Umcastcr Farming. Saturday. May 30.1970 14 Chicken Bar-B-Q Dinner. Bird in Hand Fire Company, Satur day. May 30. 11 A.M. until ?. Adults $1.75, Children $1.25. Take out available. F">- Sale —20 sheen and lambs, 1 Ram; 1 young palomino pony, broke to nde; Guinea Pigs. Per uvians, Absyians and smooth haired, all sizes and colors Ca pons live or dressed, Fresh brown eggs both wholesale or re tail. Phone 786-3316 Wanted —3 ton size bulk feed bin, square bin preferred. Lloyd H. Martin, New Holland #l, near Red Run Try A Classified Ad It Poysl WENGER'S Farm Machinery, Inc. IH and JO Rotary hoes; 2,3, 4, 5 and 6 row JD 4020 tractor av ‘d Srovn J2An 7/> U doctor 4io Ford 5000 tractor y* OH,/ ©/- / 108 acre farm H«vy dufy 6 inch vjse 1968 Che JD 4 roll cornplontcr Caprice JD 6 row cornplonfer 9 ft- P u , 00% He* 0* a '° .eaueei *> 7 PTO Hopper blowers Mf 82 Co ">W"e Wirt corn heod All Corn Planters Reduced For Quick Sale 21. to select from 2, 4 and 6 row st e,sV>** ick ' UPo *”* S j.lho^ est <£j\at eV(xo MF 300 combine New and used Hessfon haybine 6 5 do-'V hei,erS SPECIAL JD 105 combine with 12 ft. groin head and 4 row 30" corn head with cab# excellent condition jll ft cultimulchers Ha * M d F 92 Combine# excellent condition Hew and used self unloading *”!! 0 "* “ Lamco, Grove and Gehl Oi- ,H TDI4 crawler loader Oliver 25 Combine with « • h 9ro,n ""<* corn head AG side mounted' mower - • - Mail Box Market For Sale-New Idea tobacco pinnlet. good condition, also bushel eiates Ideal for tobacco plants Jacob King, 4 mi. East of Quait>ville Pa For Sale—ls pigs. Phone 717- 4424510. Help OlTeted —15 year old boy would like farm work or other odd jobs over summer. Prefer Manheim or Lititz area. Phone 685-4429, For Sale—John Deere horse drawn corn planter, good condi tion. $85.00. Phone 687-7058. For Sale—Approximately 400 bales of hay. little off color, cheap mile S. of Talmage, lane at Carpenter’s Church. Aar on N. Hoover, Leola Rl, 17540. For Sale—ll milk cans, good condition $8.50. Issac Z. King, 1404 Houser Road, Lancaster, Pa 17602 For Sale—Papec Ensilage cutter size N, with about 25 feet of pipe In good condition. Grover P. Wise, 215-384-7558. For Sale—2 pc. refrigerator unit foi egg room, price $75 00. Phone 215-445-5462. NEW & USED MACHINERY South Race St., Myerstown, Pa, 717-866-2138 MF 72 Combine Mail Box Market For Sale—llolsti in helfeis due in .Turn* and July Dmm 10 20 000 milk, in Straibuig. Phone 687- 6220. For S.ilc--Old lion fencing. 160 L. x 4 ft high Phone 626-5222. Boy, 16 yrs. of age would like faim work from mid-July till end of August. No experience, but willing to learn. Call 392- 4408. For Sale—lnternational #lOO Balanced head mower 2 pt. hitch, 2 knives, $22500. Phone 717-548- 2702. For Sale—JD 7 ft. #8 grass mower in good condition; Oliver hay rake. Priced to sell. 215-445- €543 Sole Register MON. EVE. JUNE I—Martin’s Sale Stables, Blue Ball, Pa. Horse, Pony and Equipment Sale by Gene Shirk and Larry Mar tin. Phone 717-354-6671. FRI. JUNE s—Complete Disper sal of 102 Head Hi-Grade Hol stein Cattle, Farm Machinery, Milk Equipment located 1 mile east of Troy, Pa., Bradford Co. Terms by John and Patricia Case, Owners. FRI JUNE 5—7 PM. Final Spring Stocker and Feeder Sale at Vintage Sales Stables, Inc. 10 miles east of Lancaster on Route 30. SAT JUNE 6—lo 30 AM. Pub lic Sale of Real Estate and Per sonal Property including a lot of antiques located along Silver Mine Road, 8 mi S of Lancaster 1 mi. N. of Marticvdle, just off Rt 324, Pequea Twp Sale by Barbara W. Miller, Estate. TUBS EVE JUNE 9—6 30 Hab berfield Dispei sal, just off Rte 15 at Bath, N Y. WED. JUNE 10—9 AM. Public Sale of Farm Equipment and Im plements. Martin’s Sale Barn. Blue Ball, Pa. We sell on Com mission, Paul Z Martin. THURS EVE. JUNE 11 7 30 Valley View Farms Dispeisal, Rte 19, between Scio and Bel mont, 5 mi. from Wellsville, and 15 fiom Genesee, Potter Co., Pa. THURS JUNE 11—11 A M. Tory Hill Corp Sale at the Guernsey Sale barn located 6 miles east of Lancaster, Pa. on