. FRI SEPT 24—7-30 P.M. Mark Crossman Herd Dispersal at the Shartv Lane Dairy Cow Stables located Vi mile west of Quarry ville Sale by Glenn Fite, Kersey Bradley, Auct, Everett Esch bach, Clerk. SAT. SEPT 25—10:30 A.M. Machinery Auction at Remholds, Lancaster County, Pa. % mile south of Route 897. Terms by Jacob H Gockley. SAT SEPT. 25—9 30 AM. Pub lic Sale of Holstein Dairy Cattle and Mode’-n Farm Equipment lo cated in the village of Masterson ville, Rapho Twp , Lancaster Co. by Dale Greiner Also at the same time and place 76 acre farm by Noah Greiner, Jr. where sale 'is being held Clyde Wolge muth, Auctioneer. „ THURS. SEPT 30—7-30 PM Special Calf and Feeder Sale at the South Branch Stockyards, Inc Moorefield, W. Va. FRI OCT 1 1 P.M. Feeder Calf Sale and Show. Show 10 A.M. and Sale 1 P.M to be held at the Farmers Livestock Ex change, located IVz miles west of Winchester, Va. on U.S. Rte. 50 SAT OCT. 2—l P.M. Sale of 60 Head Holsteins for George Eager at the Shady Lane Dairy Cow Stables located xmle west of Quarryville. Sale conducted by Glenn Fite, Quarryville. SAT. OCT. 2—ll A.M. 36 Dairy Cows, full line farm machinery, by Herman Wallace at Milling ton, Md. Harry Rudnick & Sons of Galena, Auctioneers, SAT. OCT. 2—1:30 P M. Feeder Pig Sale located 2% miles south of Bethel from U.S 22 and 6 miles north of Myerstown, Penna. along U S. 501. Terms by Norman M Martin, Myerstown, RDI, Pa. TUBS. OCT. 5—11:30 A.M. Mrs. Dorothy Chapman Complete Dis persal and 296th Garden Spot (Continued on Page 25) FALL SPECIAL TALES FEEDER CALVES Sept. 23, 7 p.m. FED CATTLE Oct. 5, 2 p.m. YEARLING CATTLE Oct. 14, 7 p.m. FEEDER CALVES Oct. 28, 7 p.m. FAUQUIER LIVESTOCK EXCHANGE INCORPORATED Marshall, Virginia 703-364-4*61 reserve champion in both 4-H and FFA. His 4-H animal also was named reserve grand champion. Edward Weidman, Christiana RDI, had the champion FFA steer, a Hereford. Conrad Grove, a Chester County Angus breeder, was judge. Edward Weidman, Christiana RDI, was reserve grand champion winner at Solanco. He won the FFA division. TRY A CLASSIFIED AD! WAGNER DISPERSAL We, Mr. & Mrs. Fred Wagner, having sold onr farm, will sell our entire Dairy and Farm Equipment on Saturday, ‘September 25th beginning at 10:30 A.M. Located 3 miles east of Wellsboro, Pa., 8 miles west of Mansfield, Penna. one mile off Route 6 turn at No. Penn Gas Co. Building. Watch for Auction Arrows. 80 This herd consists of 52 Holstein Cows, 6 Heifers, 2 Service Bulls, 20 Feeder Bulls. This is a good milking Dairy, starting to freshen now, a few later cows due to freshen in Spring. Mostly all raised on this Farm. Interstated Charts fur nished day of sale. FARM EQUIPMENT M.F. 1080 Diesel Tractor (wide front end - 200 Hrs.); M.F. 165 Diesel Tractor (wide front end - 400 Hrs.); M.F. 10 Horse - Garden Tractor w/Blade (new); M.F. 4-Bottom Trip Plows; S.C, Case Tractor; M.F. Combine; M.F. 15-Hoe Disc Drill; Ford Chopper (2-Row Corn Head & Grass Head); N.I. Un loading Wagon; N.I. Spreader; N.I. Haybine; N.I. Rake; Ford 2-Row Corn Planter (3-pt, hitch); Ford 13’ Transport Disc; Ford 3-Pt. Hitch Harrow; 3-Pt. Hitch Blade; J.D. 14T Baler; Cunningham Crimper; Smoker Elevator; 2 Wagons; A.C. Blower; Quantity of 16’ & 18’ Sheets of Aluminum Roofing; 1968 F-500 FORD VA Ton TRUCK W/HOIST. This equipment is all in excellent condition. MILKING EQUIPMENT Universal 4-Unit Milker Pump, Heritage House 30-Gal. Glass Lined Gas Water Heater, 4 Surge Units, Wash Vats, Milk Cans, Unico Side Cooler, Pails, Etc. There is a large quantity of small tools. - PRODUCE Large quantity of Hay, Oats, 14 Acres of Corn and a quantity of Straw. 10 x 50 DETROITER 2-BEDROOM MOBILE HOME LUNCH WILL BE SERVED Ronald D. West, Sale Manager Robert Shaylor, Auctioneer Robert Slingerland, Clerk For further information about the above Sale or if you would like to sell out or let us hold an auction for you, call the Best-Ronald D. West 717-724-1989 or write to R.D. #1 Mansfield, Penna. _ % CATTLE Contestants get their 80 animals in position at Quarryville Thursi MACHINERY AUCTION SAT., SEPTEMBER 25, 1971 at 10:30 o'clock a. m, At REINHOLDS, Lancaster County, Pa. Vz mile south of Route 897. INDUSTRIAL International 2504 with Loader; CRAWLER TRACTORS: John Deere 440 Diesel with Loader; John Deere 2010 Gas with Blade; John Deere 350; Case 310; Case 450 with Hydraulic Angle Blade; 1966 Allis Chalmers HD6 with Loader. Demonstrator THOMAS 4-wheel Loader with Cab and Tine and Material Buckets. TRACTORS Case 1030-with Cab; John Deere 4020,4010,3010,1020; M-Moline 670 with Triple Range, only 50 hours; 302, G 1000; Oliver 1600; Ford 6000 4000; 8000 only 90 hours; Massey 85,180; Allis Chalmers Dl5 with Loader, XTI9O; Farmall 706,756 with 234 Picker. TRUCKS 1965 International with 20ft. Flat Bed; 1968 International with 22 ft. Henderson Tilt Bed. EQUIPMENT McCormick No. 10 Grain Drill, seeded only 30 acres; McCormick 56 4-row Planter; John Deere 894 8-row Planter; like new Allis Chalmers 7-bottom Semi-Plow; like new McCormick 5-bottom Semi-Plow; One 'and Two-row Pull Type Pickers; Mounted Pickers; Shelters for Mounted Pickers; Flail Choppers; New Idea Cntditioner; Disc Harrows; 3 pt. Plows; Gravity Bins; One and Two-row Forage Harvesters, Forage Blowers; Mixer Grinders; 6 and 7 ft. Rotary Mowers, 36 and 40 ft. Elevators; 6 and 7 ft. 3 pt. Blades. FORAGE WAGONS: John Deere 110 and 112; New Holland new Calhoune. HORSE-DRAWN EQUIPMENT McCormick No. 9 Ensilage Cutter; new Papec Ensilage Cutter; new New Idea 10A Spreader; new McCormick 4-bar Hay Rake; new Disc Harrows; new Spring Harrows. This is only a partial listing, some Items will be consigned by dav of sale. Terms by: JACOR H. QOCKLET lay.
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