—Lancaster Farming. Saturday. August 1.1970 12 • Vintage (Continued fiotu Page 2) (. w 50 SO ftl 00, Good 43 IK) 4tl 00 .Mand.ud 30 00 43 50. UUlil> 32 50 38 50. Coll 00 120 lb« 20 DO -32 50. 60 85 lbs 25 00 20 00 HOGS 305—8. a i ous and Gilts •uiong to 25 higher. BARROWS AND GILTS US 1 210-225 lbs 26 50 27 00 US 1-2 200-240 lb« 25 75-28 10 US 2-3 195-245 lbs. 25 25 25 75 180-190 lbs 24 50-25.10 SHEEP 49 Spiing Lambs 1 00-2 00 lower; ewes mostly steady. SPRING LAMBS Good 40-80 lbs 24.00-26.50. few Choice 27.00- 2300: Utility 21.00-24.00. SLAUGHTER EWES Utility and Good 6 00-8 50. few 10.50- 12 50. CLOSING SALES. BARROWS AND GILTS—One lot US 1 210 lbs 27.25 US 1-3 190-260 lbs. 25.50-25.75 US 3-4 190 240 lbs. 24.75-25.35. About 350,000 parents, teach- SHEEP 200—Spring Lambs 50- ers, business and professional 1.00 lower; Ewes scarce, people give freely of their time SPRING LAMBS Choice 80- and know-how to serve as 4-H 95 lbs 28.50-29.50; Good 26 00- volunteer leaders. 28.50; Utility 23.00-26.50. Volunteer 4-H Leaders DIFOLATAN 4 FLOWABLE The only flowable fungicide made to fight potato blight. niFOUTAN * 4 flowable J i hqmi fmpait hr flint diseise control L "~j i. ~ 1 , ’ Last year we introduced DIFOLATAN 4 Flowable. This year it’s the fastest selling potato fungicide on the market There are a lot of reasons for this One is that DIFO LATAN is the only completely flowable fungicide you can buy That makes it easier to handle There’s no dust to bother you when pouring it And because it’s flowable. it goes through any nozzle. In other words, it won’t clog your equipment And when it comes right to the heart of the matter fighting blight ORTHO DIFOLATAN is better than any fungicide being sold today. It gives excellent protection against both early and late blight And is particularly effective against tuber rot DIFOLATAN sticks to the plant, resists weatheiing from ram 01 sprinkler irrigation That means you can main tain your schedule without woirying about the effects of weathei or nngation Protection against tuber rot is outstanding When >ou put potatoes in storage, you’ll nevei know how well vou did in the blight fight until you’ve shipped the last of them Fields may look leasonably healthy before haivest, but it you put infected tubers into storage you can find yourself with a costly heavy cull out of late blight tubei lot infec tion DIFOLATAN woiks to give you greater yields of healthy potatoes And—because it s flovvable —it does that even bettei The fust time vou use DIFOLVTAM 4 Flowable will be the last time you evei see potato blight Another good thing about the fastest selling potato fungicide It woiks on cucumbers, melons, and tomatoes, too /akviiaN Chevron Chemical Company, Ortho Division. San (ORTHOj riancisco, California 94120, Helping the World Grow Better(p). P. L. ROHfiER 8 BI)O n INC. r- "v , v ," „ J ~ - ~ Smoketown, Pa. • Lancaster (Continued from Page 2) fiw head at 30 00. Good 26 30- 28 50. l'tllit\ and Commercial 26 00 29 75. with most late sales 27 00- 29 75. few head main!, on Wednesday 300030.75. CALVES 450—Vealeis uneven, closing steady to 1.00 lower, with most of Monday’s 1.00-4.00 de cline erased on Wednesday. VEALERS—Choice 47.004 9 50: few 30.00-50.50; Good 44.0047.00. Standard 39.0043.00; Utility 32.0040.00; Cull 90-120 lbs. 2800- 34 00, 65-85 lbs. 25.00-3000. HOGS 1500 —Barrows and Gilts steady to 25 higher. Sows scarce. 397-3539 Society 5 Society of Farm Women 5 Mrs. Lille Forbes’ birthday. Miss met at Groff’s Farm Restau- Janet Jackson gave a harp pre rant, Mount Joy. The dinner sentation - celebrated the 50th anniversary An exchange of the Society. County officers »ere enter- oibas ' f. 1 Buit f ” d j a j ne( j sang native folk songs for the afternoon’s program. She is the Speaker was Miss Elizabeth gue st of Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Workman, a member of the Brown, Quarryville. and is taking group, who read the minutes of P a rt in the Experiment in Inter file first meeting held by So- national Living. She is sponsored ciety 5. by the Quarryville Rotary Club. Awards were given to those The next meeting will be attending the most meetings. Thursday, Aug. 27 at Chestnut The next meeting will be held Level Church. Hostesses will be Aug. 29 at the cottage of Mrs. Mrs. Mary Sinclair, Mrs. Helen Kent Frahingers. Ressler, Mrs. Leeta Trimble. Society 11 Society of Farm Women 11 met Society of Farm Women 26, at Willow Valley Thursday after- Manheim, held their family pic noon for an anniversary banquet, nic on Sunday afternoon in the CASHWAY | ZSunfat co m For This Sign} fvj 1 < — * ji COMBINATION DOOR by Weather-Seal © Markov Highlite x ■: Aluminum • Door Closer & ’ Cham Included >, © Pie-Hung For Easy Installation • Many Stock S.: ONLY I $ 17 97 4 JfM* vfV*"-** M-COATING $|Q95 $245 3 Miles East on Route 340 2275 Old Philadelphia Pike LANCASTER, PA. Farm Societies Mis Freda Huber gave a selec- tion of a poem commemorating Soke, Turkey, t / i J Afc. / V -j rtiA AV/t. y Sizes Aluminum Asbestos Roof Coating X <#*><&*s**■ mu**** 5 GAL GAL. Women student from Miss Rahime Society 26 NEW LOWER REDUCED PRICES! STORM WINDOWS by Weather-Seal J I • Double Hung 'i || • Tilt Triple II I Track . i ■ i A i n n M ‘■Ji fc i i WdfT * * £&■**>•**<*,** v*» -i TILT-IN FOR EASY CLEANING Many Stock Sizes $797 Includes Screen m OWENS/CORNING FIBERGLAS INSULATION ®3?\ in | 1 ceilings I iHR 1 and 3 ” | OhwSSI I in walls and ii° ors FOIL FACED THICKx 15” WIDE SAO6 70 Sq. Ft. Roll flfi 6” THICK x 15” WIDE $C 34 50 Sq. Ft. Roll J HAUL YOUR OWN AND SAVE . . . DELIVERY AVAILABLE =ußMhe: 397-4829 ‘.. PJbofle.'i 397-4820 Manheim Community Park with 16 families attending the cover* ed dish event. Food committee included Mrs. Gordon Landis, chairman, Mrs. J. Nelson Hess, Mrs. J. Harold Esbenshade and Mrs. Roger Thome. Game committee included Mrs. Jay Hershey, chairman, Mrs. Amos Landis and Mrs. James Buckwalter. The next meeting of the group will be on Aug. 2T. Mem bers will meet at the Clearview Diner at 6:30 p.m. to go to tour the Hershey Medical Center, Hershey. The hostess for the meeting following the tour wiU.be.-Mrs, Dave Garber at her home in Marietta RDI. Mrs. Kenneth Martin is president of the group. V \ * / X AA*. ' OPEN 7 30 to 530 ..SIX DAYS A WEEK '•+»
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