6—Lancaster Farming, Saturday. January 25.1969 Pa. Holstein Breeders’ Institute Coming To Lancaster January 30 Dauymen of all breeds and Crescent Beauty Farms has all others interested in the ad- been a consistent leader in \ancement of the dauy industry bleeding and developing win are invited to attend the Ninth ners in national show ring com- Annual Bieeder Institute pro- petition Having an opportunity gram to be held in the Farm to hear the story of this success and Home Center starting at plus the achievements in domes -12 30 Thursday. Janaury 30. tic and foreign sales of Crescent 1969 Speakers for the session Beauty Holstems is certain to will be Allen Hetts. Fort Atkin- result in a record institute at son. Wisconsin, and Marlowe tendance acioss the state, ac- E Nelson, Westby. Wisconsin coidmg to William C Nichol, Secretary of the sponsoung Pennsylvania Holstein Associa tion. i Hetts, ownei-manager of the *« internationally known Crescent Beauty Farms will discuss. Allen Hetts ‘•Purebred Dauv Cattle Indus- Marlowe E Nelson, Sire Pro try, Why 9 Hetts is well-known eurement Manager for Tri-State to Pennsylvania dairymen as a Bleeders Cooperative, has se judge and showman This past lected for his subject, September, he judged the Hoi- “Thoughts About The Business stem breed’s State Black and 0 f Breeding Cattle” A former White Show at Harrisburg and Extension Dairyman at the Uni later in the week exhibited a versity of Wisconsin, Nelson is two-year-old to Giand Champion now responsible for develop- Pemale honors at the Pennsyl- m ent of Tri-State’s breeding vania All-American Dairy Show, program, selection and evalua- It’s easy to build better seedbeds with Aliis-Chalmers Wheel Type Disc Harrows! The 200 Series is one of a sizeable line of wheel type disc harrows by Aliis-Chalmers. Easy handling in the field, easy transport. Pre-set gang angle for lighter draft. Inside bevel ground blades need less weight for deep penetration. Flexible frame for level discing. Let ub show you the 200 Series! A Allen H. Motz Farm Equipment New Holland Nissley Form Service L. H. Brubaker Washington Boro, Pa. Lititz, Pa. L. H. Brubaker Roy H. Buck, Inc. Lancaster, Pa. Ephrata, R. D. 2 Grumelli Farm Service N. G. Myers & Son Quarryville, Pa. Rheems, Pa. Marlowe E. Nelson “I’ve never pulled an easier-handling harrow!” • DHIA (Continued from Page 1) age value of product above feed cost $467. The herds over 600 pounds of butter fat were recognized with the Red Rose Reseaich Center, 226 Pitney Road. Lancaster top ping the county in both milk and butterfat with 17,867 pounds of milk, 691 pounds of butterfat on 25.2 cows. David George. Herdsman and Richard Hawk, Farm Manager accepted the award that goes annually to the top herd A total of 18 herds had a 600 pound of butterfat average or more. They are as follows: Red tion of the cooperative s bulls of all breeds, conduct of the young sire program, breed adveitising and breed relations. Nelson, like Hetts, is also a recognized judge of Holstems by the National Holstein Asso ciation. He has written numer ous articles for dairy breed magazines and this past year was a very popular speaker at the New York State Breeder In stitute program. i 1. Save walking 100 miles a year. 3. Save carrying 292 tons of milk a year. 3. Save 200 hours per year on an average herd. 4. Produce higher quality tS milk. , 5. Increase your milk L production. WHY BUY A P[RF[CTION PIPUINC? Perfection Can Put Pipeline In WHY BUY A PIPELINE? For An Average 40 Cow Herd You Can . . . 1. Engineered for the modem dairy farm of today as well as the dairy farm of tomorrow. Around the barn pipelines and milking parlors. 2, The only milkhouse control unit that is assembled at our modern new factory on a stainless steel panel. Pretested for trouble free operation, self-draining with patented washing features. 3. Built and guaranteed by Perfection Milker-Division of Sta-Rite Indus tries, Inc., of Delavan, Wisconsin, a recognized leader in home water systems and agricultural components. TRANSFER STATI 24 Hour Milking Equipment Service installation and Service CALL TODAY AND ASK FOR AN APPOINTMENT Agway Bee Line’s Local Commodity Technicians are: MR. FRED KERLIN MR. HAROLD KINSEY Agway Rose Research Center; Stanley G. Greiner. Manhcim R 4, 24.1 cows, 17,226 m, 674 f; Lloyd Wolf, Quanyville R 2, 40 7 cows, 16,585 m, 674(; Edwin J. Landis, 1406 Lampeter Road, Lancaster, 35.4 cows, 16,614 m, 651 f; Paul B. Zimmerman, Ephrata Rl, 319 cows, 16,463 m, 638 f: Amos B Lapp, Gordonville Rl, 33 5 cows, 17,071 m, 635 f; Henry E. Kettering. Litilz R 3, 43 8 cows. 15,437 m, 631 f; Curtis E. Akers, Quarryville Rl, 35 cows, 16 351- m, 630 f; John M. Nissley, Bain bridge Rl, 38 3 cows, 16,965 m, 629 f; David L. Landis, 1896 Colebrook Road, Lancaster, 27 cows, 17,417 m, 628 f; J Mowery Fiey Jr, 401 Beaver Valley Pike, Lancaster, 65 5 cows, 15,- 567 m, 619 f. S. R Shellenberger, Mt Joy Rl, 56 8 cows, 16,101 m, 612 f, Donald S. Eby, Goidonville Rl; 43 7 cows, 15,058 m, 611 f, Hiram S Aungst, Elizabethtown, 341 cows, 14,976 m, 605 f, John N. Landis, 1804 Hempstead Road, Lancaster, 50 7 cows, 12,055 m, 604 f; J. Z Nolt, Leola Rl, 34 9 cows, 16,129 m, 603 f; Henry W. Martin, Ephi ata Rl, 26 5 cows, 15,363 m, 601 f; Robert C. Gioff, Bee Line Supply Center 1027 DILLEBVILLE ROAD, LANCASTER 24 HOUR SERVICE DAILY - PH. 717-397-4761 Quarryville R 3, 33.8 cows, 15,- 835 m, 600 f. I. Eby Hostetler presided at the meeting. • Poultrymen (Continued from Page 1) Costs, Pullet Costs-Kenncth Goodwin, Head, Poultry Sci ence Dept, Penn State Univ. —Labor and Other Critical Cost Factors - Floyd Hicks, Prof. Poultry Science Extension, Penn State Univ. - Marketing Costs Facts or Fantasy-Keimit Birth, Assoc. Prof. Agr Economics Exten sion, Penn State Univ. —Panel Discussion Question and Answer Session. The noon lunch will be S 2 25. Airangements should be made by Feb 10. March 6-8 p.m. —What’s New in Poultij Man agement-Herbert Jordan, Ex tension Poultry Specialist, Penn State Umv. —Poultry Waste Disposal-Glenn Bressler, Pi of. Poultry Sci ence, Penn State Umv —Refreshments will be served. A Any Barn SIjJLL* ; .J , A
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