2(l—Lancaster Farming. Saturday, September 14,1968 —, . T , * . , ** al leaders are being Informed to* Fanners Union Urges Congress any of the Farmer, union action. To Promptly Extend Food-Ag Act S. 3987, a bill introduced by Sen* j _ . . „ . ator Allen Ellcnder (D*La.), the The Board of Director, of the the Senate and House version, chairman of the Senate Agri- National Farmers Union Friday of the legislation to be resolved cu i ture committee that would urged Congress to act promptly in conference without delay. exeuse commodity’ Credit Cor to extend .the 1965 Food and Ag* Farmers Union supports a four- S 1m ILSta ttw nculture Act, excuse Commodity year extension, which was voted budcet cut that was aooroved in Credit Corporation loan funds by the Senate The House voted con nection with the surtax bill from the forthcoming $6 billion a one-year extension. nassed bv the Congress The res budget cut. and establish a stra* o P lution p y ointed ou f bumper tegic reserve of storable agrl- ine rarmeis Ulhon saia inai 1 1 cultural commodities. conferees should also resolve „ ... differences in food stamp legisla- The Board, meeting to review t j on passed by both Houses. The current conditions in agncul* reso i u tion said. “We welcome ture, stressed the urgency of the C o ns i(j era tion of the farm bill situation. and tbe food stamp bill in tan- Tony Dechant, President of dem. Food stamps are an es the organization, said that ex- sential weapon in alleviating the tension of the 1965 Act was at pangs of poverty in our Nation, the top of the list of priorities, and the Farmers Union wel- He said Farmers Union wants comes joint consideration of food ADD PROFIT TO YOUR FALL AND WINTER FERTILIZER PROGRAM with CONESTOGA BRANDS Fall and Winter Applications Save Time and Labor Next Spring • Legume Chickvveed Fertilizer Mixes • Special mixing to soil test for any crop • Bulk spread • Pick-up or bags Special tenns on fall plow down ask for details Lancaster Bane Fertilizer Co., Inc. Quarryville 717-786-2547 Oxford 215-932-8325 lOtzl erger s 665-2141 Elm Wenger Implement Co. Buck 284-4467 M. S. Yeorsley & Sons A. B. C. Groff, Inc. West Chester 609-2999 New Holland 3544191 John Dcirt 38 Forage Harvester is unmatched. • • any.way you aizc it up Add up the facts that corn attachments have exclusive rubber gathering belts for plug-free feeding; that changing crop attachments is the fastest and easiest around; that the cylinder cutterhead boasts 6 spiraled knives; that there's a built-in knife sharpener; that re-cutter screens are available, and you'll see why it's unmatched. See us soon. Credit's available. stamp and farm legislation.” Dcchant said that Congreitlon- STOCKADE BRAND Livestock Equipment • 8 Models all steel welded farm and feedlot gates • 2 Models all steel welded head catch gate • All weather salt and mineral feeder/face fly control • All steel hay and silage bunks • Groin troughs 4 models • Pickup stockracks • Lifetime free stalls: "unequalled in quality" • Ritchie Waterers and Behlen Steel Buildings For prices, contact: Fred Frey, Mgr. 786*2235 (7,7, gRQg R. D. #2 Quarryville, Penna. 17566 ° ' l5 °° ls 5935181 wv Co^ eS ’ l.ancastei •pet'l' 8. crops have resulted in CCC loans approximately $7OO million high er than expected. It called a cut in CCC. loan, funds “unrealistic In the face of the need for ad ditional funds to protect farm ers’ prices and income.” The Board also urged the es tablishment of a strategic re serve as a “basic weapon for the achievement of peace and secur ity both at home'and abroad.” The resolution said: “In order to protect America and keep it strong, it is vital that a reserve •asS fig* 1 ’" Be a^ iw4: •bitvdei’ t c& v\oad oi ne v? stoi’ e of storable agricultural commod ities such as feed grains, wheat and soybeans be created and ful ly Insulated from the market. Such a reserve will serve as a bulwark against shortages and famine, and will protect our abil ity to maintain the most effici ent agricultural production mechanism the world has ever known.” Salad served at a nearby hash house is like a strip-tease very little dressing. . CO. 1 968 X.atvcastev
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