VOL. 13 NO. 28 THSTEARBTAND HOffiDE" r (3ENTER , ’TS'" 1 UKjSifS DEDICATED TOMORROW. The’Center, 1383 Arcadia “ Road, is located off the Mahheim Pike, near the inter section of Rts: 230 and 30. Shown above, admiring a memorial plaque, are Mrs. E. Robert Nolt, (left) and Mrs. Landis Myer, Farm and Home Foundation direc tors. The plaque honors the late Elmer L. Esbenshade, who donated the 10.5 acre tract of land. The plaque 5 & W District Plans Air Tour 6 Furrow Queen The Lancaster County Soil & Water Distnct has announced plans to'sponsor an air tour of the County on Sunday, June 30 Airplanes will leave New Hol land Airport and fly a Northern or a Southern route. Those per sons participating will be given the choice of direction. The cost will be $3 00 per person. A special tour will be held for all youth such as members of 4-H, FFA, Boy Scouts, etc., dur ing the morning hours from 9 to 12 The cost for this special tour is set at $2 00 Aaron Stauffer, chairman, in vites all interested persons to take advantage of the opportun ity to see Lancaster County from the air. Another June activity an nounced at the District directors meeting Monday night at the Farm & Home Center is the County Qjieen./of-' the Furrow Contest settlor Saturday, June 22 at Miliersvulie State College Stauffer reports' seven 1 entries to date and deadline for entry as June 15. Farm Calendar Sunday, June 9 2 00 pm -Open House at Farm & Home Center. Monday, June 10 7.30 pm—Teen Leaders Meet, (Continued on Page 5) Three Houser feoys Are _ p llr . Keystone r armer W inners “You only out of it what you put into it,” says Tom Hous er in discussing his experience in FFA. Tom is the third son of Mr. and Mrs Wilbur Houser, Lampeter, to receive the Key stone Farmer Degree for work completed at Lampeter - Stras burg High School. “The shop ex perience was good I like any thing mechanical,” he contin ued. Tom .and his dad 'both think teaching production agriculture in the Vo-Ag Department has its problems. First of all, many bf ihe boys can’t possibly stay in production agriculture because of the high cost of getting start ed in farming. Therefore many of the. student? are more inter ested in learning Agribusiness and disinterested in. learning "farming'. > And many of- the haVe dads who have’gone through an agriculture Course in school This along with thd Extension Serv ice, Young Farmer Programs and farm publications-make the boys aware of up-to-date meth ods because they are using them at home Also, -Tom pointed out, it is hard to keep text books up to date. * Tom started work this week for L H. Brubaker Farm Equip ment, after graduating from Lampeter-Strasburg' as the out standing Vo-Ag senior. He re ceived a $5O bond from the Lancaster Farming, Saturday, June 8,1968 Lancaster- County Parra and Home Foundation for this tract of land now dedicated to the “continual promotion of agriculture and .home making. Presented by Helen E. R. Shenk, niece.” The featured speaker at the dedication and open house . tomorrow, will be Dr. Russell E. Larson, dean of the Col lege of Agriculture, The Pennsylvania State University. Strasburg Lions Club for his club work, and received $5 from his chapter for winning the De- Kalb award. The oldest Houser son, James, recently returned from Alternate Service at the New Jersey State Hospital in Graystone Park, N. J. He works for Andrews Exca vating Inc. (Continued on Page 5) ' THE J. WILBUR HOUSER FAMILY: Mr. and Mrs. Houser with Tom, (left) and Dwight. The Housers have three sons who DHIA Report Takes New Form The new system of reporting the centering day for herds on DHIA has prompted a new method of recognizing the top herds in the monthly DHIA re port from Penn State. Accord ing to Wilbur Houser, head test er for the local association, the reports are coming through on a milk and butterfat per day basis. For the month of April, the (Continued on Page 5) have received the Keystone Farmer De gree. L. F. Photo $2.00 Per Year Farm&Home Open House Tomorrow Formal dedication and official open house of the Farm & Home Center, 1383 Arcadia Road, Lan caster, will be held on Sunday, June 9 at 2 pm The principal speaker will be Dr. Russell E. Larson, dean of the College of Agriculture, Pennsylvania State University. The Farm & Home Founda tion extends an invitation to the residents of the county to attend this event Dr. Harry K. Gerlach, Lan caster County Superintendent of Schools, will be the master of ceremonies Participating in the dedication exercises will be Thomas J Monaghan, mayor of the City of Lancaster: Benjamin F. Weaver, chairman of the Lan caster County Board of Commis sioners, B Snavely Garber, president of the Farm & Home Foundation: and M M Smith, Lancaster County Agricultural Extension Agent Area' clergymen participating are the Rev. Richard E. Dun (Continued on Page 11) Poultrymen Again Invite Queen Entries The Lancaster County Poul try Association Board of Direc tors renewed the invitation for applications and suggestions for contestants to represent the lo- Sf 1 Poetry industry as Poultry Queen for the coming year. The girl Participates must be a . re f « f Lancaster County, between 9S es I T, and Z^ 3- She a^so * )e ™! ,ing t( \ P™mote the P 0" industry during the year of her reign Those interested should (Continued on Page 5)
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