Try o Classified Ad It Pays! FARM EQUIPMENT SALE Wed., August- 20—1969 at 9:00 A.M. MARTIN’S SALE BARN Blue Ball, Pa., Lancaster County Tractors, fall harvesting equipt., machinery, horse •drawn implements 40 x 100 Tent, stalls, pens, gates, posts, hay and straw. Wc sell on commission. PAUL Z. MARTIN Ph. (717) 334-6671 Next Equip. Sale Sept. 17. DISTRIBUTOR FOR LISTER DIESELS SALES - PARTS - SERVICE We sell from 3 1-2 K. W. to 100 K. W. Generator Sets. Lister Diesels can be mounted on various pieces of equipment. FREE ESTIMATES ON SET-UPS Such as: Irrigation, Refrigeration, Electric Generating Plants, etc. Also Creamery Package Bulk Milk Tanks C. B. HOOBER s SON Intercourse, Penna. Ira B. Landis Ph: 394-7912 1912 Creek Hill Rd , Lane, West Willow Farmers Assn., Inc. -Ph- 464-3431 West Willow Phone: 768-8231 HEIFERS FAST at low cost with.,, NEW PURINA HEIFER CHOW More and more local dairymen are proving that a small extra investment in heifer feeding can pay off when heifers freshen and begin contributing to the milk check. And research has proved that heifers which produce well in the first lactation continue to be high producers over a longer milking life than average cows. NEW Purina* Heifer Chow* has been developed to help you grow big heifers fast, conveniently and at low cost. New Heifer Chow is a palatable, coarse 14 per cent protein ration, fortified with vitamins and minerals to stimulate fast, solid heifer growth.' To build low-cost growth, you need feed only 3 pounds of New Heifer Chow per heifer per day if your legume forages are of good quality. For best results, start your heifers on the Purina heifer growing program at six months of age until 90 days before freshening when they’ll be fed on the basis of their condition and on the quality of your forage. Drop in soon and pick up a copy of our New Purina Heifer Growing Program folder. It explains the program +o follow fot fast-growing, early-freshening heifers at low cost *Reg. Trademark—Ralston Purina Co. John B. Kurtz Ph- 354-9251 R. D. 3, Ephrata John J. Hess, 11, Inc. Ph- 442-4632 Paradise Eastern Shore Officially Closed The Eastern Shore Poultry , salc ° f I c ‘ llckc " s a^\ E *' hn T Growers’ Exchange. Shclbyville, ) v v ‘ l * h . c on ’ “I 10 U 1952 ; ' t . Del. has phased out its opera- lmc * chickens weie hard lions accoiding to Peicy F. t 0 scll: many buyeis weie slow Shockley, piesidcnt. The first in moving flocks that had been Lancaster Farming. Saturday. August 16.1969—21 James High & Sons Ph- 354-0301 Gordonville Wenger's Feed Mill Inc. Ph- 367-1195 Rheems sold: pay periods sometimes in* volved a rather long wait; an 4 selling puces on iJcimarva weie consistently lower than puces be ing paid in other aieas. Annual Delmarva pi eduction has in creased fiom 122 million then to an estimated 300 million this >eai. With most grow-out op erations now integiated with pioccssing facilities, the Ex change is no lonser useful. Scramble For Dollar Bills A scramble for dollar bill* containing the signature of for mer treasurery secretary Jos eph W. Barr, was rampant among collectors here this week despite that nobody is sure if the bills are worth more than face value' Barr was treasury secretary only a short period of time and only a few bills were issued with his signature, local would be collectors insisted Dealers in Lancaster scoffed at the re port, however, and reported they were in no great demand “But,” one dealer insisted, “if this report becomes any more widespread, enough of the bills will be hoarded with the result they may become worth more perhaps a dollar and a quarter.” Peaches For Freezing Freeze peaches that have a good flavoi and color and are at the right stage of ripeness. Immature fuut becomes pale and tasteless in the freezer and over ixpe peaches may turn dark, says Mis Ruth J Buck, Penn State extension foods and nutrition specialist Select firm, ripe fruit. If held one to three days after picking, peaches immove in .flavor Red Haven, Golden Jubl llee, Tnogem, Sun High, and jHalehaven are among the var ieties recommended for freezing. ( Laundering or Washing? Laundering refers to the en tn e sequence of operations need ed to get soiled clothes clean and ready to use again, explains Mrs. Ruth Ann Wilson, Penn State extension clothing specialist It includes at least the basic steps of soiling, pretieating, washing, nnsing, drying and any ironing required Washing means to rub or agitate clothes in soap or deteigent suds Control Garden Weeds Weeds should be controlled just as you would control any other bandit, says Ciaig S Oli vei, extension ornamental horti culturist at The Pennsylvania State University They take needed space away fiom desuable plants Weeds also rob desuable plants of food. And during long dry spells, they take needed moisture from gar den plants Often, they shade y oung or low plants from needed light SWEIGART FIRESTONE 329 W. High St., Manheim, Pa,
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