Weekly Poultry Report Eostern Pennsylvania And New Jersey Prices unchanged to slightly Broiler and fryer live prices higher on light type hens. De- averaged 14.51 cents a pound mand fair. Offerings ample in this week. Prices paid ranged Penna., light in N.J. Off farm from a high of 15.1 cents a movement fairly active in pound on Monday to a low of Penna. section. Offerings limit- 13.7 cents a pound on Wednes ed on heavy type for the light day. Sales for the week totaled demand. Prices, paid at farm; 1.004 000 head down 42,200 head Light Type Hens 4%-8 M 5-5% c, from last week. Heavy Type Hens 15%-17 M 18c. --~ Fogelsville April 23. 1968 4 27.50-28.50, Choice 1000-1150 L lbs. 26.75-27.75. Mixed Good and (Prices paid dock weights, cents choice 25.75-26.75. Good 25.00- per lb., except where noted) 2 5.75. Standard and Low Good Light Hens 4-8, mostly 4V4-5V4; 24.50-25.00. Standard 22.50-24.- Heavy Hens 12-18; Pullets 20-31, 5U ‘. ATTrHTPR H „ TP p P<; mostly 24-29; Roasters 20-33, An , h T mostly 26-33; ducks 25-30; drakes On Wednesday 68, Guineas U 2-1.18. Pigeons 10 50 lbs. Yield Grade 3 and 4 26.- (per pair) 1.10-2 20; Jumbo 60 -27.00, Choice 850-1050 lbs. bquab 1.15. Yield Grade 2 to 4 25.75-26.50. Total coops sold; 449. Mixed Good and Choice 25.25- 26.00. Good 24.25-25.25. Standard and Low Good 22.00-24.25. COWS On Thursday, Utili- • Lancaster (Continued from Page 2) ty and Commercial 18 25-19.50, High Yielding Utility 19.50-20.- steady, with Monday’s loss be- 25, Canner and Cutter 16 00-19.- ing recovered on Wednesday 00. Canner of lower than normal CLOSING SALE, BARROWS yleld 11 00 ' 16 00 ‘ AND GILTS —US 1-2 200-230 BULLS Utility and Com- Ibs, 2100-21.50. One lot US 1, mercial 22 50-24 50 throughout 22 00. US 1-3 195-245 lbs. 20.00- the latter P art of the week - 20 75. US 2-3 250-270 lbs 19.10- 19 75. SHEEP 325 Slaughter lambs steady Ewes fully steady. meraal 23 . 24>50t few head 25 25 . WOOLED LAMBS One lot 26 Choice. 85 lbs $28.50; One lot Good|7o lbs $26.00. r aiurq rhn i f o VEALERS Choice 42-44, GoodI&.SOASJO; Standard 34-40; sud HnniG 50*80 Ids 32 00*35 00) TTfiii+Tr'*^qq* on iis ikc 9k few ssnall lots 35 50-36 00 utility 32-38,-Cull 90-110 lbs 26- SLAUGHTER EWES Utili ty and Good 5.00-10 00 BIG NEW GLEANERS HERE • 5,448 Sq. In. Separating Area. • 2,680 Sq. In. Cleaning Area. • 66 6u. Wing-Type Grain Bin. • 10'-12'-13' Grain Headers. • 2.-row 40"—3-row 30"—4-row 20" Com Heads. See us for the Big New Ones. Our Allis-Chalmers credit plans make ’em so easy to own. N. G. Myers & Son Hkeems, Pa. L. H. Brubaker Lancaster, Pa. Eastern Shore Exchange • Chicago (Continued from Page 2) # Lancaster Auction (Continued from Page 2) CALVES .271 Vealers $l-2 lower. HOGS 306 Barrows and gilts steady to, 50c higher. Nissley Form Service Washington Boro, Pa. Grumelli Form Service Quarryville. Pa. Allen H. Mot* Farm Equipment • Vintog* (Continued from Page 2) Canner and low-Cutter 16.50- 18.50. BULLS—Good 22.75 24 75. few Choice 23.23-25.75: Utility and Commercial 23.25 24.75. three head 25.10-26 85. CALVES 317 - Vealers Sl-2 lower, although Choice vealers too scarce to fully test trend. VEALERS Good 40-42 50. few head Choice 43 44: Standard 27-41.50: Utility 33-37: Cull DO -115 lbs. 28.50-34.50. 