2—Lancaster Farming, Saturday. June 1.1968 MARKET NEWS REPORT At Lancaster Yards Weekly Review May 31, 1968 CATTLE 2100 - Compared to List week's close slaughter steers 25-50 higher; cows 50-1.00 high er: bulls fully steady. Supply in cluded an estimated 55 percent slaughter steers, 25 percent cows and bulls with the balance main ly feeder steers. SLAUGHTER STEERS-Four loads high-Choice and Prime grade 3 and 4 1210 lb. $28.50; mixed Choice and Prime 1150- 1225 lb. $28.25-28 40: Choice 950- 1 >25 lb. yield grade 2-4 $26.75- 2125, high-Good to low Choice $26-27 10: Good $24.75-26 75: Standard to low Good $23 50- 25 10 COWS—Utility and highdress u g Cutter $2O 50-22 25, few head oa Mon . $22 50 23: Cutter $l9 25- 21. Canner and low Cutter $lB - BULLS - Choice $24 50-25 60, several on Mon , $26-26 25; Good $23 50-25, Utility and Commer cial $23-25, few head to $26 CALVES 450 - Vealers mainly sl-2 lower, although Cull fully steady. VEALERS-Ohoice $4l 50-44 50, few head on Mon , $45 46; Good $.58-42: Standard $36-40, Utility $13.50-38; Cull 90-125 lb $3O - 50, few 70-90 lb $2B-31. HOGS UOO-'Barrows and gilts steady to 25 lower, sows scarce •BARROWS & GILTS - Closing sales US 1-2 200-230 lb $2l - 50; US 1-3 200-245 lb $2O - US 2-3 240-265 ib $l9- 19 50; few US 1-2 180-190 lb. $l9- 19.25. SHEEP 175 - Spring lambs steady, instances $1 lower. Ewes about steady. SPRING LAMBS-Choice 50-90 ib $3O-31, few lots at $32; Good $2B-$3O Auction Only May 29, 1968 CATTLE 724 Compared to Monday slaughter steers fully steady, instance 25 higher; cows mostly steady instances 50 lower; bulls steady to small supply. Supply included 16 per cent cows and bulls. SLAUGHTER STEERS Choice 950-1350 lb. yield grade 2-4 $26.75-28.25, few high-Choice and Prime included at $28.25. High Good to low-Choice $26.00- 2710; Good $24.75-26.50; few Standard to low-Good $23.50-25.- 10. COWS Utilitv and high dressing Cutter $20.50-22 25, Cut ter $l9 25-20 75; Canner and low-Cutter $lB 00-19 25 BULLS Choice $25 50-25.- 60; Good $2400 24 75 (Continued on Page 31 FUTURES TRADING (Closing bids as of Wednesday, May 29) Midwestern Live Cattle Liv* Hogs Maine Potatoes Chicago Chicago New York June 26.57 July 26.50 August 26.40 September 26.47 October 26.42 November 26.22 December 26.25 Feb. March April May a-asked b-bid n-nominal Trend Cattle are irregular; Hogs were lower and Potatoes were stronger. r'ST' ' Av ■' vw - VAV AA w A a *AV * A V. A LOOKING FOR A PERFECT MATCH? Your Livestock and Our Qualified Buyers Monday 10:30 A.M. Fat Bogs and Shoats 2:30 P.M. Fat steers, bulls, cows and veal Horse Sale Monday at 10:00 A.M. Dairy Sale Wednesday at 12:30 P.M. Fat steers, bulls, cows & veal Thursday at 12:30 P.M. New Holland Sales Stables New Holland, Penna. 717-354-2194 Abe W. Diffenbach, Sales Manager Vintage Sales Stables, he. Bulls, steers, butcher cows, Hogs, lambs and veal calves Sale every Tuesday 1:30 P.M. Fat hogs and Feeder.pigs sale Every Saturday at 10 A.M. For marketing information Phone Area Code 717-442-4181 Bor 100 Paradise, Pa, 10 mi. East of Lancaster on Rt. 30 Kenneth E. Hershey, Sales Manager Vintage Auction CATTLE 709 Compared to last Tuesday, slaughter steers 25c higher; cows fully steady, instances 25c higher on Canner and low-Cutter; bulls fully steady. Supply included 17 per cent cows. SLAUGHTER STEERS High-Choice and Prime 1050- 1350 lbs. yield grade 2 to 4,27.85- 29.00; Choice 1000-1400 lbs. yield grade 