Harold Brubaker Featured Speaker At Lampeter-Strasburg FFA Banq. The Lamp*'er-Strasburg High several of the members Those School cafet* -ia was the scene receiving Foundation Awards of the anniu'J Father-Son Ban- were: Larry Herr, the Star quet sponscts-d by the Garden Chapter Farmer Award, the Spot FFA tn Thursday eve- highest award given by the nmg, March 16 Past president. Chapter. Paul Eckman wasnam- Robert Weaver, was master of ed the Star Greenhand. ceremonies Guest speaker was Other Foundation Award win- Haiold Brutaker, vice-president ners included: Edwin Brene of the North Atlantic Region man, Dairy Farming: Thomas of the National Future Farm- Houser, Agricultural Meehan ers of Amer.ca. Harold spoke ics: James High, Crop Farm on the four -.eys to success in ing: Clair Esbenshade, Live the FFA. stock Farming: and Larry Hen-, FOUNDATION' AWARDS Public Speaking. Glenn WtCer. president of GILTS PRESENTED the Pennsyh ania Association of Two registered Yorkshire Future Fameis of America, Gilts, spon c ored by the Sears brought greetings from the Roebuck Foundation, were pre state association and presented sented to freshmen Paul Eck- FFA Found,'.*ion Awards to (Continued on Page 15) Don’t plant P. L ROHREft & BRO., INC SMOKETOWN T.M. Reg U.S. Pat. off.- ORTHO, on all Chemicals, Read Directions And Cautions Before Use. See us Crows, blackbirds, pheasants any bird that steals seed won't come back a second time for seed treated with ORTHO Bird Re- pellent. They spit it out and fly away. It's easy to get this kind of protection for your seed. All you do is pour this repellent right in with the seed in your planter box. Actually, you're getting more than bird protection with this prod uct. The full name is ORTHO Bird Repellent and Seed Protectant. It also contains an insecticide to control soil insects such as wire worms, seed corn maggots and corn rootworm. And a fungicide for extra protection against diseases like seedling blight, damp- off, and seed decay, This is the only bird repellent that combines all these protec tions. So this year, don't plant for the birds. When you get your seed, ask us for ORTHO Bird Repellent. 4-H Clubs Organizing On Match 28, at 7:30 p.m., an organisational meeting of the Penn Manor Community 4-H Club will be held at the Ann Letort Elementary School, according to an announcement this week by associate county agent Winthroo Mcrriam. Leaders for this club will be Edgar Porter, Washington Boro Rl, and John Thomas, Millers ville Rl, Merriam said. The agent also noted the for mation of a new community 4-H club for young people in the Willow Street area set for March 30, at 7:30 p.m. All in terested youths in that area, and their parents, are invited to attend this meeting to be held at the Pequea Township (Continued on Page 20) for the BIRDS! now for ORTHO ‘ Ph. Lane. 397-3539 19 Penn Manor & Pequea Bird Repellent Lancaster Farming, Saturday, March 25,1967 —13 SECOND SECTION Awards Featured At Warwick FFA 10th Annual Parent-Son Banquet The 10th annual Warwick CHAPTER FARMERS FFA banquet was held March Stephen Palkovic. guidance 17 at the Brunnerville Flee counselor, awauied Chapter Hall. President Howett Seiver- Farmer certificates to the foi ling served as toastmaster. A lowing; Jesse L Balmer, Dean roast beef dinner was prepared Bollinger, Leon Buch, Stephen and served by the Ladies Aux- Darlington, Henry Hershey.and ihary of the Brunnerville Fire Dale Shreiner. Company. The guest speaker RED ROSE DEGREES for the evening was Oscar Man- The Red Rose Fanner certifi beck, State FFA chaplain of cates were awarded to the fol- Womelsdoif. lowing by Richard Rife, guid ance counselor - Warren Buch, Carl Kaufman, Junior High Kent pvitz, Thomas Risser.and principal, presented the Green Howett Seiverlmg. The Key- Hand certificates to the follow- stone F arme r Degree certifi mg students Leon 8011, Wil- cates wcre awarded to Paul liam Darlington, Kenneth Wea- Bru baker and William Risser ver, Eail Wilkins. James Kal- by Clair Zerby, vocational ag enich, Stephen Leed. and Lar- ricultuie teacher HONORARY DEGREES ly Nanais. | Each year the chapter pre sents the Honorary Chapter Farmer degree to the FFA president’s father and to other individuals and businesses in the community who have shown an interest in the FFA and its activities The degrees this year weie awaided to Harold Sei verlmg, Lititz Rl, the presi dent’s father; Vernon Ranck, owner and operator of Ranck’s Meat market m Lititz, Don Timmons, editor of Lancaster Farming: and to Viggo Olsen, exchange student from Alta, Norway KEYSTONE MOTHERS HONORED The mothers of the Keystone Farmers were honored by pre senting each with the certifi cate of appreciation by presi dent Seiverlmg They were Mrs. Robert Ris«er. and Mrs. Milton Brubaker, both of Lititz Rl. (Continued on Page 18) GREEN CHOP? BEDDING? SILAGE? STALK SHREDDING? WEED CONTROL? THIS ONE MACHINE DOES IT ALU BRADY MULTI-CROP CHOPPER Chops and Loads or Chops and Shreds BRADY Multi-Chop Choppers Will Do More Money Making Things For Your Farm Business Than Any Other Piece of Equipment! Rugged, foolproof, a good investment in profitable farming. See them today ati Grumelli Farm Service Quarryville
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