Garden Spot YF Meeting To Feature Business Etiquette The Garden Spot Young Farmer Chapter will conduct an adult farmer meeting on Janu ary 28th at 7:30 p.m. in the Gar den Spot High School Agricul ture classroom. The topic will be “How Are You On Business HYBRIDS GUARD YOUR SEED INVESTMENT with the one and only (YIELD WARRANTY! YW Hybrids’ Yield War ranty Program guar antees you don’t risk one penny of your seed investment, yet it offers a method by which you can compare and choose the hybrids which give you the out standing performance you should be getting. No other seed corn pro ducer dares to make such an offer! Get full details on the YW Hybrids’ Yield War ranty Program. Ask about our quantity discount and the four new top-yielding single crosses Cletus A. Balmer R D 2, Manheim Phone 665-4205 DAIRY COMPERE # DISPLAYS Curtiss BreecKim Service, Inc. Etiquette?” The meeting is de signed to point out some mis takes made by farmers in all types of dealings and give tips on how to maintain good busi ness relationships. Since the farm wife plays a big part in the farm business by answering the phone, taking messages, writing letters, greeting sales men, etc., Young Farmer wives are invited and encouraged to attend. Three guest speakers will highlight the program. They v/ill be: Mrs. Regina Euker from the Bell Telephone Company, Mrs. Barbara McLaughlin, Busi ness Education teacher at Gar den Spot High School, and Mr. Robert Immel, Business Rela tions Department of New Hol land Machine Company. HAYMOR ALFALFA New Clintford OATS Clover & Alfalfa Mixed and Inoculated Free Save with REIST’S Seeds Reist Seed Co. Mount Joy, Pa. Ph. 653-4121 Finest Quality Seeds (Since 1925) 4TH ANNUAL SOUTHEASTERN at the Guernsey Barn, Route 30 East, Lancaster, Pa. TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 1969 9:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. (Snow Date February 19, 1969) Theme: "Dairy Management” This Dairy Conference is sponsored by Allis - Chalmers Milwaukee, Wis. Cary, The following questions will be asked: When your wife takes a phone message, does she get all the facts? How do you say “no” to a businessman? Do you diead writing a formal business letter’ Do you put your large purchases up for bids? These questions and others will be answered as Mrs. Euker presents a demonstration using a special telephone on how to use the telephone correctly and politely; when Mrs McLaughlin illustrates some common mis takes made in ordinary business writing and gives some simple, general rules to follow; and when Mr Immel discusses how the farmer can do a better job of dealing with businessmen With today’s farmer becoming more and more of a business man, he must be aware of the importance of good business re lations. Local farmers, wives, and farm businessmen are invited. Refreshments will be served. • New Holland (Continued from Page 2) seys 150-325; Other breeds 275- 385, Bulls 200-235. Receipts of 246 horses sold stronger. Work horses (single) 165-240, (Pairs) 425-550; Mules (single) 150-425, (pairs) 400- 1000; Riding horses 90 560; Driv ing horses 90-200; Pony (mares) 17-25, (geldings) 15-20; Killers 8 9. Receipts of 787 hogs sold 25 Receipts of 100 calves sold type of colorfastness has to do to 50 higher Retail 2150-23; steady. Choice and Pume 42-47- with washability Dyes that aie Wholesale, ISTo 2,3& 4, 21-2150, 50, Good and L. Choice 37-41 50; ccloifast to laundering will keep Heavyweights 19 50-21, Sows 14.- Standard 31-36 50, Common 20- colors fresh and blight dunng 50-16 50; Boars 1150-13. 30 50. repeated washings DOOR PRIZES Illinois HORSES January 20, 1969 HOGS January 20, 1969 Lancaster Farming. Saturday, January 25.1969 • Chicago (Continued from Page 2) mainly cows. Overall finish of slaughter steers was not much different than a week ago with 11 percent pnme and 75 percent choice. This compares with 10 percent prime and 73 percent prime last week, and 9 percent prime and 75 percent choice a year ago. The percentage of good grade slaughter steei s this week is expected to be about the same as last weeks 13 per cent, largest since last May Av erage cost and weight of slaugh ter steers were estimated at 29- 25 and 1155 lbs, compaied with 28.97 and 1147 lbs. last week and 26 74 and 1151 lbs a year ago. Heifer supply mostly avei age good to average prime weighing 850-1050 lbs. SLAUGHTER STEERS On Wednesday, prime 1150-1375 lbs yield grade 3 and 4 31.00- 3175, with two loads at 32 00, mixed high choice and prime 1100-1425 lbs 3000-3125, choice 950-1400 lbs. yield grade 2 to 4 28 75-30 00, mixed good and choice 27.75-29 00. SLAUGHTER HEIFERS On Monday, prime 10001050 lbs. yield grade 3 and 4 29 50 29 75, small lot around 1125 lbs at 30 00. On Wednesday, mixed high choice and prime 950-1025 lbs 28 75-29 25, choice 850-1025 lbs yield grade 2 to 4 28 00 28 75, mixed good and choice 26 25- 28 00. Colorfast Fabric Labels on clothing define col -01 fast qualities of the fabnc, says Mis Ruth Ann Wilson, Penn State extension clothing January 20, 1969 specialist The most common CALVES REFRESHMENTS John W. Eshelman & Sons Lancaster, Pa. New Holland Supply Co., Inc. New Holland, Pa. • Farm Calendar (Continued fiom Page 1) del, Vet, Penn State on Swine Diseases). 730 pm —Lancaster County FFA Chapter meet, Waiwick High 730 pm —Manheim Young Faimeis meet, Vo-Ag Room. Tuesday, January 28 730 p m.—Manheim Young Faimeis meet, (small en- gines) Vo-Ag Room. 7 30 pm—Gaiden Spot Young Faimei meet, VoAg Room. 730 pm —Ephrata Young Farmei meet (Farm Manage ment) VoAg Room 7 45 p m —Northeast Area 4 H Tractor Club meet, Farmers ville. Wednesday, January 29 29 31 —Lime and Fertilizer Conference, Penn State. 12 00 noon—lnterstate Milk Pi o- ducers Co-Op Banquet, Quar xyville Methodist Church 8 00 p m —Farm Management meet, Farm & Home Center. Thursday, January 30 12 30 pm —Pa Holstein Bieed ers Institute, Faim & Home Center. 7 00 pm—Aguco Chemical Co. meet, Farm & Home Center. 7 30 p m —Garden Spot Young Farmer meet (welding), Vo- Ag Room. ««; S 0 j\ t I 111 5
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