28—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, February 22,1969 SAVE New Equipment Specials - No. 27 Balers $2052 ea. $1550 ea. - No. 430 Baler • No. 56 Blower (Basic Machine) - No. 5 Flail Chopper 1490 1285 - No. 33 Hay Conditioner 2 - No 816 9 ft. Mower Conditioners - No. 63 2-Row 3 pt hitch Cultivator 574 1 - No. 53 4-Row 3 pt. hitch Cultivator 1- No 211 Rotary Cutter 625 1 - No. 10 16x7 Grain Drill 1- No 9-A 9 ft. 2" Disk Harrow 795 715 - No. 350 10 ft’. 3 in. Wheel Controlled Disk Harrow - No. 401 12 ft. Spring Tooth Harrow 350 - No. 350 Forage Harvester with Corn Head 2805 - No. 550 Forage Harvester (Basic Machine) 3062 - No. 230 Mower - No. 1 PR Corn Picker - No. 54 4-Row Rotary Valve Com Planter 1587 - No. 540 4-F 16" trip beam plow -No. 450 3-Fl6" Automatic Plow -No 531 3-F 16" Trip beam Plow - No. 14 Rake 730 All new tractors greatly reduced for this sale Extra savings on all new Lawn & Garden tree jrs International Harvester EPHRATA, PA. FEB. 24 TO MARCH 1 BA. M. TO 11 P. M. EXCEPT SAT. MARCH 1 TIL NOON 40% TO 10% ON THESE Reg. Safe Price Price 2665 2350 843 700 1100 900 2395 ea. 1495 ea. 1095 1553 1350 1175 630 2400 1307 1277 783 Sales And Service 1054 S. STATE ST. 450 DISCOUNT ON ALL PARTS 950 550 1000 TRACTOR 310 OVERHAUL AND SERVICE 2480 SPECIALS 2710 525 SEE CLAYTON FRANKHOUSER FOR HIS TRUCK SPECIALS 1900 1415 1165 1137 LESTER HOUCK FOR RENTAL AND RENTAL PURCHASE ON 700 639 °pfy° Sr 4r/ c PHONE 733 ■ 2283 * WINTER AND INDUSTRIAL EQUIPMENT Used Equipment Specials 503 Self Propelled Combine w/14 ft. Header (like new) Farmall 300 tractor with loader Formal I Cub tractor International 2404 tractor Farmall Super H tractor Farmall 300 tractor 9-A Disk Harrow 37 Wheel Controlled Disk Harrow 33-A Loader for Utility tractor 2001 Loader for Row Crop tractor John Deere Disk Harrow 411 4-F 16" 2 pt. hitch Plow Oliver 3-F 3 pt. hitch Plow John Deere 4-F 3 pt. hitch Plow New Holland Blower Ford 8N tractor with Backhoe and Loader Allis Chalmers D-14 tractor with Backhoe & Loader D-2 Caterpiller with Blade Brady Chopper Low Bed trailer Ford 641 tractor with Industrial loader Ford NAA with blade Several good lawn and garden tractors ill
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers