I(>—Lancaster Farming. Saturday. May 30.1970 Secretory Bull Opposes New Freight Rote Hike State Agiicnlluic Secretary I,eland H Bull today went on lecoid as opposing the i.ii'- load industiy's request for a loin th fi eight late inn ease since 1967 He chaigcd that the piopos cd incic.ise now being consid cied bv the Intcistate Com mcico Commission will add to the "st.uthng death toll” in the number of faims in the slate He said Pennsylvania now has 73 000 fauns compaied to 88, 000 six yeais ago Societalv Bull pointed out that Pennsylvania farmeis aic foiced to nbsoib inflalionai:» costs without having the means ot lecoveung the higher costs He also chnigod that faimeis m Pennsylvania and othm Xoitheastem states aie victims of disci nninatO' v lieight Kites which peisiot on giain and giain pioducts shipped liom the Mid West Lov ci iates pic vail he said on giam shipment ° to the Southeast ‘As I h.ne said befoie ac loss the boat d uk teases in fieight Kites continue to aggi . late this deploiah'e situation b\ placing an unfan bin den on Pennsihanu useis of giain Bull said Bull who lecenth expressed Ins opinions on the pioposed fi eight inciease when he testi fied befoie the ICC in Washing ton D C said he believes a fouith fi eight late in less than thiee yeais is unjustified He called foi an investigation and the suspension of any pic posed freight iate mcieases Leaf Tobacco Stocks Show Substantial Drop A deci ease of 168 million pounds in the Apnl 1 leaf to bacco stocks in the United States and Pueito Rico was an nounced recently by the Con sume! and Maiketing Seivice of the U S Depaitment of Agu cultuie Based on quaiteily stocks ic poits of dealeis and manufac tuieis, mventoues of leaf to bacco in the United States and Pueito Rico totaled 4 837 mil lion pounds (faim sales-weight) as of Apnl l, 1970, compai ed with a total of 5,005 million pounds Apnl l, 1969 Flue cmed and Maryland leaf tobaccos showed the laigest de clines Fue-cuied, daik au cuied cigai filhu, and cigai bindei stocks leached iccoid lows foi the Apnl quaitei Only two domestic types bmlev and Geoigia-Flonda shade to baccos had lai gei im entoi les than on the pienous Apnl 1 Impoitecl cigai ette and cigar tobacco was also highei Mai keting fi om the 1969 ci on was completed by Apnl 1 ex cept fi om Mai\ land and some i cigai tobaccos Stocks ol leaf tofucco nuclei Government loan as of Apnl 1 totaled about 1,277 million pounds ( fai m sales weight), 28 million pounds hit, mi than a seal ago Bui lev and daik ai - cmed loan holdings accounted foi the entue me ease Them loan stocks weie dueled as fol lows Flue cui eel 772 3 million pounds builes 469 0 million in ft mod 13 2 million daik an ciiiod 19 0 million and cigai leal 2 7 million Try A Classified It Pays RUDY FOR NO. 701 GREEN PASTURES PIG STARTER PELLETS! Just the feed for us Piglets to Grow on! How To Use:— Start Creep feeding No 701 when pigs weigh 5 lbs. or are 7 dats old and feed through 6th week when pigs should weigh about 35 lbs. Amount Required 15 to 20 lbs per pig. Feed Per Lbs. Of Gain During This Period 1.25 to 1 50 lbs Field Tests Indicate:— More uniformity m pigs, fewer runts More economical gains. Heavier pigs at 8 weeks. Pigs may be weaned at six weeks. This gives more time for proper conditioning of sow before re-breeding. Easier to maintain farrowing schedule. MOST PALATABLE FEED WE HAVE If we can help you design a profitable pro gram for your swine enterprise or aid you in problems relating to swine management or nu trition see your MILLER & BUSHONG SER VICE Representative or call us direct at Lancaster 392-2145. </U SSTOCK&*' BALANCE) FEED "Sweet ns a good muffin " t* MILLER & 1 BUSHONG, Inc. ROHRERSTOWN, PA. Phone 392-2145 “Finest Service Anywhere”
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