Weekly Poultry Report Eostern Pennsylvonio And Ntw Jersey Prices of light type hens gen erally held unchanged though in instances trade advices indicate pudding continues active in Pa less aggressive in N.J. Of ferings spotty ranging Lght to #uJequate with processors often filling line time vrith receipts of light type or colored fowl from outside of the area. Offerings of fieavy type limited and short of good call. Prices paid at Farm- Light Type 8-11 M 10-11 in Pa. tl 914-10 In N.J. Heavy Type TFEWR. Fogelsville f September 9, 1969 HENS. Heavy Type 9%-19. PULLETS 15-34% mostly 28-34: ROASTERS 15-35 mostly 28-32; DUCKS 30%-38: DRAKES 12- 34%: RABBITS 15-39 mostlv 28- 38; GUINEAS 50-59; PIGEONS (Per Pair) 81-51.45. TOTAL COOPS SOLD 744 LLOYD H. KREIDER Auctioneer ond Soles Monoger Quarryville E#2; Box 180 Ph: 786-3394 CUSTOM SPRAYING For Whitewoshing , Spray the modern woy Use CARBOLA Spray Carbola dries white, disinfects, kills flies, up to 90% less cobwebs. No wet floors. MAYNARD L. BEITZEL Witmer. Pa. 392-7227 FREE Plastic Bucket With each 100 lbs. BE-CO-NURSE or BE-CO-VEALER Prom now until October 18th we Sre giving one 12 qt. heavy duty plastic backet with each 100 lbs. of Be-Co-Nurse Calf Milk Replacer or Be-Co-Vealer.* These products go into suspension easily, stay in solution. Clean pails show the calves get all the nutrients. Gains are rapid and efficient. H. JACOB HOOBER EARL SAUDER, INC. Intercourse GEHMAN FEED MILL INC. Denver O. KENNETH McCracken Manheim Ready to cook demand contin ues to exceed available process ed supplies, however live offer ings ample to occasionally bur densome. Advance interest good and developing rapidly in many quarters at generally 1c higher let el than this week. Current less than trucklot prices unchang ed to hzc higher in instances. Undertone firm. • Loncoster (Continued from Page 2) 26.00-26.50, few US 2 190-195 lbs, 25.10-25.85. SHEEP 300—Spring Lambs 50-1.00 lower; Ewes steady. SPRING LAMBS—Choice GO -95 lbs. 27 50-29.00, couple lots on Monday 30.00; Good 70-105 lbs. 24.75-2700; few on Monday to 2800; Utility 20 00-24 00. SLAUGHTER EWES—Utility and Good 5 50-9 00 • Chicago (Continued from Page 2) compared with 22 percent Prime and 70 percent Choice last week and 15 percent Prime and 72 per cent Choice last year. Average cost and weight Slaughter Steers estimated at 30 00 and 1145 lbs. compared with 30 06 and 1160 lbs. last week and 28.26 and 1159 lbs last year. Heifer supply most ly High Good to Low Prime weighing 800-1025 lbs. SLAUGHTER STEERS Prime 1200-1400 lbs. Yield Grad' 3 and 4 31.00-31.50, includin, I. B. GRAYBILL & SON Strasburg ■ i ▲ BEACON FEEDS 'A Delmorva New Holland BOMBERGER'S STORE Elm Hurricane Damage On Forms Estimated F.i estimates indicate mo c than sn million in disaster loans will be needed in four stales to lestore mral homes and faims damaged by hurricane Camille. James V. Smith, Administrator of the U S Department of Agri culture's Farmers Home Admin istration said this week. Mississippi will require at least $7 million in emergency farm o edit, with an additional $650,- 000 needed in Virginia, $500,000 in Louisiana, and $lOO,OOO in West Virginia, Smith estimated Housing credit needs par ticularly in Mississippi and Vir ginia will not be fully deter mined until insurance claims have been settled, Mr. Smith said. Secretary of Aguculture Clif ford Hardin has designated 33 Mississippi counties, 25 Virginia counties, 4 Louisiana parishes and one West Virginia county as disaster areas, making people in communities of 5,500 and under in these areas eligible for 3 per cent disaster loans to restore homes and farm operations if they are unable to obtain credit elsewhere Smith said the Farmers Home Administration is