WE NEEDED MORE WINTER PLAY SPACE FOR THE CHILDREN AND FOUND IT IN THE BASEMENT WHEN WE MODERNIZED WITH SPACE-SAVING ELECTRIC HEAT Whether it’s added play space, storage •pace or work space you need, mod ernizing with liameless electric heat may supply it for you. Electric heat ing units take up very little space, end there’s no fuel storage problem at all. In fact, some types of electric heat Slave no central furnace at all. Find out how you can “discover** useful space in your home. Call PP&L or a Reddy Kilowatt Recommended Electric Home Heating Dealer listed in the Yellow Pages under “Heating.** JUST ONE OF THE REASONS 10,500 PP&L CUSTOMER FAMILIES NAVE MODERNIZED WITH FLAMELESS ELECTRIC HEAT AND 22,500 HAVE BOUGHT NEW ELECTRICALLY HEATED HOME PENNSYLVANIA POWER & LIGHT COMPANY Lancaster Farming. Saturday. September 14,1968 Export Opportunities For Ag Products Continues Strong The foreign market for U.S. agricultural products continues to hold at a high level. Estimates by the USDA for the year ending June 30 place total agricultural exports at $6.4 bil lion This is slightly less than the immediate pre v i o u s two years, but higher than reported for most recent years. Details are not yet available. However, of inteiest to Pennsyl vania producers and processors aie these figures for the 1966-67 fiscal year; Exports of fresh fruits and various kinds of processed fruits and fruit preparations totaled 5320 million This included $155 million in fresh fruits; $7l mil lion in canned fruits, $47 mil lion in dried fruits, and $37 mil lion in fruit juices. Exports of vegetables and preparations totaled $172 mil lion. Exports of fresh vegetables totaled $6O million; canned and other prepared vegetables, 60 million. Exports of poultry products totaled $64 million. This mclud- 5400 HEAD IN FOUR FEEDER CALF SALES LOCATED IN CENTRAL VIRGINIA "Where Quality is Outstanding" Angus Hereford Steers Heifers 300 - 700 Pounds Orange September 24 1200 Head Charlottesville September 25 1600 Head Culpeper September 26 1400 Head Staunton September 27 1200 Head All Sales Start at 1:00 P.M. (EDST) Health requirements and all qualifications conform to the high standards of the Virginia Feeder Cattle Association. Second Series of Sales Oct. 29 - Nov. 1, 1968 For further information Contact; ROY HELTZEL, County Extension Agent Culpeper, Va., Telephone: Culpeper 825-2281 Now you can get faster, smoother un loading of any silage .. . ton after ton .. . with Badger's new XP/Z4 Silo Un- nO|Jl| loader. New 24" swinging paddle thrower ■■ direct blows out of silos up to 24 feet I in width. Increased efficiency can cut feeding time up to 50%, with no in crease in power requirements. Ask us • about the new XP/24 today. Qy Grumelli Farm Service Quarryville Isaac W. Hurst Blue Ball R. M. Brubaker & Son Carl L. Shirk Salunga Colebrook Rd., Fontana ed 169 million pounds of poultry meals, 11 million dozen hatch ing eggs, and 1.9 million pounds of egg solids. Exports of dairy products amounted to $122 million,, in cluding 373 million pounds of nonfat dry milk, 113 million pounds of condensed and evap orated milk and 15 million pounds of dry whole milk. Variety meat exports reached 232 million pounds, worth $6O million. Exports of tallow reached 2 million pounds, worth $156 mil lion. Exports of hides and skins totaled 20 3 million in pieces worth $147 million. U.S. exports of dairy breeding cattle for the calendar year 1967 totaled 18,207 head. This was a 23 percent decline from the previous year, due mostly to de creases in exports to Italy, Can ada and Mexico. Pennsylvania exports of food and kindred products amounted to $41,209,000 in 1966, latest year for which figures are avail able. 24 21
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