THA nnniwv if vriA aniii im«#i nmi>«« fiinnif i« «na Weekly Poultry Report Eastern Pennsylvania Fogelsville And New Jersey Moy 28 . 19W Prices of light type hens held (p r i ccs pa jt| dock weights, cents example, that per caplin con unchanged. Demand fair to oc- pcr u,, CX ccpt where noted.) sumption of nil fluid milk prod caslonally good. Offerings lig'iit ’’ acts Inst year whs hclow that of jn New Jersey and barely ade- Light Hens 4W 8. mostly 4'/4- 1066 in 63 of 73 marketing areas; quate for call in Pcnnn. area. 5V4; Heavy Hens 5 28, mostly 11- -u was unchanged into others Demand limited but good for 16; Pullets 30-35; Roasters 16-33, and up in only 8. short offerings of heavy type,mostly 26-32: Hen Turkeys 26-34; T | lC rcpor t also shows that hens. Prices paid at farms: Light Rabbits 50-71. mostly 58-65: while consumption 0 r whole milk hens 5 614. mostly sti-G; Heavy Guineas 1.27 ti; Pigeons (per in 66 areas, the same hens TFEWR. pair) 75-1.90; Jumbo Squab 1.15. j n 2 others and up in only 5. per Total coops sold 375. capita consumption of low fat and skim milk products was above a year earlier in 60 areas, unchanged in 7 others and below a year earlier in only 6 areas. Moreover, it shows that per capita consumption of whole milk dropped 10 or more pounds in 37 areas, but in no case was Eastern Shore Exchange 'Broiler and fryer live prices averaged 16.34 cents a pound on BULLS Choice 25.25-25.60; a short three-day period this Good 23.60-24.85; Utility and week. Prices paid ranged from Commercial 23.50-24.75. a high of 17.0 cents a pound on CALVES 296 Vealers fully Mon., to a low of 15.7 cents a steady. pound on Wed. Total sales for VEALERS Good and up as much as 10 pounds. In the week were 691,500, down Choice 40 00-44.00; Standard contrast, low-fat and skim milk 234,200 head from last week. 38.50-41.00; Utility 37.00-39.50; consumption was up 10 or more Cull 90-115 lbs. 3100-36.50, 70- pounds on 10 areas, but in no 90 lbs 26 50-33.00. case was it down as much as 10 • Auction HOGS 238 Barrows and pounds. (Continued from Page 2) f| ts „ n ! S 5 2, Finally, in sof the 6 areas t’ 2 }} where low-fat and skim milk CALVES 124 Vealers most- head US 1, 220-225 lbs. 22 00- consumption was down con ly $1 00-2.Q0 lower, although 22.10. US 1-3 190-245 lbs. 20.60- ““£££of whole milk was also Cull fully steady. 21 c°HEEP 37 _ Soring lambs ™wn-and in the 6th area, skim VEALERS - Choice $41.50- steady E § g ™ lk consumption was off only 44.50; Good $38.00-4150; Stand- SURING LAMBS - Choice J pou t nd ’ w “ e ard $36.00-39.00; Utility $83.50- 40-90 lbs. 31.50-35.00; Good 27.- sumption Was unchanged. And 37.50; Cull 90-125 -lb. $30.00-35.- sn-32 00 in 8 areas where whole mllk -50. ’ consumption was off 10 or more HOGS 351 Barrows and f Chieooo gilts 25-50 lower, sows scarce. 71 n ~ (Continued from Page 2) Mixed Good and Choice 25.25- BARROWS AND GILTS . T ~ 25.75, Good 24.25-25.25, Stand- US 1-2 200-230 lbs. $21:00-21.50. 24 00 ‘ ard and Low Good 22 ' 24 25 - US 1-2 200:245 lb. $20:00-20.50. VeiPFRS COWS - Commercial 18.00- HiSSScSpSfmoS I**..utility c™ Few US 1-2 180-190 lb. $19.00- Yi(?w Gra(Je g and 426 75 . e r and Culler 16.75-19 50. r 2725, ffliedoad latter price Wed- BULLS Utility and Com- SHEEP 8 None offered at .fifesday? -.Choice- 850-1050 lbs mercial 22.50-24.50, throughout puction. Yield~Grade~2 ~to 4 25.75-26.75, the week. Agway Which type milk cooler best fits your dairy operation? e Sunset Bulk Milk Coolers are depend on lowest operating and available in many different models maintenance costs. there’s a tailored size for your Vacuum coolers incorporate all h er( j, the established cooler features that Atmospheric coolers feature “Positive Refrigerant Control”, 'built in fast drainage, all stainless steel and complete-automatic con trols mounted on cooler. You can WB4UBU 24 Hour Milking Equipment Service Installation and Service CALL TODAY AND ASK FOR AN APPOINTMENT Agvvayßee Line’s Local Commodity Technicians are; MR. FRED KERUN MR. HAROLD KINSEY Agway • Vintoge (Continued on Page 3) THE PRICE IS RIGHT! . j. . ■'l-i ** ' ifC'H. “ADVANCED EVAPORATOR” DESIGN Bee Line Supply Center 1027 DILLERVILLE ROAD, LANCASTER 24 HOUR SERVICE DAILY - PH. 717-397-4761 \ r** * have made Sunset a leader. The Vacuum Coolers can be used with pipeline or with one of Sunset’s in expensive Milk Conveyor systems. Call us for details. Rtport On Fluid Milk Consumption There's some eye opening data In a USDA report on fluid milk and cream consumption issued last week. The report shows, for pounds per capita, consumption Lancaster Farming, Saturday. June 1.1968—3 Weekly New York Egg Mkt. From Monday, May 27th to Friday, May 31st Mon, WHITE Fey. Ex. Large 304-314 31-32 31-32 Fey. Large 29 294 294 Fey. Med. 22 22 22 Fey. Pullets 204 20 204 194-20 Fey. Peewecs 10 10 10 BROWN 29 29 29 224 224 224 Fey. Large Fey. Med. Fey. Pullets 21 21 21 Fey. Peewecs 11 11 11 27 27 27 18 18 18 Standards Checks Trend Market showing steady position on white, Copyright 1968 by Urner Barry Publications of low-fat and skim milk was up Now the federal government 10 or more poinds. The data is wants auto makers to build cns included in a special report in that are theft proof. Something the Fluid Milk and Cream Re- such as a spoits car shaped like port for May a bank vault? CUSTOM SPRAYIKG For Whitewashing Spray the modern way Use CARBOLA Spray Carbola dries white, disinfects, kills flies, up to 90% less cobwebs. No wet floors. MAYNARD L. BEITZEL Witmer, Pa. 392-7227 SPEED YOUR HAY HARVEST with AHis-Chalmers 829 Mower-Conditioner Put conditioned hay in the windrow fast! Do it all in one trip! One man with a tractor and an 829 Mower-Conditioner combines three conventional haying operations. Check the features of the Allis-Chalmers 829 ~. 9-foot cutter bar... end-to-end header float... 4-bar pick-up reel... adjustable con ditioning roll pressure ... adjustable windrow deflectors...hydraulic ram and hose standard. Save hay ... save time ... we’d like to show you the way . A Roy H. Buck, Inc. Jn Ephrata, R. D. Z L. H. Brubaker AkS | p a ALUS-CHALMEB* *4 !• N. G. Myers & Son Nissley Form Service Rheems, Pa. Washington Boro, Pa. Grumelii Form Service L. H. Brubaker Quarryville, Pa. Lancaster, Pa. Allen H. Mate Farm Equipment Wed. Tucs. New Holland Frl. Thurs. 31-32 29Mi 22 19'/2-20 10 294 224 21 11
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