What Do You Need? A Lancaster Farming Classified Ad Can Help Ramrod and Roundup Available from ORGANIC PLANT FOOD CO. Grofftoun Road, Lane. Ph. 392-4963 Monsanto RAMROD gets Foxtail plus Ragweed, Pigweed and other broadleaf weeds Leaves No Carry-Over Problems! RAMROD is the No. 1 killer of foxtail, other annual grasses and many broad* leaf weeds. With only a minimum of rainfall RAMROD goes to work early -.. wipes out grasses and weeds before they emerge. And RAMROD lasts until crops are big enough to shade-out weeds . . . then breaks down to leave no soil-residue. RAMROD won't ever spoil your rotation plans. RAMROD is available and equally effective fn 20% granules or 65% wet table powder for spraying ... is applied at one rate, regardless of soil type. RAMROD, your best herbicide for a wide range of soil types or for fields with more than one type of soil. RAMROD resists leaching by heavy rainfall... and you can re-pfant RAM* ROD-treated fields-with any crop if weather makes it necessary. GEI THE BEST HERBICIDE FOR CLEAN FIELDS. GET RAMROD AT Smoketown, Pa. McCallister Is Named New District Manager Mr. M. B. McCallister. Region al Manager of the Farm Equip ment Division. International Harvester Company, has an nounced the appointment of Mr. E. A. Comerford as District Manager of the Harrisburg Farm and Industrial Equipment District, effective April 15, 1968. He succeeds Mr. William Morris who was appointed District Manager of the Lansing, Michi gan Farm and Industrial Equip ment District. Mr. Comerford started with International Harvester Com pany at the Omaha, Nebraska District Office where he pro gressed thiough many assign ments He later served at the Fargo, North Dakota and Min neapolis, Minnesota Districts. His most recent assignment has been regional sales manager on the Western Region, headquar tering in Chicago. Illinois The Comerford’s have three AGRICULTURAL DIVISION MONSANTO COMPANY ST. LOUIS, MISSOURI 6316 ft Available at children and will be moving lo the Harrisburg urea in the near future. Mr. McCnllister also announc ed the appointment of Mr. T. D. Stentz as Sales Manager of the Harrisburg Farm and Industrial Equipment District effective April 15th. He succeeds Mr. F. R. Barr who was appointed Sales Manager of the Syracuse, New York Farm and Industrial Equipment District. Mr. Stentz is not a newcomer to the area as he served in Har risburg in the early 1950’5. He also served in managerial capa cities at Albany, Baltimore, Philadelphia, and Camden. His most recent assignment was at the Lansing, Michigan district and he will be moving his fam ily to the Harrisburg area in the near futuie. We can remember when it was cheaper to park the car than to drive it. 397-3539 ' Lancaster Farming. Saturday. April 27. IQfifl- Ivan McKeever Ivan McKeever Will Retire From The USDA State Conservationist I\ an Me Keever will retire from the US BA, Soil Conservation Service April 30, 1968 after 34 years of federal service. McKeever nas directed the work of the Soil Conservation Service in Pennsylvania for the past 22 years. He is nationally recognized for his contributions in the field of soil and water conservation. McKeever joined the conser vation movement m 1934 at Spencer West Virginia where he helped pioneer some of the ear ly work in soil conservation in the nation. Since then, he has held many responsible positions with the U S Soil Conservation Service and has written numer ous articles and spoken to many groups on resource conservation In 1946, McKeever became State Conservationist for Penn sjlvama when the soil conserva tion movement was in its infan cy and Soil Conservation Dis tricts covered only parts of six counties in the Commonwealth Today, 64 counties are organiz ed in Soil and Water Conserva tion Districts with over 35,000 Lanchesfer Pony Club Horse Show Plans arc being finalized lor the annual All-English Junior Horse Show, 9 a m.. Saturday, May 4, 1968 to be held at pony club headquarters on John Gib son's farm, urumore, Pa. The program has gone to press and pre-show entries close May 2. For information contact Mrs. George Hassler 11, Quarryville R 2. With 10 days remaining until show day, entiles have been re ceived from Maryland, Dela ware and Pennsylvania, totaling 48 horses and 58 ndeis. The public is invited with ringside parking for eaily com ers Just follow the signs along Route 272, 1% miles below The Buck Free coffee till 10 am. and lunch will be for sale at the show. Come out and enjoy the per foimance of these talented young horsemen in the scenic Susquehanna River countryside. landowners cooperating in con servation projects McKeever is a firm believer that Soil and Water Consen a tion Districts provide an effect ive way for bringing about the oiderly development of our land resources He is known through out the State for his leadership in soil surveys, watershed devel opment and land use planning lor rural and urban uses The State Conservationist was recognized in 1964 as the Man of the Year in Agriculture by the New Holland Machine Company and in 1965 the National Wild life Federation and the Sears- Roebuck Foundation named him the Soil Conservationist of the Year for Pennsylvania He is the winner of the Soil Consen a tion Service’s Meritorious Serv ice Award and Pennsylvania's Vocational ‘Agriculture Teachers Association’s Distinguished Serv ice Award He holds the Honor ary Keystone Farmer Degree and is a charter member of the Soil Conservation Society of America. 5
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers