Public Auction The undersigned, having sold his farm, will sell the following at public auction at the farm located on Aldino Road (Rt. 156), ZVz mi, east of Churchville, 1 mi. southwest of Level, directly opposite Aldino Airport, in Harford Co., Md., on SATURDAY, MARCH 1, 1969 10:00 A. M. MACHINERY 4020 JD diesel, 3010 JD diesel, Super M Farmall trac tor, Int’l. #3OO tractor/live PTO, 2 Farmall H tractors, New Holland #275 baler, New Holland #56 R rake, JD 75 bu. spreader, 2 Snow bale loaders, JD #6 chopper/corn and grass head, JD 130 bu. spreader, JD #3l hay conditioner, AC blower/40’ pipe, Ford scraper blade, Int’l 3 bottom 14” plow, Int’l loader for H or M tractor, false end gates with unloaders, 2 Century field sprayers, Brady hay conditioner #8 C 80, Ford 7’ disc, JD 9’ mower #9W, 8’ lime spreader, flat bed wagon, JD #7B scraper, 6’ front end blade, Dilling er Hammer Mill, 2 calf crimp feeders, 2 sets Stewart cow clippers, 75’ Endless belt, tires & wheels, 200’ rubber hose, 36’ Ruth elevator, fence posts, paint, many small farm & shop tools. DAIRY EQUIPMENT Essco stainless steel dumping station, milkers, wash vat, milk cans and buckets. TRUCKS 1958 Chev. 2 ton truck in A-l iondition, 1956 Chev. IVz ton truck in A-l condition, 1953 Dodge 2 ton truck with 1150 gal. tank. TERMS - CASH ABERDEEN SALES CO. Owner: John W. Bailey Sale Managers Aberdeen, Maryland Phone: 301/734-6050 Phone: 301/734-7852 734-7105 Not responsible for accidents day of sale. Lunch served by the ladies of Hopewill Methodist Church. PUBLIC SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE, FARM MACHINERY, PERSONAL PROPERTY On Saturday, March 1,1969 at 1 P.M. sharp at R. D. #l, Brogueville, Pa. in Chanceford Twp. Take first road to left off the Shenks Ferry to York Furnace Road. The under signed Executor of the David H. Walker Estate will offer at public sale the following Farm consisting of approx. 110 acres. There are approx. 95 acres of good rich farming ground the balance in pasture & woodland. Most of this land is level with some road front age along state highway, 2 springs on farm, lot of good fences. Improvements consist of a large 10-room frame house with IVz baths, heated by oil hot water heat, log & frame barn approx. 40 x 80, corn barn, grannery & tobacco shed combined, small hog pen. Most all bldgs, recently had new roofs. Also tract of farming ground of 9 acres located at R.D. #l, Brogueville, Pa. on the Gum Tree Road. This tract has good road frontage on Gum Tree Road will be offered for sale from the main sale. Real Estate will be offered at 2 P.M. on day of sale. Can be inspected most any time. For appointment phone 927-6558 or 927-6152. AUCTIONEER’S NOTE: Anyone on the market for a farm, be sure & inspect this one. FARM MACHINERY & PERSONAL PROPERTY 1965 Ford Vz ton pickup truck, radio & heater with long bed has short racks & cattle racks in A-l condition, New Holland 6-ton rubber tire wagon with new 12 ply tires - good bed, 47 Farmall H tractor - hydraulic & lights - excellent condition, approx. 30 ton of mixed hay, lot of straw, 3 fox hounds - color B, W & T, 1 male 4 yrs. old, 1 male 1 yr. old, 1 female 1 yr. old, all broke to run, also other articles too numerous to mention. Not responsible for accidents on day of sale, Terms on day of sale by HAROLD J. WALKER Executor Jacob A. Gilbert, Auctioneer Gilbert & Frey, Clerks Russell S. Stine, Attorney Refreshments AvailabV REAL ESTATE PUBLIC SALE Along Rte. 222 first farm north of the Pa.-Md. State Line, Lancaster Co., Pa. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1969 11:00 A. M. 3 tractors, 2 Allis Chalmers Dl7 gas wide front end, 1 series (1600 hrs.), Ford 8N tractor with cults. 