2 Lancaster Farming. Saturday. September 13.1969 At Lancaster Yards Weekly Review September 11,1969 CATTLE 3100—Compared to CATTLE 913 Compared to Vintage Sales Stables. Compared last weeks close. Slaughter Steers Monday, Slaughter Steers steady to last Tuesday, Slaughter Steers steady to 50 lower with Standard to 50 lower, with Standard to 25-50 lower, with some sales on to low-Choiee under 1000 lbs. at low-Choice under 1000 lbs. at weights over 1200 lbs. off 75c; Ihe full decline, Cows 50-1 00 full decline; Cows 50-1.00 lower; Cows 50 to mostly 1.00 lower; lower; Bulls steady to weak Sup- Bulls mostly steady. Bulls mostly steady on small ply included an estimated 4tf pci - supply. cent Slaughter Steers, 20 pei cent s SLAUGHTER STEERS Cows and Bulls, with the balance ’ WI JJ g e "“ P ‘™ e High-Choice and Prime 1025-1200 niainly Feeder Steel.. -12 a ?Ss 3?7M 55 «* 30.60-31.50. couple loads SLAUGHTER STEERS - 975-1325 lbs.' 29 00»75; high- “oice 1100-1300 lbs. yield Grade Choice with end of Prime 1050- good and low-Choice 1000-1250 2 and 3 30 75-31.75, with four 1375 lbs 30 50-3160. few Pnme i bs 28 50-29 00 850-1000 lbs bead 32 50-32.75; Choice 850-1250 1150 1225 lbs 3175 32 00: couple 9g QO-’O 00 Cop’d 1000-P5 lbs lbs - 29.50-30.60, 1250-1425 lbs loads high-Choice 1275-1370 lbs 27 35-28 75’ 850-1000 lbs 26 50- 29 00-30 25; high-Good and low yield grade 23 31 50, Choice 975- 28 00 . gta’ndaid and low-Good r C o h °i ce 28 50-29 50, Good 26 50- 1325 lbs. 29.00-30 75; high-Good 25 75 27 50 28 75, Standaid and low-Good and low-Choice 1000-1250 lbs ‘ 25 00-27 50. 2S 50-29 00, 850-1000 lbs 28 00- SLAUGHTER HEIFERS COWS Utility and high -29 00, Good 1000-1250 lbs. 27 35- Choice 860-950 lbs 2710-28 35, diessmg Cuttei 20 50-22 25, lew 28 75, 850-1000 lbs 26 50-28 00. Good 25 00 27 00, Standaid 21 75- 2 2 25-22 60, Cutter 19 50-2125. Standaid and low-Good 25 75- 23 50. Cannei and low-Cutter 17 50- Al5O - COWS—Utility and high-dress- 19 Jf„ T c _ . SLAUGHTER HEIFERS mg Cuttei 2025-21 50, few 21 60- , fi ULLS Good 2575-2775, Choice 860-950 lbs 27 10-28 35, 22 35, Cutter 18.75-20 75, Cannei Choice 27 85-29 35, Utility Good 25 00-27.00; Standard 21 75- and low-Cutter 16 75-18 75. an “ A C T °™™ e ™ al 2 “f' 27 „„„ 23 so. CALVES 645 Choice 150-220 BULLS Choice 27 85-28.75, lbs. Vealers mostly steady; COWS—Utility and high-dress- few 29 60-30.00, Good 26 50-28.00; Choice 220-260 lb. and Utility to ing Cutter 20 25-2150, few head utility and Commercial 26.00- Good 1.00-2.00 lower; Cull Veal -21 50-22.50, with a couple on 2 g 50. ers 3.00-4.00 lower. Monday at 22 50-23.00; Cutter VEALERS Choice 44.00- 18 73-21.00; Canner and low-Cut- 48.00, few head 48 50-49.50; Good ter 16.75-18 75. 39.00-43.00; Standard 36.50-41.00; Utility 33.50-37.00; Cull 90-120 lbs. 26.00-31.00, 65-85 lbs. 21.00- 27.00. HOGS 389—Barrows and Gilts steady to 50 lowei. BARROWS AND GILTS US 1 195-235 lbs 28.00-28.35. US 1-2 190-250 lbs. 27.25-27.85. US 2-3 190-255 lbs. 26 25-27.10. US 3-4 255-260 lbs. 24.85 SHEEP 77 Spring Lambs 1. 00-2.00 lower; Ewes fully steady SPRING LAMBS Good 60- BULLS Choice 27.85-29.25, few head 29.60-30.00; Good 26 00- 28 00; Utility and Commercial 26 00-28.50, few head 29 00-29 50. CALVES 500 Good and Choice Vealers mostly steady, other grades 100-2.00 lower, with some sales Cull off 3 00. Vealers Choice 46.00-48 00, few head 48.50-49.00, Good 42 GO -46 00; Standard 37.50-4100; Util ity 32 00-38 00, Cull 90-120 lbs 28 00-33 00. 