Periodicals Division W 209 Pattoo Library Penna* State University 4 rnivorsity, MJ^ eiir,( ' r v VOL. 14 KO. 37 - ;GENTLEMEN START YOUR ENGINES! The Lancaster County- Plowing Contest.finally got .undocway ..Friday -morning after of unusual wet - Photoabovertfoeteontestants get their final inslrulgS«»fthefqre.the contest.^ - - - ' Along with therplowing contest way the FFA Land Judging in which shout' 20 boys were ready to participate. The 4-H Trac tor'Driving Contest usually held with the-field day was cancelled. Winners were to be announced in the afternoon awards program arid the top plowmen in Level Land (small plow), Level Land (large plow) and Contour Land are eligible to go to the State contest to he held Aug. 26-28 at the Agricultural Progress Days, Fox Chase Farm,'Towanda: Late News Bulletin Plowing Contest winner’s: Level Land Ist. Richard Groff, Lititz R 3,520 points; 2nd Merle E. Groff, Lan caster R 4, 318 points; '3rd Frank Burkhart, Silver Springs Road Lancaster, 505 points; 4th John C. Campbell, New Holland, 470 points. ' i Contour Land Winners Ist., Marvin E. Zimmerman, East ’ Earl, 540 points; 2nd Ivan Yost, Christiana Rl, 535 points; 3rd i John £. Campbell, New Holland 462 points. > F.F.A. Land Judging winners Rick Fenstermaker, Man heim Chapter, 363 points; 2nd Ronald Stauffer, Ephrata Chapter, 360 points; 3rd Lloyd Welk, Solanco Chapter 350 points; and 4th i Leroy Welk, Solanco Chapter, 335 points. , John C. Campbell, 4th in the Level Land contest, is eligible ] for the bag plow competition in the State contest. j Manheim Youths Take FFA Hog Championships Home A pair of Manheim FFA Youths showed, litter-mate bar rows to the championship spots, Tuesday, at the 7th Annual Lan caster County FFA Hog Show held at the Lancaster Stockyards. Gary Buchen, Manheim R 3, showing a light-weight cross-bred pig for his brother Burnell, was given the grand championship of the show over all breeds Gary accepted the trophy from Mark Nestleroth, representing the lo Farm Calendar Wednesday, Aug. 13 10:00 am. .Manheim Young Farmer Picnic, Longs Park. 10:00 a.m —Penn-Jersey Hi-Mois ture Corn Clinic, New Hol land Fire Hall. - 7:15 pm. Garden Spot 4-H Community Club Meets, Dwight Hauser’s Home, Lampeter. cal swine producers because Burnell was at Penn State as part of a 4-H demonstration team. Both boys are sons of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Buchen. , The reserve champion follow ed the champion from the Cross bred division for Ed Donough, Manheim R 1 This pig was a heavyweight Ed is the 16-year old son of Mr. and Mrs Paul Donough. Both champions were three way crossbreds having Yorkshire, Hampshire and Duroc breeding They came from Nestleroth’s Dutch Valley Farm, Manheim R 3 Clark Stauffer fiom the Clois ter Chapter captured both ends of the showing and fitting con tests and was piesented trophies from Eby’s Mill, Lititz. Clark is the 15-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs Aaron Staufter. Sale In the afternoon sale, Buchen’s ' (Continued on Page 12) Lancaster Farming. Saturday, August 9,1969 ASCS Tour Announced For Aug. 21 The Lancaster County Agncul tural Stabilization and Conseiva tion Seivice announced plans this week for their annual farm tour to leave Penn Manor High School Thursday, August 21 at 9 a m. The schedule calls for stops at the D M Stoltzfus Farm to see a 700 head steer and 200 head hog operation with automatic feeding; the Robert Martin Farm at Goodville for observation of waterway and drop inlet conser vation work, noon lunch at the New Holland Park where lunch will be available from the park’s refreshment stand; an afternoon tour of New Holland Machine Company and back to Penn Man or by 3.30 p m. Bus fare for the tour is $l.OO for adults and $ 50 for children under 12. Reservations for the tour should be made by Aug 15 to the ASCS Office in the Farm and Home Center, 1383 Arcadia Road, Lancaster Poultry Assn. Now Recommends Upgrading Harrisburg Laboratory In a lettei distributed at the board meeting Thursday night, the Lancaster County Poultry As sociation recommended the diag nostic laboratory at Harrisburg be upgraded The letter from the local Association and address ed to Claude Hess, local represen tative of the state committe to in vestigate State laboratoues and the future needs, said, “We have favored a lab for the county and still would favor this move in 4-H Livestock Team Wins 2nd Consecutive Year For the second consecutive