cooperating with the Fedeial Housing Ad ministration and Small Business Administration to determine how each agency will help to deal with housing credit needs in the disaster areas. In rural Mississippi, housing was extensively damaged by winds although relatively few homes were destroyed in coun ties inland from the Gulf Coast many loads at 3150. Mixed High Choice and Prime 1125-1350 lbs. 3025-31.00: Choice 950-1350 lbs Yield Grade 2 to 4 29.00-30 25 Mixed . Good arid Choice 28.00- 29.00. SLAUGHTER HEIFERS On Monday, three loads Prime 900-990 lb. Yield Grade 3 and 4 29 00 On Wednesday short load Prime 1000 lb 28 75 High Choice and Prime 900-1025 lbs 28 00- 28.50 Choice 800-1025 lbs Yield Grade 2 to 4 26.75-2800 Mixed Good and Choice 26 00-27 00. PA. ROHRER & BRO., INC. , ,1 - <K i~ ' * ‘ * , • , k X •f" k ‘ % Smoketown I.anca ior Ppnntiuf Saturdav Senirmiww- H IWW Weekly New York Egg Mkt. (Fiom Moiul.ij. Septcmbci Bth to Finlay, Seplcmbci 12lh) WHITE Fey Ex Laigc 52% 52% Fey. Large 49 49 Fey Mediums 38%-39% 38%-39 Fey. Pullets 29 29 Fey. Peewees 19 19 BROWN Fey. Large 54 55 55 55 55 • Fey. Pullets 29 29 29 29 29 Fey. Peewees 19 19 19 19 19 Standards Checks Trend- Demand for large sizes good and supplies barely adequate Medium in good balance. fiont Farmeis Home county of fices have accepted about 120 loan applications to restore dam aged homes m counties hardest hit on or near the Gulf Coast, and indications are that the agency will receive 200 to 300 moie applications in this aiea, Smith reported In Virginia, he said, housing credit also remains to be clarifi ed. A massive rainstorm when it leached Virginia,, Camille un leased floods and landslides that took a heavy toll of lives and property in the rural James Riv er Basin Virginia’s death toll is estimated at more than 170 peo ple. “In some of the devasted com munities they are just beginning to think about reconstruction,” Smith said. “In places where landslides buried valley settle ments, it appears that some sur viving families will'have to relo cate instead of trying to rebuild on their now obliterated home sites ” The Administrator said Farm eis Home Administration staff members have completed auto mobile touis of remote com munities in Virginia where, for (Continued on Page 10) SEE ME NOW! PH. Lane. 397-3539 Mon. Tucs, .45 45% 45% 45% 30% 31 31% 31% Copyright 1969 by Urner Barry Publications Thurs. Wed. 53 49% 39% 29 19 53 49% 39% 29 19 • New Holland (Continued fiom Page 2) and 7 heifeis sold steady. Hol stein 425 800, Other breeds 275- 375, Bulls 210-225 HORSES September 8, 1969 Receipts of 355 horses sold suonger Riding horses 85-400; Driving horses 95-400; Ponies 15- 25, Killeis 6-7. HOGS September 8,1969 Receipts of 1160 hogs sold steady Retail 27 25-28 75, whole sale 26.75-27.25; Heavyweights 25 75-26 75; Sows 18-22 25. CALVES September 8,1969 Receipts of 167 calves sold steady. Choice and Prime 42- 48 50; Good and L Choice 38- 41.50; Standard 35.50-37.50; Com mon 25-35. What’s The Finest Investment In The Land? LAND! ... And Here Is A Remarkable Investment Secured By Land Holdings. It Pays 9% James E. Millen, Jr. prominent insurance man from Lancaster, Pennsyl vania has created a unique invesment that will earn a total of 9% for each parti cipating investor. You can invest any amount up to $25,000. Few are ineligible to participate. The investment organi zation is called UNITED LAND DEBENTURES. It is backed up and secured by thousands of acres of valuable land. Because land almost never depreci ates, your money earns an unusually high profit. Are you eligible to participate? CALL COLLECT TO THIS NUMBER 839-2200 Akron, Pa. Area Code 717 3 Fri. 53 49% 40 29 19
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