Rte 30. Sale by Tory Hill Corp. Owners, Lake ville, Conn. SAT. JUNE 12—11 A.M. Public Sale of Old Antique Bottles and Household Goods, located 12 mil es south of Lancaster off Route 222 at New Providence across fiom Mennomte Church. Sale by Roy C. Johnson. MON. EVE. JUNE 15—Martin’s Sale Stables, Blue Ball, Pa. Spec ial pony sale. Tack at 5 p.m Pomes at 6 P.M Sale by Paul Z Martin Ph (717) 354-6671. JUNE 30—Levi W. Mast, Clay Pa., Berks Co. Registered Hoi stem Disp. See later ad. MON EVE. JULY 13—Martin’s Sale Stables, Blue Ball, Pa. Spec ial Sale of Kentucky Saddle Hor ses Sale by Paul Z. Martin, Ph (717) 354-6671. MON. AUG. 24—Shalco Collpssal Vacation Sale, Mmatare, Nebras ka. SELL * your Jr~jf L BUTCHER 1 HOGS /tJI DIRECT ARMOUR CO. READING, PA. We will be glad to look at your hogs & bid you. CALL AL SHAFFER AT (215) 376-2941. Evenings (215) 779-3847 Dairy Equipment For Sale—l 6 can cooler, front loud, fair condition. Florence H. Risscr R.D. #1 Hcrahey, Pa. Phone 367-3377 200 gaL Girton bull: tank; 300 gaL Esco, good condition. CLARK ELECTRIC Rl, Kinzers, Pa. Ph: Intercourse 768-8228 Miscellaneous WOOD SHAVINGS. Ideal for work-ways and bedding. $l2 per ton. Can be delivered in bulk loads of 10-12 -tons. Less expen sive than straw or tanbark. Con tact Bob Geist at Leola Supply. Co. Inc. Ph. 717-656-6811. For Sale MUSHROOM SOIL for your lawn and garden. GAP NEWPORT MUSHROOM FARMS. INC. Ph, Avondale 215-268-8808 Lancaster 394-2611 Pea Shelling Fast clean work Don Harnish 238 Strasburg Pike 393-1460 Livestock Wanted to Buy—Red and White Holstein Heifer Calves Karl Herr, Kirkwood RDI, Phone 529- 2367. For Sale Purebred Yorkshire boars, bred gilts and open gilts Carcass championship bloodlines Willow Glen Farm, R.D. 1. Stras burg, Pa. Ph. AC 717-786-2562. Try A Classified Ad It Pays! HORSE and PONY SALE MONDAY EVE., JUNE 1 AT MARTIN’S SALE STABLES Blue Ball, Pa., Lancaster County 2 loads standardbreds for Amos Stoltzfus. Load of saddle horses from N. Carolina. Commission horses. Horses hitched at 2 P.M. Tack sold at 5 P.M. Ponies 6 P.M. and Horses at 7 P.M. __ TERMS BY GENE SHIRK LARRY MARTIN Stable (717) 354-6671 New Machinery Tractors; JD4020; 3020; 2020; 1520; 1020 Plows: JDFI2S-3-16"; F 325-3-16" power re set; F 350-5-16" power reset Cultivators: JDAT4O - 4 row frt. and mtd.; RG4O _ 4 row rear mtd.; 2 row frt. & rear mtd. Baler: JD24-T Hay Pickup for JD3B forage harvester Mowers: JDIO & 50 Swath fluffer: JD3 Rake: JD3SO Rotary Mowers: JD2OS, 307, 507 (5, 6, and 7V2 ft.) pull type and mtd. Forage Wagons: JD2I6 & JDI2S chuck wagons Also excellent selection of lawn and garden tractors - and equipment. MILLER'S SALES & SERVICE, INC Highway 851 Stewartstown, Pa. York County’s Progressive Dealer John Deere Dahlman| Potato Brillion &'Brady - Harvesters-' "<STtel7 Form Equipment Inl U-21 Power unit with clutch and pulley, 1963 Jot Star M.M. ti actor, wide front end, power .steeling, live shaft 3 pt. Ford Jubilee tractor. Donald Balthaser, RD6, Sinking Springs, Pa. 19608, phone 215-777-0052. For Sale—Three Chore-time feeder lines 180 ft. long in ex cellanl condition. Available Sept. 1. Phone 367-7354. Special prices on horse drawn Mechanical Transplanters. LESTER A. SINGER Ronks, Pa. Ph: 687-6712 Fickes Silos and Badger Feeding Epuipment. GRUMELLI FARM SERVICE Quarryville Ph. 7853836 AC Haybine JD 2-row Corn Planter Oliver Hay Baler JDSO Tractor w/Loader Farmall 504 M. M. WEAVER & SONS Leola, Pa. Ph: 656-7702 Used 3 pt. Hitch Weed Sprayers LESTER A. SINGER Ronks, Pa. Ph; 687-6712 Winpower-Tractor Driven Alter nators Demonstrated, Installed & Serviced by ELECTROMEC — Ephrata, Pa. Rt, 222 717-733-7911. instructional DRIVERS ARE NEEDED Train now to drive semi-truck through facilities of class-one carriers; local or over the road. For application and personal in terview, call 315-458-2769, or write United Systems, Inc, Safe ty Dept, % Interstate Terminal Bldg, 15 Dippold Street, Syra cuse, New York, 13211. >
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