—Lancaster Farming. Saturday. April 27,1968 4 From Where We Stand ... rv* * j j a • .fi ir itself, that kingdom cannot stand. And if a JLMViaed Against Itselt . . . house be divided against itself Wc wonder. The nation’s capitol is always a smold- . .» * . ering fire of political controversy, we Sup- * * " * pose. And even more so in this an election SIoODV, Biased Research year. But there is another atmospheric pres- " rrJ' > sure here on the streets that seem to out There’s nothing like a little sloppy, or weigh even the political conflicts. biased research to keep the diet-heart During a free half-hour at the News- disease controversy going against foods of paper Farm Editors of America Annual animal origin saturated fats, that is. A Spring Meeting held in Washington Sunday case in point is a recently published ra through Tuesday, several of us farm editors search paper. Its authors have concluded hired a taxi and drove up 14th Street into that persons on high saturated fat diets in the heart of the city’s recent riot area. At cur a greater incidence of heart attacks and first we saw a store here and there boarded mortality than do persons on high polyun up after having been stoned, looted and fired saturated fat diets. We think this conclusion over Martin Luther King’s death. Then the is poppycock. In fact the portion of their bombarded stores especially liquor stores study which was scientifically organized and food stores became more numerous, and well controlled proved quite the oppo- We finally came upon two blocks completely site w recked Hand painted words kept repeating lems half were put on high saturated and themselves on u alls and broken windows on half on high polyunsaturated fat diets. At the not streets: “Soul Brother” or “Black the end of five years results showed no Power”. And on the streets you would catch significant differences in mortality, in bits of conversation: “Non-violent”; “Race serum cholesterol values or in lowering of •> or “Freedom”. cholesterol levels. This portion ot the study , , * , was an excellently controlled project. But We asked he cab driver what he was half through) noting that the men on doing the night of the worst riots I was saturated fats were not having heart at . at home, he said, and I stayed there. tacks or dying at the pre . reS earch antici- One of the first notices of trouble on nafprj rate the researchers tossed in an the frightful night was the sudden 'absence ot h e r 100 men to study what happened on ot taxi service it was reported. non-controlled diets. Well, this is just fine, And it is not over. On Monday night but half of the new 100 were 20 percent more during the Editor’s Convention, several fires overweight than the other half . . . and ac were set and buildings burned. “The same cordingly had problems. The conclusion was stuff is still going on,” the cab driver said, that saturated fats were guilty. “I feel it will break out again. Every day Any unbiased researcher would dis on the street I feel like something is going agree. If anything, the over-weight condi to happen,” he said. tion has as much or more to do with the in- Then the taxi driver, a white man, ask- creased rate of coronary difficulties. Had ed us a question. “Why are they (the Negro the researchers come to the same conclu people) hurting their own people by burn- sion after equalizing weight differences ing apartment buildings above the stores?” we’d be worried . . . particularly if the There was silence in the car. No one seem- second 100 men had been reduced to desir ed to have an answer. ed weight as the first 100 had. Yet not only Back on the 10th floor of the hotel, we was there a 20 percent overweight differ look out across the capitol skyline and count ence in the second 100, no attempt was made 15 American flags waving proudly in the to reduce the overweight problem ... or sun, blown by a rather brisk wind on top of study it as another variable. government buildings. And it seems im- As much in defense of research validity possible that the two scenes that have as in the interests of the meat industry, caught our eye could be seen in the same we’re keeping an eye on this one But we town (the home of our beloved nation) only continue to be amazed at the insistence of a few blocks apart. “polyunsaturated supporters” that certain We try to reconcile the scenes one of ve S e t a ble oils are the salvation of mankind! national pude and the other of national dis- giace But we can’t. From somewhere in Z?„ e c”sT the words °' Saint Mark come Across The Fence Row “And if a kingdom be divided against —, “Try praising your wife, even if it __ __ ■ frightens her at first." Billy Sunday Farm News This Week New Approach Found For Milk Fat Testing Page 19 Meetings Set On ’69 National Wheat Program Page 1 Survey Studies Consumer Attitudes Toward Meat Page 13 Freeman Savs Fanners Are Now More Respected And Understood B\ Consumers Page 1 Packers & Stockyards Act Is Explained To Editors Page 1 LANCASTER FARMING Lancastei County’s Own Farm Weekly P 0 Box 266 - Lititz, Pa 17543 Office 22 E Main St, Lititz, Pa 17543 Phone Lancastei 394 3047 oi Lititz 626-2191 Eveiett R Newswanger Editor , Robert G Campbell, Adveitising Duector Subsci iption pi ice S 2 pei year in Lancaster County, S 3 elsewhere Established November 4 1955 Published evevy Satuiday by Lancaster Fanning, Lititz, Pa Second Class Postage paid at Lititz, Pa 17543 Membei of Newspaper Faim Editors Assn In a study of 100 men with heart prob- The ambitious farm boy trades the peace and quiet of the farm for the noise and dirt of the city, so he can earn enough money to return to the peace and quiet of the farm. A well lived life should lead to tran quility. without tranquilizers. A worm is about the only creature that doesn't stumble and tall, once m a while It takes some