65 85 lbs 21 00-27 00 HOGS 1000 Barrows and Gilts week to mostly 50 lowei; Sows scaice CLOSING SALES BARROWS AND GILTS—US 1 190-220 lbs 27 00-27 75 US 1-3 195-260 lbs (Continued on Page 3) AUCTIONS makes the difference in marketing livestock! New Holland makes the difference in auctions! MONDAY 10:30 A.M. FAT HOGS and SHOATS 2:30 P.M. FAT STEERS, BULLS, COWS & VEAL HORSE SALE MONDAY at 10:00 A M. DAIRY SALE WEDNESDAY at 12:30 P.M. FAT STEERS, BULLS, COWS & VEAL-THURSDAY at 12:30 P.M. NEW HOLLAND SALES STABLES, INC. New Holland, Penna Abram W Diffenbach, Manager Phone (717) 3542194 VINTAGE SALES STABLES, Inc. BULLS. STEERS, BUTCHER COWS, HOGS, LAMBS AND VEAL CALVES SOLD ON COMMISSION SALE EVERY TUESDAY 12 NOON FAT HOGS AND FEEDER PIG SALE EVERY SATURDAY AT 9:00 A.M. For Marketing Information Phone Area Code 717-442-4181 Box 100 Paradise, Pa, 10 mi. East of Lancaster on Rt. 30 MARKET NEWS REPORT CALVES 117 Good and Choice Vealers mostly steady, Utility and Standard 100-2.00 lower; Cull 2.00-4.00 lower. VEALERS—Choice 46 00-47.00 few 48.00-48.50; Good 42 00-46.00, Standard 37 50-4100; Utility 32 - 00-36 50; Cull 90-120 lbs 28 GO -32 50. 65-85 lbs 21 00-27 00. HOGS 208—Barrows and Gilts weak to mostly 50 lower. BARROWS AND GILTS—US 1 190-220 lbs 27 00-27 75 US 1-3 195-260 lbs 26.00-26 50 few US 2 190-195 lbs 25 10-25 85 SHEEP 129 Spring Lambs 50 1 00 lower SPRING LAMBS—Choice VO -95 lbs 27 50-28 00, Good 70-105 Ills 24 75-26 75 Utility 20 00- 23 50 PARADISE, PENNA. Kenneth E. Hershey, Sales Manager Auction Only September 10, 1969 Vintage Auction September 9,1969 CATTLE 1257 The largest supply of Cattle in history of 90 lbs 23 00-28 00, Utility 17 50- 20 00 Slaughtei Ewes Utility and Good 5 00-10 50 Chicago Cattle Weekly Review CATTLE Compaied last weeks close, Slaughter Steers steady to 25 lower. Slaughter Heifeis 25 to fully 50 lower Cows mostly steady Bully 50 lower Receipts included 70 percent Slaughter Steers and fully 25 pei cent Heifers with balance mostly Cows Overall finish Slaughter Steers little changed from last week with 20 percent Pume and 70 percent Choice, (Continued on Page 3) ’J**-•»> <♦> <«• <« CLIP OUT AND S/ SPECIAL STOCKER & FEEDER SALES LANCASTER UNION STOCK YARDS - IN SALES PAVILION - FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 1969 AT 1:00 P. M. FALL SALE SCHEDULE October 10. October 24 (Feeder Calf Sale), November 7, November 21. All Sales, Friday Starting At 1:00 P. M. I VALUABLE DOOR PRIZES TO BE GIVEN AWAY AT EACH SALE | Sponsored by: The Lancaster Livestock Exchange and Union Stock-Yard Co. New Holland Auction September 11, 1969 CATTLE 948 Compared to last Thursday, Slaughter Steers and Cows 50-1.00 lower; Bulls uneven, Good and Choice steady to weak; Utility ami Commerical 25-50 lower. SLAUGHTER STEERS tl ,„u D _„__ nne 107= Good 41.5045.50; Standard 38.00* 3?313- d clwte 9M-13S 4200: Utility 310 °- 37( »: Cul» IS: laaaaS: •SSJS S » ‘ 2 ° 2 ™« 2 «* >*• low-Choice 28 00-29 25. Good a . Bei „. . , 26 50-28 25; Standaid and low- SHEEP 9 Insufficient Good 25 50-27 00. voll,me for a market test COWS—Utility and high-dress mg Cutter 20 50-22 25. few 22 35- 22 85; Cutter 19 50-21 50. Conner and low-Cutter 17.50-19 50 BULLS Choice 27 50-29 00, r’ -r^-rr— V "V '*' vr \y’”"s ' FUTURES TRADING (Closing bids as of Thursday. September 11,1969) Midwestern Live Cattle Live Hogs Maine Potatoes Chicago Chicago New York 28.32 October November 28.07 December February ’7O 27.97 March April 27,72 May 27.62 June 27.47 August a-asked b-bid n-nominal Trend- Cattle are steady; Hogs are stronger and Potatoes are lower, ANNOUNCING FALL STOCKER & FEEDER SALE Friday, September 19 at 7:00 P.M, In New Air-Conditioned Sales Pavilion Also Sales dates Oct. 3, Oct. 17, Nov. 7, Nov. 21 Vintage Sales Stables, Inc. —lO miles east of Lancaster on Route 30 To consign cattle call (717) 768-8204 P O. Box 100, Paradise, Pa Kenneth Hershey, Mgr. :• .» <♦>.. <♦> :j?asiL.-a>> •»>,. YE couple 29.75-30 00; Good 25 2* 27.75; Utility and Commercial 24 50-28.00, couple 30.10-30.50| Cutter and low-Utility 23.25-24.75. CALVES 528 Vealers I.o* 200 lower, some sales Cull 3.0 t lower. COWS I September 10, 1969 i Receipts of 137 cows, 3 bulls (Continued on Page 3) pvwmwiw.r*' V s' \ s 24.47 24.07 2.20 5.45 2,«S 3.10
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