\OL 14 NO 43 GRAND CHAMPION STEER at the Solanco Fair Thursday is shown by John Solanco Fair Dairy Show Has Best Quality Ever ‘ The best cow classes we evei had' was the way an obseivei of the Solanco Fair Daily Show descubed the event Wednesday afternoon With quality running dow n the larger-than-usual class es. ]udge Raymond Seidel, fiom Richland, chose his first place aged cow shown by Ira Welk, Quarry ville R 3, as the gland champion of the Holestem show. The milky, four-year-old. Brook side Bond Re Re, was just fresh a few days and Seidel said she “looks like she is going to work ” Reserve champion honors and grand champion of the Junior Holstein Show was Groffdale Marquis Jill, an upstanding, black, two-year old cow for Carol Groff, Quanyville R 3 Miss Groff’s sister Snaron had the re serve junior champion In the Guernsey show, the Fied Crider family took home a fist full of ribbons, winning first place in every class except two where they had no entries Debia, 11, topped the family affair with her junior yearling, beating her brother Allen 13, tor Farm Calendar Sunday, September 21 21-25—National Association of Ag Agents meet, Atlantic City Monday, September 22 22 2S—Pa. All-Amencan Daily Show, Harrisburg (see sch eduls page 17) Tuesday, September 23 23-25—Pa. Millers' and Feed dealers’ Assn meets Hotel Yorktowne, Yoik 730 p m,—Garden Spot Young Farmers meet, Vo-Ag Room. 8 00 p.m.—Lancaster County Ex (Continued on Page 5) . the championship Showing his foui-year-old cow, Allen took the leserve championship and the best udder class. Ricky, 10, start ed the day off foi the family with a first place winner in the Junioi Calf Class Allen also showed the fii st place senior calf and Diane, 12, had the two-year-old cow Evanghst Tnsmas Mai me, the fi'-st place two-year-old in the Jersey Show was the grand champion for Roger Shaub, Quarryville Rl, and Tom Aaron, Quanyville Rl had the champion in the Junior Division with Epic Spnngbrook Valerie Vaion also had both reseive champion ani mals (Continued on Page 8) Rural Youth Awards Made To encourage participation of Youth of southern Lancaster County in the Solanco Fair, a special Ruial Youth Contest is held each year in which the youth having the highest score is awarded special prizes. Any boy or girl may enter any de partment, division or class of the Fair and he or she is award ed points according to number of entries and placing in the class when judged. Winners this year were named as follows and were sche duled to receive their prizes Friday night at the Fan BOYS 1 Scott Ki eider, 2, William Heishey; 3, Scott Mull, 4, Tom Aaron, 5, David Witmer, 6, Ken Deaiolf; 7, Robert Young, 8, Matt Young GIRLS 1. Esther Herr; 2, Pat Rein hart; 3, Jean Redcay, 4, Cindy Baughman Lancaster Farming. Saturday, September 20,1969 Enck. The Hereford 4-H steer named “Billy” weighed 910 pounds L F Photo Lampeter, Ephrata And Harrisburg Have Events Next Week A full schedule of events aie set to occupy county farmeis ; next week as two local fairs, and state national dauy events take the stage NOTICE: Lancaster Fanning will have a booth at Lampeter Fair next week with photographs of the 1968 Fair and a Mystery Farm Contest. Visitors to the booth are invited to try for the $25 cash prize. For the local faim youth, it’s the State Junior Dairy Show in Harrisburg starting off on Mon (Continued on Page 5) RANDY RANCK and his champion fat hogs at the Solanco Fair. Thursday. Randy is 11-years-old. His champions are cross- Hereford 4-H Steer Named “Billy” Takes Fair Show A meaty, Coloiado bred 4-H Herefoid named “Billy” walked away with the championship at the Solaneo Fair Steer Show Thuisday for John Enck, son of Mr and Mrs Richard Enck, Holtwood R 1 The steer weigh ing 910 pounds was first in the heavyweight breed class and won the bleed championship Reserve champion of the show was the champion Angus shown by Shirley Craig, Netting ham R 2 Shirley’s steer weighed 900 pounds and was the first place in the heavyweight Angus class Shirley Landis had the re seive champion Heiefoid with the first place lightweight steei Poultry Tour Reminder Another reminder on the Lan caster County Poultiv Tour scheduled to go to the NEPPCO Show at Atlantic City was given by chairman John Hess this week The one day trip will leave the Farm and Home Center Parking lot on October 15 at 6 30 am. and return the same night. Cost for this trip is SlO which includes transportation and the Expo Registration A two-day tour will also leave at the same time and stay over ' the next day Cost for the two day tour is $3B per person and 1 this includes transportation, ] hotel room wtih two persons 1 per room, Expo registration, 1 tips, Luncheon, etc Hess said reservations must ] be made by October 1 to Mrs * Efaul McGarvey, 379 W Rose- . ville Road, Lancaster or call 1 397-1543. 1 fared Yorkshire, Hampshire and Landrace gilts. L. F. Photo $2.00 Per Tear and Don Donvart had the re serve champion Angus following Enek in the heavyweight class. The top Shorthoi n was shown by John Martin and Ken Dear oif had the top Charolais In the fitting contest, Carol Walter was fust in the younger contestants and Judy Thompson was top in the older youth class. Ed Weidman was first in the joungers membei’s showman ship contest and Kay Weaver was named the best showman in the older youth group The winning placings are as follows ANGUS Lightweight, Jim Thompson; Fied Edwards, Joe Shank, Bar (Continued on Page 8) Randy Ranck’s Hogs Top Solanco Show A sixth grade student at the ■ Swaft Junior High School took home the grand champion rosette and trophy for having the best pair of fat hogs at the Solanco Fair Thursday Randy Ranch, 11-year-old son of Mr and Mrs Lester Ranch, Quarryville R 2, won with home bred gilts that were crossbred of Yorkshire, Hampshire and Landrace bloodlines They were the first place medium weight hogs weighing 215 pounds each. Reserve champion fat hogs were shown by Scott Kreider, son of Mr and Mrs Allen Kreider, Quarryville Rl. Scott is an eleventh grade FFA stu dent at Solanco. His Yorkshire (Continued on Page 8)
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