kiddies a long time to learn that bad manners are tolerated only in adults Weather Forecast The five-day forecast for the period Saturday through next Wednesday calls for temperatures to average near normal. Day time highs are expected in the 60’s and over night lows in the 40’s. Near seasonable tem peratures with little day to day change. Nor mal high-low for the period is 69-45. Ram may total greater than one-half inch Saturday or Sunday, and again Wed nesday. Hard-headed wisdom The wisdom and knowledge of which the sages wrote In Pro verbs must not oe mistaken with intellectual brilliance, theoretical learning, or the possession of sheer facts. The Hebrew was not interested in ideas as such, es pecially not abstract knowledge. What he sought was that which he needed to know In order to live successfully day by day. This wisdom had to be practical SadwraunS Scriptural Pr»v«rbi I Ihnugh 3. anduseful. RMAnr Provarks 26-n. The source of this hard-headed _ .... , , wisdom to live one’s daily life. For most of us the greatest then, was reverence for God. He barrier to wisdom is our refusal was no t expected to be dependent to acknowledge that we have upon hi B intellect alone. The key something further to learn. In his was willingness to accept Markings, Dag Hammarslqold G od’s guidance. The man who once observed: What! He is cannot acknowledge his need for now going to try to teach me! guidance will be too proud, too Why not? There self-satisfied to accept God’s is nobody from direction. Thus, humility is of whom you can- even greater importance than not learn. Be- cerebred brilliance. "Be not wise fore God, who in your own eyes; fear the Lord, speaks through and turn away from evil” (Pro all men, you ver bs 3:7 RSV) THE CIfISEI HIND Leuon for April 28 f 1968 are always in Unfortunately, few of us who the bottom class read these words from Proverbs °f nursery will feel that they apply to us. Rev. Althouse scllot “*' We are certainly not too satisfied with our own wisdom and knowl edge! We are certainly not closed Ignorance to what God would teach us! Are This is hardly a new discovery. we really sure of that? Really? Socrates, the great Greek philo- ... . sopher who lived before the time All Wrong, blit... of Christ, once said: “As for me. Many years ago there was a all I know is that I know stubborn old Scottish elder who nothing.” Coming from a man vigorously opposed the union of who is still remembered for his the Scottish Presbyterian Church great knowledge and wisdom, with the Church of Scotland, this sounds like a strange state- Finally, however, the majority ment. Yet, his conclusion is quite vote prevailed and the union was in harmony with the findings of approved. The man was heard to aU the greatest thinkers. mutter to himself: “It’s aU wrong, Spurgeon, the famous I tell ye, it’s all wrong. But preacher, once said something evidently it is the wiU of God.” quite akin to this: “The doorway Often it is hard to let go of what to the temple of Wisdom is awe “know” in order to accept the knowledge of our own ignorance.” truth of God. He had discovered that the more isn’t it quite possible that out we learn and the more we under- minds too are tightly closed stand, the more that we find our against God’s truth, that we re learning and understanding are ject his wisdom for the simple inadequate. Only when we are reason that our own under willing to admit our limitation, standing fits in better with the can we pass on to the greater Jdnd of lives we want to live and wisdom. attitudes we want to hold? Might It is this failure to acknowl- it not be that when we claim We edge his own ignorance that so are merely standing upon out often keeps man in the darkness, convictions, what wfe are really We find this same line of thought doing is sitting on the lid of • in the Old Book of closed mind? Proverbs. "The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge”. '•?** *" 1 ,n r\c ** Christian £rfue«h«n* CAunctl «f ffi« (Proverbs 1:7 RSV) Of course, ChorthK ~ Chm , u>i>AiMwi , -fc when the sage speaks of "fear Cmmum* Pm, s«vk*) of the Lord,” he refers not to fright, but 1o reverence. M we revere God, if we approach him. For Full Market Reports Read Lancaster Farming To Observe Alfalfa Fields Alfalfa is still king of the for age crops but does need atten tion in the spring for the control ol alfalfa weevil Manj groweis will attempt to make .the fust cutting before the weevils do much damage to the crop, this will be possible if the crop is thnfty and well fertilized Old stands may be cut in the bud stage for the first editing but new stands should be allowed to come into the 10 to 20% blossom stage Have either your sprayer of your custom spray operator handy in the coming weeks To Be Careful With Weed Killing Sprays The time for weed control is at hand and all growers are re minded of the danger of equip ment contamination after the use of 2,4-D sprays, this maten- not a j an equal but ae one whose knowledge is to fat beyond our own, we will be able to receive the gift of wisdom he would give us. NOW IS THE TIME... By Max Smith Lancaster County Agent al sticks to spray tanks and lines and is lery difficult to re mote The safest method is to hate separate equipment tor v eed kd'eis or to get some of the spiajmg done bt a custom spray operator , To Worm Sheep One of the major problems of the sheep industry in this part of the state is the internal parasite infestation Due to the humidity and warm temperatures early in the summer, worm spores are very active and contaminate the pastures Treating each animal in the spring as they go to pas ture and again in the fall before they go to winter quarters is strongly recommended Spring lambs on feed should be treated e\ er>- 4 to 6 weeks to get the best gams
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