year, Lancaster County’s 4-H Senior Livestock Judging Team topped all competition in the Slate at the contest held each year at Penn State Putting to- < gether a total of 1172 points out of a possible 1350, the team con sisting of Marvin Nissley, Mt Joy R 2, Barry Longenecker, Lititz R 2, Donna Hess, Strasburg Rl and alternate Karen High, Leola, brought home the news Wednes day afternoon when they return ed to the County from the three day affair. As individuals, the team plac- 1 ed high also, with Nissley 2nd, Egg Damage System Assists Pa. Poultrymen FORT COLLINS, COLORADO Pennsylvania’s new egg shell damage classification system "is proving Ho be instrumental in solving many breakage problems encountered by state poultrymen This was leported recently by A Kermit Birth, Extension poul try marketing specialist at The Pennsylvania State University, who presented a paper at the an nual meeting of the Poultry Science Association at Colorado State University “This classification system,” the marketing specialist said, “was developed as a result of questions pertaining to the causes of shell damage. The pro gram is conducted in cooperation with the Pennsylvania Depart- , ment of Agriculture Bureau of Markets.” The system was developed : from a study of damaged shells of eggs he said The poultryman records the type and area of shell damage, location of the impact area, if such exists, and location of damaged surface of the egg , The system includes six types of damage to be recorded. “Keeping the percent of eggs with damaged shells at a mini mum is a never-ending chal lenge,” Birth said. “It takes con stant checking of eggs for shell damage to pinpoint and deter mine the cause ” view of the high percentage of the cases that have been diagnos ed at the Harrisburg lab from Lancaster County. However, in view of the recent road impiove ments and the very costly equip ment necessary for efficient and complete diagnosis of poultry cases, we are thinking in terms of possible upgrading of the Har risburg Laboratory. “In reviewing the services avail (Continued on Page 11) $2.00 Per Year Longenecker 3id, Miss Hess llii and Miss High 13th The 1969 team members were Larry Herr, Larry High, Richard Buckwalter and Michael Smuck er. Miss Hess and Miss High were members of the first place Junior team that also won last year. In the demonstrations, local boys also won Ray Brubaker, 206 Rohrerstown Rd„ and Bur nell Buchen, Manheim R 3, team ed up on their livestock conserva tion demonstration to take first in the state. Their title was Bet ter Care—Bigger Profits And the Consumerama Team of Sheryl Weaver, New Holland R 1 and Darlene Neff, Mt. Joy placed first. This event was new and the competition is in making consumer buying decisions The girls received blue ribbons and a medal Another local team of Ann Nissley, Mt Joy R 2 and Audrey Yunginger, Marietta R 1 also won blue ribbons in the same com petition. I "The Junior Livestock Team ; was fourth Team members are Ed Hess, Strasburg Rl, Gary Dean, Strasbuig Rl, Marlin Bol ■ linger, Denver R 2 and John Fisk ■ er, Manheim R, D #1 In dairy judging the local team of John Kurtz, Elizabethtown, Raelene Haibold, Elizabethtown Rl, Carol Groff, Quarryville R 3 and Wayne Yost, New Holland f Continued on Page 7) Referendum On Milk Set December 17 State Agriculture Secretary Leland H Bull today announced that a referendum will be held Wednesday December 17, on a proposed milk marketing de velopment program for Pennsyl vania. Key feature of the program is -a self-assessment plan to raise funds for promoting the sale and use of milk The proposed pro gram would assess dairy farmers one-half of one percent of the gross value of milk sold less hauling costs Details of the plan were dis cussed at a public hearing July 15 Secietary Bull said examma ll AM A C tlin f AaII W\ AM t. lisj, AAtnJ A non of the testimony indicated a strong preference for the re ferendum All milk producers who sell milk commercially will be eh gibe to vote for or against the proposal, Secretary Bull stated. Ballots, which will be mailed to producers later, must be return ed to the Agriculture Depart ment on or before December 17. Under the Pennsylvania Agri cultural Commodities Marketing Act of 1968, approval of such a program requires favorable votes fiom two-thirds of those casting ballots and must represent afc least 50 percent of the voters' to tal production.
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