2 to 4, 26.75-28.50; high-Good to low-Choice 26.00- 27 25; Good 24.85-26.50; Stand ard to low-Good 23.25-25.00. SLAUGHTER HEIFERS Good and Choice 750-950 lbs. 23.35-25 SO. COWS Utility and high dressing Cutter 20.50-22 50; Cut ter 19 75-21 85: Canner and low- Cutter 18 75-20.00. /Continued on Page 3) ««««»«> 1- V, VWMWSVA > 21.33 22.20 21.70 20.50 20.00 19.80 19.90 PARADISE, PENNA. Sold on Commission May 28,1968 2.32 2.65 2.83 3.26 New Holland Auction May 30, 1968 CALVES SLAUGHTER STEERS May *7,1968 730 head, Choice 950-1325 lbs. . R * cel fi S , f ~, . . i rinN .<iA.. steady. Choice and Prime 42.50- yield grad. 2 04, W7MB.W; « * Choice 3M2; Average Choice 26.75-27.75 __ * m High Goed to Low Choice 25.75- ® and “ rd aM7 -* i Comm<, “ 27 - 26.75. 35 COWS 110 head, Utility 20- ■22.50; Canner to Low Cutter 18.- 50-20. vealers 222 head, Weekly Review Choice 42 50-45.50; Good to Low Choice 40.50-42; Standard 38- CATTLE - Compared with 40; Cull and Common 28-37. the previous Friday, slaughter COWS (May 29)-Receipts of s ‘ eer ® ge " e . r / lly 167 cows, 3 bulls and 3 heifers slaughter heifers . fully 25 high sold stronger. Holstein 400-770; er - Cows and bull ® steady. Guernseys 225-275: Other breeds Local receipts for three days 300-375; Bulls 135-195; Heifers 14.800 compared with 17,800 120-345 last week and 18,000 last year. TJcvDOTTo 07-i Twelve market totals for the same period 121,500 compared 391 he&d sold steady. Riding with 117100 last week and 108,- horses 135-390; Driving horses ftnn ’ r 120-300; Geldings 35-45: Pony " STPPRS mares 45-55; Mules. Killer-way; _ SLAUGHTER KiiiPT-s oin Prime 1125-1325 lbs. Yield muers »-iu. Gra( j e 3 and 4 2825-29.00, one HOGS load at latter price on Wednes- May 27, 1968 day, High Choice and Prime Receipts' of 578 head sold 25 1150-1400 lbs. 27,50-28 25, Choice higher. Retail 21.25-22 25; 950-1400 lbs. Yield Grade 2to 4 Wholesale 21.25-21.75; Heavy- 26.50-27.75, Mixed Good and weights 18.75-20.75; Sows 14- Choice 25.75-26.75, Good 24.75- 15 50; Boars 12-13 50. (Continued on Page 3) /ummem .. ' ijin.. 1 »j'- " Spring Feeder Sale Friday June 7 7:00 P.M. Vintage Sales Stables, Inc. —lO miles east o! Lancaster on Route 30 To consign cattle call (717) 442.4181 P. 0. Box 100, Paradise, Pa. Kenneth Hershey, Mgr. DRINK S PROMOTE RIAL MILK! These Atlantic Genetic Power Profit-Makers specia lize in transmitting the ability to produce high quality milk, AND LOTS OF IT! May, 1968 USDA “predicted differences”: Sire & Medals Daus. Milk Fat 15H71 Archie —GM 453 +1.804 +44 15H96 Performer SMP 314 +1,387 +22 15H70 Flashy Boy SMP 303 +1,120 +39 15H62 Apollo GM 232 +1,036 +4l 15H114 Jack GM 29 +966 +ll 15H87 Jerry —SMP 1,790 +Bl7 +4 15H95 Sensation SMP 359 +5BO +ll 15H106 Hector PQ 65 +534 +3O 15H100 Mookown PQ 239 +499 +3 19H47 Baron GM 629 +461 +3 . 23H68 Kingpin SMP ( + ) 1,408 +1,346 +4B 23G59 M. Chief —GS 105 +533 +22 4G509 Wood,— GS 108 +4BO +lO 4G525 Prince 23 +330 +l6 , 15G91 Chedco SSP 194 +242 +3 15J39 Ormand —BM 331 +lB6 +l7 9A25 Count 51 +348 +T 155116 Chip 11 +356 +l4 (*) available daily at special fee These sires, and many more, are available daily through regular service. 1 Atlantic Breeders Cooperative LANCASTER 569-0411 1 ' Akron 859-2532 - Mt. Joy 653-1451 Christiana 593-5098 Strasburg, -687-6292 East Earl 443-4131 Quarryville 786-7381 Member United Semen Exchange Chicago Cattle
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers