Kauffmans Win Top Holstein Honors Elam Bollinger. Manheim RDI, show., off his grand champion Holstein bull, Lynd* Smokey Gideon. QUICK CHANGE AHTIST ...THAT ADDS EXTRA FLEXIBILITY AND EFFICIENCY TO FORAGE HARVESTING SWITCHING attachments on an Alhs-Chalmers Forage Harvester is as simple as removing two bolts and a V-belt. Feeding green-qhop twice a day will hardly slow down yom silo filling operation. You have a choice of six attachments to match your forage harvesting needs. Theie aie row-crop attachments for every row width, plus direct cut and windrow pick-up attachments. And whichever attachment you’re using, you can be certain of smooth feeding, umfoim chopping and more nutritious silage with an AUis- Chalmeis Forage Harvester. Its unique “Short-Flow” feeding system keeps the crop moving uniformly and steadily to the big, husky cut-and-throw cylinder. You get big 60-ton per hour capacity ... with more of it to the length you want. See it today. You’ll say Going Orange is Going Great. Grumelli Farm Service L. H. Brubaker Quarryville. Pa. Lititz, Pa: 1 \L. H. Brubaker "Lancaster, Pa. ALUS'* CHALMERS N. G. Myers & Son Nissley Farm Service Rheems, Pa. Washington Boro, Pa, Roy H. Buch, Inc. Ephrata, RD. 2 Lancaster Farming, Saturday, August 1.1970 (Continued from Page 1) way Posch P. Matilda, owned by Frey; Hertzler Aaggic Key- Ficy. Sunny Craft Jean Mar stone Gay, owned by Heilzlei’s quis, owned by Clarence Stauf- Dany Faim fer; FVF Sample Kay, owned Diy Five Years Penn by Nathan Stollzfus, Gap; Spungs Pioneer Peggy, owned Groffdale Marquis Jill, owned by Penn Springs. Ilertzler’s by Carol J. Groff, Quairyville Milk and Honey Ivanhoe Shar- RD3. on, owned by Heitzler’s Dairy Four Year Olds Hillside Farm; Hess-Vale Ivanhoe Lu- Majestic Roxy, owned by Vern cille, owned by Elvin Hess Jr, on Umble, Christiana, Aged Strasburg. Cow Fultonway Ivanhoe Three Year Olds Fulton Lolita, owned by Frey. Vernon Umble, Christiana RDI, loads the pick-up late Thursday afternoon for the trip home. Umble had eight ani mals in the show and said he picked up a third and fourth place in class and maybe a little experience and know how. • Farm Calendar stem Association, Farm and (Continued from Page 1) - Hom ® Center S p.m—Lancaster County Pout- Ephrata High School 9 am—Lancaster Count} Vo-Ag Association, Brownstown Vo- Tech School Friday, August 7 10;30 am -3 p m Lancaster 530 p.m Penn Manor FFA County Guernsey Field Day, Young Faimeis annual sum- Elam Mull farm, Mechanics mer picnic, Safe Harbor pie- Giove me grounds 6.30 p m —Laneastei Countj Bee- Saturday, August 8 keepeis Association, Elam 6pm Faim Women Society Fisher, Kinzers RDI 25, Safe Harbor Paik Com -8 pm Lancaster Countj Hoi- mumty Giounds Roland Shaipless (light) of Quarryville RD2 with Di Hugh Hendeison of Mich’gan State University dm mg a recess in a meeting Thursday night at the Faim and Home Center Sharpless is a Lan-Chesco Co distubutor of Pio-Sil, a new liquid silage additive, in Lan caster, York Chestei and se\ei al adjacent counties Dr Hendeison said he spent 10 yeais of research with moie than 5,000 beef animals to de velop the complete silage addi tive. Thursday night’s meeting, attended by about 75 local beef ‘produceis, was the kick-off meeting for sale of the pi oduet m this area, it is now available, Shaipless said Duung the meeting D' Hen derson contended that faimeis try Association board of di rectors, Faim and Home Center should harvest all their corn crop in the silage foi m To har vest just the com is to thiow away half the feed value of the crop, he said Dr Hendei son went on to ex plain the deficiencies in corn silage and how Pio-Sil was de signed specifically to compen sate foi these deficiencies He said he ougmally piomoted uiea, which most beef produc er use in this aiea as a silage additive because it was the best thing on the market He continued to explain how the urea acts chemically and why Pro-Sil can peifoim more efficiently, giving the fanner better lesults at less cost Use of Pio Sil in dauy opeia tions also was discussed 11
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