14—Lancaster Fanning, Saturday, March 25,1967 For the Farm Wife and Family .Mrs. Richard C. Spence, Food Editor And Eggs . . . Cheese When you spend money for food today, most of the money goes for meat. Cheese, eggs and beans are meat substitutes that are easier on the weekly budget. They also offei good quality protein Two eggs or one cup cooked dry beans, peas or lentils have the same amount of pro tein as a two to three ounce seiving of lean cooked, meat, poultry or fish. Another pro tein-rich substitute for meat is cheese One fourth pound of American or Cheddar cheese or one-halt cup cottage cheese equals the pro tein in a quarter pound of hamburger or a quarter of a fried chicken A light, high vegetable-cheese souffle makes a mam dish that supplies both protein Omelets bring out the best m homemakers Cheese, fish,: seafood, vegetable or fruit ome-| SPENCE and vitamins. Or, add sliced fresh tomato to a cheese rare bit served over toast For a continental touch, seive the raiebit over Fiench biead or crustv lolls Add a fresh salad and a tan e 'y desseit and the meal is complete. WE’VE i;OT IT! Texaco Fuel Chief... the finest heating oil money can buy! Texaco Fuel Chief is today’s top-qual ity heating oil. Result of the most exhaustive re search in the heating oil field. You’ll find Texaco I uel Chief dependable In quality, delivery after de livery. It’s clean burning. And it’s economical gives complete combus tion from every drop. Or der Texaco Fuel Chief to day. We’ll fill your fuel-oil tank promptly. [Fuel Chief I HEATING OIL We Giie S&II Green Stamps Garber Oil Co. Texaco Fuel Chief Heating Oil 105 Fairview St. MOUNT JOY, PA. Ph. 653-1821 if)®©#, Good Meat Substitutes WE USE QUALITY PAINT AND IT DOES STAY ON!!! Aerial Ladder Equipment Used To Paint Your Farm Buildings For Complete Information and Prices Contact C. RALPH MILLER Spray-on and Brush-in Painter R. D. 4, Manheim, Pa. Ph. 665-3388 lets cnn turn a humdrum mid winter meal into a feast. One that’s low in calories, too. Eggs and cheese both com bine deliciously with vegetables for main dish casseroles, spic ed to suit your own family. You mig h t add hard-cooked eggs to tuna and salmon dish es to increase the protein value. Add nutrition and flavor to a simple soup and sandwich meal. A down-to-earth cheese sandwich becomes a meal in itself with slices of tomato, pickle, onion, green pepper, and hard cooked egg. Grill the sandwich or bake it in the oven with a ci earn sauce or mush room soup topping. Cottage cheese is a protein rich, low-calorie alternate for meat. Use it in main dish sal ads with your favorite fruits or vegetables Cottage cheese also adds a piquant note to vege table or noodle casseroles. Or, use a cottage cheese dressing on baked potatoes. Hot soups are always favor ites with the family on windy March days. Bean, pea or len til soups are high in protein and so inexpensive to make. Heie’s mighty fine eating, Western-style Make Chili Veg- * + * 4 - v -. *- ** ■%! ' - .. OPRtaOE etable Sauce hearty with beef, tomatoes and cheese, and spoon it over a puffy baked omelet. CHILI VEGETABLE OMELET 4 egg yolks 4 egg whites 'A cup water i/ 4 teaspoon salt 1 tablespoon butter Beat egg yolks until very thick. Beat egg whites until frothy: add water and salt: beat until peaks fold over. Fold egg yolks into egg whites. Mean while, in a 10-inch skillet, melt butter over medium heat. With spatula level omelet mixture into skillet, spreading higher at sides; 1 educe heat to low. Cook about 8 minutes or until puffed and set and lightly brown on bottom. Transfer skillet to a preheated 350 de gree oven. Bake about 10 min utes or until top is lightly browned and knife comes out clean when inserted in center. Loosen sides of omelet. Make shallow cut across omelet at right angle to skillet handle; fold over and transfer to warm serving dish. Top omelet with Are They Eating Your Home From Under Termites offacic Joists, teems, siding, flooring Destroy woodl Sovo yourself moneyj Get free, com petent inspection nowl And for thorough termiti •xtcmination, guaranteed protection of your prop arty—backed by nearly W- years' experience . , can mwmmmm jcEHRLICH S& 730 E. Chestnut St., Lancaster Holland Stone Ready-Mixed Concrete New Holland Concrete Product New Holland, Pa. SPRING NEEDS • Garden Seeds • Seed Potatoes • Lawn Seed ■ — Scotts Old English Vigoro Tobacco Seed Tobacco Muslin HyGro Garden Tools Lawn Mowers Groff’s Hardware South Railroad Ave., New Holland, Pa, hot Chili Vegetable Sauce* and serve at once. Makes 6 serv ngs. CHILI VEGETABLE SAUCE l A cup ( l i stick) butter 1 cup chopped onion 1 cup chopped green pepper 1 cup chopped celery 1 clove garlic, minced 1 pound ground beef 2 teaspoons chili powder l A teaspoon pepper 2 cups (two 8-oz. cans) tO- mato sauce 1 cup coarsely cut tomatoes 1 cup shredded Cheddar cheese In a skillet melt butter; add onion, green pepper, celery and garlic; saute until vegetables become translucent. Remove to 2-quart saucepan. Brown meal in a skillet; add to vegetables. Stir in chili powder, pepper, tomato sauce and tomatoes; simmer until tomatoes are ten der. Just before serving, add cheese and gently stir until cheese melts. Spoon over Omelet. (Continued on Page 15) Concrete Blocks Metal Windows • Scotts Products • Complete line • BPS Paints • DuPont Lucite • Speed Queen Washer • Hotpoint Appliances • Prizer Ranges Gas & Coal • Monarch Ranges • Warm Morning Heaters Phone 354-0851 397-3721 354-2114
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