CALL 394-3047 or 626-2191 Form Equipment Form Equipment Form Equipment CASE NEW IDEA SALES & SERVICE 25ft opp Case 77d "Field Day Demo ” Case 530 ' Ask for a demonstration of the New "70 series” Case Tractors on yaw lam. Case "Optimum Till” Com Plant ers . l/sed Equipment 1H 450 D w/3B Plow Case 430,630, 830, S3O. Case 480 Utility w/loader NI Cotditioner BaAhoes New Idea Uni Harvesters GeW Remitter A. L. HERR & BRO. 3i2 Park Ave. CJuai'ryville, Pa. For Sale—New LU Colt Camper Cabs lor all size pick-up trucks $135.00 and up. Far mall 200 w/cultivators Famuli Cub w/cultivators • All types of farm machinery. EL.WOOD FLOWERS Manheim RD2, Pa. Phone 653-4839 UsedGehl PTO blower w/re cuttei; >5O IHC Harvester w/2 row-eornheader; GeM PTO ham merEOill w/auger feed; John Deere baybine; used Farmhand feed grinder-mixer; new and used 4-row corn planters; used forage wagons; used hay crimpers and crushers, Myers JD, Nl, McCor mick Deermg, Oliver and Brady: hay Suffers; a large selection disc harrows, cultipackers and trailer plows; crawler and wheel trac tors. CLYDE E. KEENER Intersection of Rt 72 and 230 Phone 717-569-9861 Electromechanical Service Phase Converters—Electric Mo tors—Power Tools—Generatois. ELECTROMEC Rt. 222 717-733-7911 Ephrata, Pa. Used Equipment Dl7 Senes 4 3 pt hitch Tractor WD & WD4S Tiactois Used AC 4-iow Tool Bar Planter, A-l Cone New AC 4-’ ow No-Til Planter HOY H BUCK, INC Ephrata, Pa Supplemen' your tiactoi power with one o: our rental ti actors Available with oi without plows 2 Case 930 Diesels 1 Case 1030 Diesel 1 Case 700 New Case and Hesston Wind iowe»s .3 stock leady to go Check ou r Wmdiowei lease plan Also New Case Baleis Used BoKrt 4 wheel drive load ei. KINZER EQUIP CO Kmzers, Pr. Ph 442-4186 Lane Cue omeis Ph 768-8916 New Irka hoise mamue spiea dei #lO, also Olivei Raydex ti actor pjcw 2-14” bottoms on steel James H Mai tin, between Maitmda e, Red Run Gieist Mill LANCASTER SILOS Staplene Labor Savers Feed Lot' Planning Sates & Service by I. SAMUEL SHERER Mt. Joy R 2 Phone 717-653-5207 or 717-653-5208 • i 1 vty.i v, "-rs mmm Special Prices on Mower Con ditioners. ALLEN H. MATE. INC. New Holland, Pa. 354-2224 Poultry & Supplies LAYERS Greider Leghorn Farms, Inc. Phone 653-1855 MOUNT JOY R. 1. PA Ph 859 2441 Introducing... THE 6-305 Babcock Hatchery, Inc. Box 283, Lititz, Pa. Phone 626-8561 1 >? ".a . -“frtr' Zimmerman Feed Bins Feed Meters' Fans (AIR-O-MATIC VENTILATION) R. D. #2 Ephrata, Pa. 17522 (Farmersville) SHAVER HAVING EXCESSIVE LEUKOSIS MORTALITY? TRY ANTHONY WHITE LEGHORNS YOU’LL BE PLEASED WITH THEIR PERFORMANCE GEO. M. ANTHONY & SONS POULTRY FARM, INC. Strausstown, Pa. 19559 Tel. 215-488-6211 How did the B-305 do in the USD A 2-Year Com bined Summary of Random Sample Egg Produc tion Tests for the years 1967-68 and 1969? We are very proud to announce that the B-305 finished in second place for income over feed and chick cost The B-300 was in first place; however, the B-305 was only 2 cents behind This is a great tribute to the research ability of Babcock, for it is the first time any breeder has had two birds in first and second place. Wheie in the Woild is Babcock’ Wheiever eggs are produced at a profit l Phone Bus. 717-354-5374 For Sale—l 4 ft. Ford stake body truck w/giain sides and dump bed A-l condition. GMC dump truck m A-l condition Ford highway mower, good condition, 4 wheel farm trailer w/16 ft. bed, Saudei loader. Phone 215- 445-6427 A. B. C. GROFF, INC. New Holland, Pa. 354-4191 GOOD USED EQUIPMENT New Holland 461 Haybines John Deere 620 Tractor John Deeie 4020 Tractor Poultry & Supplies KimberChiks and Started Pullets Warren Sex-Sal, Golden Sex Link, Broiler Chicks Cobb and Wt. Mt. Moyer's Chicks, Inc. Quakertown, Pa Ph 215-536-3155 Lancaster Farming. Saturday, May 30.1970 Farm Equipment- MF Super 80 Self Propelled Com bine 300 Farmall Tractor 350 Forage Harvester J.D. Hay Conditioner COPE & WEAVER CO. New Providence 786-7351 LANCASTER SILOS See Leßoy Zook at C. B. HOOBER, Intercourse Ph. 215-593-5793 Ph. 717-768-8231 Poultry & Supplies Poultry & Supplies LONGENECKER'S HATCHERY Box 317 f Elizabethtown, Pa. 17022 / *\ Phone (717) 367-1545 Day old and started pullets • J. J. WARREN SEX-SAL DAY OLD AND STARTED PULLETS LEUKOSIS RESISTANT-GIVE THEM A TRY! • WHITE MOUNTAIN CROSS BROILER CHICKS BROILER CHICKS WITH TOP PERFORMANCE RAISING roUEIS on YOUR FARM? m RECOMMEND MUSSER'S M-327 CHICKS The breed of 2 separate lines of Musser Leghorns, which when crossed, produced the sturdy M-327 Leghorn chick that you have been hoping for. Why? Because Musser’s M-327 Chicks have .... 1. Coccidiosis under control to the extent that you seldom have a minor outbreak of Coccidiosis 2. A consistent low level mortality rate, while contend ing with the highly publicized leukosis (Marek’s) disease 3. The mortality and the rate of lay so satisfactory that you can be assured of a yearling capable of showing a profitable second year. FOR COMPLETE INFORMATION CALL COLLECT MUSSER LEGHORN mujjut farms Box 116, Mount Joy, Pa. Phone 653-4911 1916 - 54 Years 1970 Farm Equipment Used Tractors 300 Case Gas 120 Compact Tractor with mower Used 3 Bottom 14" Plow Used 3 Bottom 16" Plow Both Trip Bottom 550 Case Windrower WALTER BINKLEY & SON R.D.#4, Lititz. Pa. Pb: 626-2344 Used Gehl Model 72 Flail Chop per. FARMERSVILLE EQUIP. CO. Ephrata, Pa. Ph: 354-9221 15
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