V£C 13 NO. 43 CHAMPION FAT HOGS at the Solanco Fair are shown by J»nn (Jack) Hastings Jr., Valley View Farm, Kirkwood RI Tne Chester White Gilts weighed a total of 480 pounds Herr Wins Tractor Drive At Solanco Jsv Merlin Herr, 19-vear-old son Mr. and Mrs Paul Herr, Holt wood Rl, topped all other contestants in the annual coun b-wde tractor driving coirtest held Thursday at the Solanco Pah Herr working in his third contest scored'4s points to win the open class and the $l5 to'p prize money for the best over- < Continued on Page 12) Farm Calendar Monday, Sept. 23 2-3l’7_ Pa All-American Dairy Shew, Harrisburg (See sched ule starting Page 17) ~30 p m Manheim Young Farmers meet, School Vo-Ag Dept. SOO p.m —Red Rose FFA Chap ter meets, Penn Manor High St bool. Tuesday, Sept. 24 2 30 p.m. Garden Spot Young Farmers, meet, School yo-Ag n Dept, Newr Holland. -' - 0 06 p,m.—Lancaster County Ag w tdtural and Home Econom ics Extension Assn, meets, Farm & Home Center. (Continued on Pa?e 11) L. F. Photo Chester White Gilts Win Fat Hog Show A pair of Chester White gilts weighing a total of 480 pounds won the Fat Hog Show, Thurs day afternoon for Valley-View Farm, Kirkwood Rl, at the So lanco Fair The hogs were first ,in the Heavyweight Class. . Reserve champion pen went .to Clyde Dearolf with his first place-pen in the Mediumweight Class First place in the light weight division went to Dale Bollinger In the fitting and showing contest, Charles Smith, 17-year old son of Mr and Mrs Harry B Smith, ? T “w Povidence Rl, was fust Sm th is a Junior at Solanco High School The list of placings are as follows Lightweight 1. Dale Bollinger. 2 r Ronald Ranck; 3, (Continued on Page 5) Busy Week Coming Up Next week it’s the Pennsyl vania All - American Dairy Show, Monday thru Friday, in Harrisburg; the West Lampe ter Community "Fair, Wednes day thru Friday/and the Eph rata, Fair, Wednesday thru - Saturday. A busy week in' local, state and national farm activities. The day-hy-day schedule of ac tivities appears on Tage 17.. Lancaster Farming, Saturday, September 21.1968 4-H Enrollment Time Is Here Boys and girls 9 to 19 years of age are reminded that the time is here to enroll in the 1969 Red Rose 4-H Baby Beef Club; this is a county-wide club and the steers are on feed for the State Farm Show each January. M. M. Smith, County Agricultural Agent, says the project requires that each club member feed a steer calf, and there is a choice of breeds. Due to a recent change in the rules in this club, mem bers have the choice of buying their own steer calf, or mav 'receive help from the Club Leaders Committee. However, it is requested that club mem bers enroll in- the club BY OCTOBER 1. They may enroll by contacting one of the pres ent 4-H Baby Beef Club Lead ers, or by calling the Exten sion Office, Lancaster (394- 6851). Dairy Show Gets 1968 I '--". .fninyiii -n|" \-~‘m~--iv >-T- -T— rj ~%:- w *'—>>» oolanco rair Underway A pair of full-sister Guernsey animals took home top honors in their division foi then young owners Wednesday afternoon as the 1968 Solanco Fair Dairy Show got undeiwav in fiont of the dairy tents in 'he Commun ity Park at Quarry ville Browndale De Dee, the first place junior yearling was the grand champion for 11-y ear-old Diane Crider Browndale Rae, first two-year-old, was the re serve champion for Allen Cri der Diane and Allen are the children of Mi and Mrs Fred W Crider, Nottingham R 2 DONALD SWINEHART AND “HI CHARLEY”, the grand champion steer at the Solanco Fair Steer Show held Thurs- day afternoon. It was the second year in a New ASC Community Committees Elected Results of the election of ASC commumty committeemen lor the communities of 1 through 16 were announced Thursday by Fred Seldomndge. chairman, Lancaster County Agricultural Stabilization and" Conservation Committee The elections were held by mail ballot, and ballots were tabulated publicly by the incumbent ASC committee on Sentember 19 1968 Farmers elated to the com mittees include C«mmunit> Xo. 1 Conoy, West Donegal & Mt. Jo> Twp. Chairman, Victor F. Dohner Elizabethtown Rl, Vice Chair man Robert G. Brubaker, Eliza bethtown R 3 Regular Member W Roger Thome Elizabethtown In the Holstein show Sharon Groff, had the grand chamraon with Groffdale Geneial Sunlight, a just fresh thiee-year old Re serve champion was shown by Nancy DeLong with DeLong Leader Elsie, the fiist place two year old Sharon is the 14-year old daughter of Mr and Mrs Robert Groff, Quarry ville R 3 and Nancy is the 14-year-old daughter of Mr and Mrs Eivm DeLong, Quarry ville R 1 Only four Jerseys were en tered, one each in four classes Tom Aaron, Quarryville Rl, won (Continued on Page 8) row that Swinehart had the championship with an FFA Angus at the Quarryviile af fair. L. F. Photo $2.00 Per Year R 3; Ist Alternate, James W. Gic der, Mt Joy R 2. 2nd Alternate, James A Longenecker, Ehza bethtosvn Rl. „ „ Community Ne. —East Done gal* West Hempfield Chairman, Lewis E. Bixler, Marietta Rl: Vice Chairman, Dona } d B Drager, Marietta Rl, egular Member, Harold W. Ney, Marietta Rl; Ist Alternate, Damel S Forr >’> Columbia R 2. 2nd Alternate, J Mark Bushong, Columbia R 2 (Continued on Page 13) Charley’ ‘Hi Wins For Swinehart QuarryyiUe .For th'e r second. year m a row, Donald Swinehart lead a black Angus FFA baby beef to the grand championship here Thursday afternoon, at the Solanco Fair Steer Show held in the community park Swine hart, is the 18-year old son of Mr and Mrs M J Swinehart, Quarryville R 1 The champion steer named “Hi Charley”, went all the way, topping the FFA Division and then receiving the traditional slap on the rump from Judge Lee Wagner, Herdsman at Dela ware Valley College Wagner called the champion, “modern, for today’s market” Last year the tall, lanky Solanco High (Continued on Page 5)
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