22—Uncastcr Farming Saturday, August 16.1969 Pesticides Safe And Reliable Specialist Says Pesticides, used according to manufacturer's insli actions, are u liable and safe, accoulmg to John S McDaniel, agricultural specialist at the University of Del.ivv.ii c Pesticides and their use are iemulated by strictly enforced fedeial laws, he explains So harards to man from chemical ifcsiduo on processed food are almost non-existant. Befoie any pesticide is mailtet eil, it has been thoioughly and extensively tested for years by qualified experts Thus home makeis may be assuied that the food they buy is safe, nutritious and. best of all, free of insects and disease. Neveitheless, pesticides aie poison, warns McDaniel They aie foimulated to kill insects, weeds, fungi, rats, mice and other vermin. Obviously, then, pesticides can be dangeious. The major cause of pesticide accidents involving childien oi pets is careless pesticide stoiage. he adds Store all pesticides out cf reach in a cool, diy place one that may be locked To avoid accidental poisoning, nevei stoie chemicals near food or medicine Keep all pesticides in original, piopeily labelled containers And leluin all unused chemicals to the original container Without the pioper label, theie is no way to identify a paitieular pesticide 01 to heed directions and pre cautions If the original pesticide container becomes unreadable 01 if the container develops a' leak, discaid the chemical at 1 once I Check all punted ma-| tonal accompanying a pesticide, mges McDaniel Pesticide labels, for example, are carefully re viewed by the U S Department of Aguculture to make sure in foimation is truthful, not mis leading and to insuie that direc tions aie adequate and hazaids ai e pi eminently displayed Disposal of empty pesticide containeis is also a pioblem since even the slightest tiace of ceitam chemicals may be hazai dous under some cncumstances Bum papei bags and boxes, advises McDaniel But be care ful to stay away fiom smoke Bieak glass containers and cuish cans befoie dumping to prevent ic-use or collection of water in the containei Do not, under any cucumstances, thiow used pesti c’de containei s in water Pesti cide-contaminated water en dangers aquatic life and the life of any animal that may use the watei Piacticing these common sense pesticide precautions will result in fieedom from pesticide accidents and in better pest contiol foi faim. home and gar den The growth of lawn grasses now approaches that of early spnng due to the favorable mois tuie conditions The question arises about removing the lawn chppmgs, I realize that is a de batable subject but when growth js heavy, and lawns should be clipped moie than once a week it is quite likely that a very heavy thatch will develop unless some of the clippings are re moved In times of lush growth and high humidity, the clippings of last time are not diy before another clipping is needed. In many cases this build-up of tiiatch will cause trouble and be the start of a dectease in the thickness and thrift of the grass plants Under present conditions I’d suggest the lawn be mowed two times a week and clippings jemoved if they are still notice able after a 24 hour period- CHALLENGE YOUR HERD' Find out how good your herd really is. Let us put your herd on a Pioneer Challenge Feeding Program Stop in and see us. We will tell you how. S ELMER M. SHREINER Trading as Good’s Feed Mill Specializing in DAIRY A HOG FEEDS New Providence, Pa. since loro Phone 786-3500 [HEAD 1500 HEAD I (STATE GRADED) I VIRGINIA I YEARLINGS I STEERS HEIFERS ■ THUR S-A*JG. 28 I Sponsored by: I MARSHALL FEEDER CATTLE ASSN. ■ Norman Coyner. Pres.H FAUQUIER I LIVESTOCK I EXCHANGE I INCORPORATED ■ MARSHALL, VIRGINIA* J. G. Simpson, Mgr.* Tel. 703-364-4861 ■ SPECIAL SALE At New Holland Sales Barn DISPERSAL OF LOUDEN HILL FARMS SATURDAY, AUGUST 23, 10 A.M. 308 Head all stages of Lactation averaging 58 lbs. a day now. 70 fresh cows, 63 head due now ’til Nov. All records will be announced day of sale. Records over 20,000 lbs. milk. 750 fat. 6 Very Good cows. Woodbourne Emphasis, 4 yr. old, classified 85. Cochran General, 5 yr. old, classified 85. Zeldenrust Master Pontiac. 5 yr. old, classified 85. 47 Good Plus Cows, 80 points to 84 points, many never classified. Daughters of these sires will be sold Selling Rock man; Woodbourne Inka Reflector; Woodbourne Lass Reflec tion; Banella Stylemaster; Thornlea; Texal Supreme; Rockdale President. Call Charles C. Myers prior to sale 569-2106. Cattle presented by CHARLES C. MYERS 1500 Rohrerstown Rd., Lane. H. D. MATZ Abe Diffenbach, Anct. Henry Kettering, Pedigrees, Ph. 569-0675 HERE ARE 6 WAYS WE COULD SKIMP ON THE FAMOUS LAMCO FORAGE BOX | Usi : Duty OuHetd ■ WORM DP.n" * * d “** 3 Use common beater in place of our Spiral beater which peels off the material. No Bunching No Plugging Lamco is Safe Smooth and Trouble free KINZER EQUIP. CO. Your Equipment Center in Lancaster County Box 23, Kiazer,; Pa._ . . Phone M2-4lBli
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