3 pt., Allis Chalmers Slat bottom 3-16 in. trip (2 yrs.), AC 3 bottom 14 in., 28 IHC disc, JD 3 section spring harrow, Brillion culti packer 4 in., axle (IVa yrs.), AC 7 ft. mower #BOR, JD crimper, Farmhand wheel rake, New Holland 269 baler with thrower P.T.0., 30 ft. Smoker elevator, 2 Case wagons with thrower sides, Grove flat bed wagon, 2 Farmec bins, mount ed on Coby (2 years-old), Oliver 13 disc drill. ALLIS CHALMERS 4 ROW CORNPI ANTER WITH FERT. (1 YEAR) Allis Chalmers 1 row cornpicker, peg tooth harrow, Oliver 1 row cornpicker (good), New Idea #l7 manure spreader, Miller 180 amp. welder. PENNSYLVANIA GANG MOWER (lawn) 7 FT. CUT (1 Year) 4 Sugre milker units, 1 Sputnick Milkporter with air pump, 2 feed carts, Stewart cow clippers, fencer, air com pressor, 2 years-old, Badger automatic waterer with heater, 3 stainless steel carrying buckets, 1 SS strainer, 18 Holstein Heifers bred, all due in Aug. Health charts furnished. 2- half Angus steer calves, 2 - % Charolais cows, 2 - % Charo lais heifers open, 2 - % Charolais heifer calves. Approx. 50 tons clover hay, 12 tons alfalfa mixed, ear corn by the ton and corn silage. 1968 PLYMOUTH SATELLITE 2 DOOR HARDTOP. POWER STEERING AND AUTOMATIC, 17,000 MILES. Terms by RALPH L. AND GWENYTH L. CRAMER Kreider & Diller, Aucts. Lunch by Fulton Grange Public Sale FRIDAY, MARCH 21, 1969 STARTING AT 10:30 A. M. 20 to 30 TRACTORS MANY MAKES AND MODELS International, Ford, John Deere, AUis-Chalmers, Case, Massey-Harris, Massey-Ferguson, Oliver FARM MACHINERY Harvesters, mowers, cornpickers, hay balers, blowers Some Lawn and Garden Equipment Attention DEALERS & FARMERS: Bring your own surplus equipment in to be sold on consignment. We buy, sell, trade, wholesale-daily. Used Parts for most make & model of Tractors & Farm Machinery. SALE DATES FOR 1969 Friday, April 18 Friday, May 16 WENGER'S FARM MACHINERY, INC So. Race St, 717-866-2138 Lancaster Farming, Sat., February 22,1969—27 Po. Hunters Report Harvesting 218 Bears Pennsylvania’s bear hunters reported harvesting 218 bruins during the 1968 season, the Pennsylvania Game Commis sion reported this week The 1968 harvest represents a considerable drop from the 568 bears taken the previous year and the 605 tagged m the 1966 season, and is in line with the Game Commission’s pre-season report that Keystone State bruins were scattered over a wide are due to a shortage of food supplies Cameron and Elk Counties each produced 21 bears this past season to lead the state, while McKean County was close be hind with 20. Other top uroduc ing counties during 1968 were Clearfield with 16 and Pike and Clinton with 14 each. In 1967, Potter County was the top bear producer with 66, followed by Elk County with 64 Although the large bear har vests during the 1966 and 1967 seasons were undoubtedly a factor in the i educed harvest in 1968, field leports indicate that there is still a sufficient supply bruins to promise exciting hunt ing in the future • Farm Women (Continued from Page 22) should bring their own sand wich and the hostess will pro vide the extras Mrs Hayes Hastings, presi dent of the Society of Farm Women 20 conducted the busi ness session at a recent meet ing held in the home of Mrs. Glenn Ressel, Quarryville Rl, who was assisted by Mrs. Wil liam Herr Mrs. Ressel led de votions and showed slides of a trip through New England. Each member answered roll call by reading an original poem The secretary in turn, read aloud a poem composed by members in 1958. Convention repoits were presented by Mrs. Joseph Best and Mrs Ressel. The group will visit Conestoga View along with Society 21 on Thursday when they will pro vide gifts to the guests A sew ing party was held on Feb. 14 in the home of Mrs William Crawford, Kirkwood Rl It was reported that 11 dozen cancer pads were sewn at the previous party. The next meeting will be held March 6 at the home of Mrs. Chester Trout Oxford Rl. Myerstown, Pa. SOCIETY 20 Pennsylvania Landrace Swine Breeders’ Association State Show and Sale SAT., MAR. 1, 1969 Show 10 A.M. Sale 1 P.M. Location: Pa. Faim Show Building Small Arena, Harrisburg, Pa. 40 Head Bred Gilts, Open Gilts and Boars A 50 lb. Purebred Land race Gilt and a 200 lb. slaughter weight Bar row will be given away FREE sale day. For Sale Catalog write J. D. Blatt R.D. #2, Annville, Pa 17003 Auct.—Jacob Gerberich Judge—Dwight Younkin
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