Across the Editors Desk 'Bitter Winter* for Broilers and other distributors simply called quits. In projecting "a bitter win ter" for the broiler industry in With a 24-cent quotation for Us “news and views’’ section, Labor Day," delivered Chicago, the September issue of Broiler but with discounts already I industry magazine reported the ranging up to two cents, the following: outlook for the balance of Sep tember was pegged by Poultry Chicken fatigue has hit con- institute marketing clinic at sumer markets, and for Labor tendecs in Chicago, August 27- Day week marketings, you 2 9, as portending “the worst couldn’t give them away. Plants winter m histoiy.” were full, coolers weie full, trucks were full and retailers Some 20 cent weeks Which way do you want to have a regular monthly income? With the Pioneer system, hogs can provide you with an income of $6OO per month. Interested? See us. Pioneer Gets The Job Done Why Not Give Us A Try’ CALL YOUR PIONEER MAN: ® ELMER M. SHREINER Trading as Good’s Feed Mill Specializing in DAIRY & HOG FEEDS New Providence, Pa. Phone 786-2500 •wet i«r* "Fetter Power Pays” WORLD LEADERS IN DIESEL ENGINE DESIGN - ~. Jjf ?s'#S|p*. aw V/z to 45 H.P. Continuous Rating f 3T . MAKE US PROVE IT! l,OOO Amish farmers al n ady have. They have found t! it Pctter delivers all it pro n-'ses. Our diesels provide long v ’King life, dependability and g > d cold starting characteris ts i s. t’', Pio.iipt and FI Orient YCI : ALTPORU'En PETTEI > s f -nrj Diesel Engines Soles and Service 1 ' Mo Voilh of Tone Hill on Route 897 EoblEoH R D 1, Pa We ii c as close as your telephone IT GOES MUCH BETTER POWERED BY FETTER Sen, ice Call 1 DISTRIBUTOR Phone 215 445 6272 freely predicted, at a time when full costs of production call for a 27.5-ccnt delivered market price. No one would put the figure at over 23 cents through October, and most felt industry couldn’t get back to a full cost basis until April, if then. The new mutant strain of Southern Leaf Blight, which could decimate net com har vests by perhaps ten per cent or more, was a lively topic of discussion, but bird overproduc tion was of chief concern. The blight was viewed more for its immediate effect on speculative increases in all feedstuffs. If corn goes to $2 a bushel, for example, cost of producing broilers would advance at least two cents, eggs three cents a dozen were July marked the 28th con secutive month broiler-type Try A Classified Ad It Pays! 7-pc. Teflon-coated aluminum cookware free with a new NEW IDEA spreader. Offer good October 1 to November 30, 1970 Hard-coat Teflon surface Choice of Avocado green, cheery Cherry, or crispy Pineapple Best time to go New Idea. For 70 \eais the top name in spreaders, with features farmers talk about most. Penta-treated wood sides and bottom, rugged drive train and gear box. PTO’s in 138 to 206 bushels, ground drives 70, 75 and 90 Kl 1 Longenecker Chas. J. McComsey Farm Supply & Sons Rheems Hickory Hill, Pa. A. L. Herr & Bro. A. B. C. Groff, Inc. Quanyville New Holland Landis Bros., Inc. Graybill Machines, Inc. Lancaster Lititz, R D 2 Ktozer Equip. Co. K »? H - B '"A 'iS Kmzer Ephrata, R.D. #2 Lancaster Farming, Saturday. October 17.1970—25 chick production appeared to bo moving above that of a cor responding month u year earli er. Production was nearly 10 per cent above a year earlier, and will average about six per cent above for the final quarter of this year. Losses this winter will be felt more keenly than ever because fewer firms control so much more volume, and they were losing two to three cents out of pocket on each pound marketed r-t-c before August ended Consolidations of smaller firms already are under way, with 3,- 000 - bird - per - hour intrastate plants and under the first to feel the pinch Some of the “new" independents have cut production as much as 50 per cent foi want of capital Some heads may ioil in huger com panies and there may be a few laige operations offered at bar gain puces bofoie summer In all, quite dismal' FARM WOMEN (Continued from Pago 24) Jr., recording secretary; Mrs. Henry Tennis, corresponding secretary, Mrs Charles Musser, treasurer. Hostesses were Mrs. Scott Nissley Jr, Mrs. Warfel. Mrs. Arthur Landis, president, was in charge Several members wHI assist in folding seals for the TB Society. A rummage sale will be held November 4 and 5 at the Malta Temple. The next meeting will be No vember 14 at 130 p.m. with a demonstration on “Holiday Food ” Society 22 Society of Farm Women 22 met at the home of Mrs Rich ard Fony, 2020 Horseshoe RD, Lancastei Co hostess was Mrs Kenneth Hoovei, who also led devotions Slides were shown of a trip to California by Mrs Carl Dil ler The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs Rob ert Bare, 1801 Millport Rd, Lancaster, on November 10 at 12 30 pm Co-hostess will be Mrs E Clair Witmei. The pro gram will be a tour and dem onstration of the J. & M Flow er Shop, East Petersburg • Have You Heard (Continued from Page 21) would include Tenderloin (filet mignon)—the most tender of all steaks It’s boneless, has little fat, and costs more per pound than any other steak. Porterhouse often consider ed the best steak, is ideal to serve for those special dinner guests The generous tenderlom section can be removed and served sepaiately as filet mig non T-Bone is veiy similar in ap pearance to the portei house, but the T-bone steak has a smaller tenderloin section Another one you might look for is a Club steak which is cut fiom the same section as portei - house and T-bone has the same laiie muscle but without the tendei loin Otheis to look foi include Strip Loin usually sold as a bonelss cut this is the same huge muscle as in the portei house, T-bone and club steaks it is a veiy tendei and flavoiful steak Sulom is a laige steak, excellent foi a family occasion 01 backyard paity, it contains seveial diffeient muscles and vanes in size shape, and bone size Rib 01 Rib-Eye cut from the nb section these steaks aie tendei and ha\e a well-develop ed flavoi Rib steaks contain the rib bone, the nbeye is only the boneless 1 heai t of the nb cut Foi additional tips on the selection and prepaiation of beet send foi the booklet, “How to Buy Beet Steaks,” and its companion ‘ How to Buy Beef Roasts Single fiee copies aie available fiom the Asucultuial Extension Ottice, 1383 Arcadia Road, Room 1 Lancaster Pa 17601
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