70-90., lbs. 26.50-29.50. HOGS 260 Barrows i gilts weak to 50c lower. BARROWS & GILTS US 1-2 190-230 lbs. 21-21 60: few US 1. 195-225 lbs. 21 85 22 10. US 1-3 190-245 lbs. 20.25-21; US 2-3 230- 265 lbs. 19.25-19 85. SHEEP 74 Supply mainly spring slaughter lambs. Spring lambs mostly steady. SPRING LAMBS Good and Choice 30-75 lbs. 34 50-39, few head Choice 30 50 lbs. 40-45 • New Holland (Continued from Page 21 mg horses 125-410; Driving hors es 135-330; Pony mares 3540. Geldings 25-35; Killers HOGS April 22, 1968 Receipts of 918 hogs sold 50- 100 lower. Retail 20 50-21 35; Wholesale 19 50-20 25, Heavy weights 18 50-19 50: Sows 14 50- 16 25 CALVES April 22, 1968 Receipts of 106 cah es sold ste ady Choice and Prime 43 50- 48 50; Good and L Choice 39 50- 43, Standard 36-39; Common 20- 34 BARROWS & GILTS US 1-2 200-230 lbs 21-2150, one lot US 1, 22, US 1-3 195-245 lbs 20-.20 75, US 2-3 250-270 lbs 19 10-19 75 SHEEP 77 Slaughter lambs steady SPRING LAMBS—Couple lots Choice 65-70 lbs 34 50-35 50 A ALLIS-CHALMERS L. H. Brubaker Lititz, Pa. Roy H. Buch, Inc. Ephrata, R. D. 3 Lancaster Farming. Saturday. April 27.1968 Weekly New York Egg Mkt. (From Monday. April 22nd to Friday, April 26th) Mon. WHITE Ex. Fey Large Fey. Large Fey. Med. No 1 Med Pullets Peewees Ex Large BROWN Ex. Fey. Large Fey. Large Fey. Med. Pullets Peewees 29 28 1 ’ 24 18 15 MIXED Standards Checks TREND Supplies of large sizes are ample Markets on all other grades clearing well Copyright 1968 bv Urner Barrv Publications Lancaster Farming Ads Pay! THE SUCCESSFUL UHES YIELD-PROVED HYDRIDS FROM P-fl-0 All corn looks pretty much alike. Acts alike. So the best thing P-A-G can offer you is hardnosed up-to-date re search that lets only the best producing hybrids get into your hands. Hybrids that are proved to do a top job under actual field conditions in your area. That’s why we call these P-A-G hybrids The Successful Ones! P-A-G’s SPECIAL RECOMMENDATIONS Special Cross, P-A-G 399 This three-way cross rivals the best single crosses for yield. With populations up to 22,000 you can depend on excellent seedling vigor and good standability. You’ll appreciate 399’s easy harvesting. Special Cross, SX 29 Popular single cross that's bred for the farmer who’s willing to go all out for yields. Plant at populations from 16,000 to 24,000. Ideal for narrow rows. Has ability to use high fertility and available moisture. Double Cross, P-A-G 395 This hybrid is very flexible as to soil type and fertility. It offers good seedling vigor and standability at popu lations from 16,000 to 2-1,000. Recommended for nar row rows. Produces excellent yields. Your P-A-G dealer has complete details about all of The Successful Ones. Including special crosses and four-way crosses. See him soon. P-A-G DIVISION W. R. GRACE & CO. r V IWIVII 80x176, Bowline Green Ohio 43402 tzL-, The successful ones. Tucs Wed. 29' '2 30 29*2 24% 19 15 ? e y 3 Frl. Thurs. 28 27*i 24>i 24 21 15-16 30-30% 30 29*2 2-I*2 20 15 30 29% 24% 21 15-16
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