Champ Boar Top At Landrace Sale The chmnpion boar consigned to the Pennsylvania Landrace Swine Breeders Assn, state show and sale brought $l4O Satin day. The event was held at Paul Z Mai tin’s sales barn. Blue Ball. The champion was consigned bv Harold J. Fries, Bedford, and bought by Elam Reiff. Bird- In-Hand The reserve champion boar, shown by James Z. Mar tin, Christiana Rl, was sold for $ll5 to Stauffer Homestead Farm. East Earl. Mai tin also had the cham pion bied Lilt, which sold for $135 to Aaron Koffroth. Gap. The rese:\ e. a Fries entry, was sold to John A. Whiteman, Oneonta, N Y - tor $llO. The open gilt champions both weie consigned by William H and Cai ob n Lyons. Saltsburg The.v weic purchased by Paul Eitniei. Lititz, for 572 50 and $7O Extension livestock specialist Dwight Younkin oi Penn Slate seivcd as judge • Reader Speaks Out- f Continued fiom Page 4) gi icvances I heard on the news this evening that some funnel's mdk house was bomb ed I hate to see bombs used as an opeuei to positive action I don’t know the answer to. our pioblcms I like to follow the Bible admonition to ask, to seek, to knock The NF 0 has now knocked loud enough tor the national leadeis to hear They have sought, and what thev aie asking is not umeasonable. Even Jesus kick ed a few money changers’ ta bles aiourd once It’s possible He might even have knocked a chip oi two out of them I want to say I enjoy your paper veij much Especially the ed 1 1 o i xa I s and Sunday School lessons If everyone would take these lessons to heait theie would be no work foi an NFO. oi any other such oiganwation Thank vou. Gene Kilby A. H. Hoffman Seeds, Inc. Landisville, Pa. 898-2261 Let’s Not Give All The Credit To The Feed! Performance and Excellent Breeding, Housing of a good healthy pullet,. Top flight management on the part of the producer, and A feeding program fitted to get Optimum Performance from the birds. Feed alone won’t do it, but , . . your chances are better with THE EARLY BIRD LINE. Here's Proof: Among the eleven producers in our delivery area recently honored by a national organization for outstanding egg production. FIVE are users of Early Bird Feeds and Service, FOUR competing feeds shared honors with the remainder. Among the Five Early Bird Users: Production for 14 twenty-eight day periods ranged from 242 to 278 eggs per hen housed. O Livability ranged from a low of 84.4% to a high of 94.6%. Conversions ranged from 3.69 lbs. eggs in cages to 3.78 lbs. on slats. One producer kept his hens beyond the 14 periods and had 318.6 eggs per hen housed in 485 days of production. Low Cost Egg Production RESULTS FROM A COMBINATION OF You'll like Hie results you get from Early Bird Feeds. Miller & Bushong, Inc Rohrerstown, Pa. Ph. Lancaster 392-2145 (Area Code 717) FINEST SERVICE- of feed per dozen ANYWHERE
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