—Lancaster Farming Friday Sept. 21, 195 ft 6 Solanco Fair Awards Tonight (Continued from page one) neth Hoak. new art teacher m the Solanco elementary school grades. Displays of collage and conte crayon were shown, as well as exhibits by some of the most noted Lancaster County ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■l B*€^lC B S&9Ba S STEEL 3USLDINGS ■ ■You Can’tpky Abetter ■ ■ Building Than ■ ■ LOK-RIB ! ■ Extra Strength H No Costly Framing J ■ -jlf’ Longer Life g Quicker Erection ■ <SEE OUR " DISPLAY BUILDING ■ WILBUR GRAYBILL * (Lititz Halfville Pa.) iiiibiiiiiiiiiibi Higher Dairy Profits with V**!T All Red Rose dairy rations are properly balanced to provide your cows with every nu trient, protein or mineral they need to keep them well fed, regardless of the quality of roughage available -to help you obtain top milk production and feed At A PROFIT! If you want extra cans of milk this season, add Red Rose Dairy Feeds or Red Rose Supplements to your roughages and home grains. See yourself that better feeding with Red Rose is your surest guarantee of profit. REICH POULTRY FARM E. MUSSER HEISEY R.D.I. Marietta, Pa. R.D 2 Mt Joy, A. S. GROFF AMMON E. SHELLY 21 S Queen St. Lancaster, Pa. R.D.2 Lititz, Pa CHAS. E. SAUDER & SONS J. C. WALKER & CO. R.D.2 East Earl, Pa. Gap, Pa. WARREN SICKMAN MUSSER’S Pequea, Pa. The Buck, J1.D.1, Quarryville, Pa R.D.I artists. Among those exhibit ing were the Echo Valley Art group of Lancaster; Dr. A. E. Kabakjian, Lancaster; Margery Heilman of Lititz; Mrs. Kabak jian, Robert Hall, Mrs. Gerald Lestz, Robert DeMojra, Miss Florence Starr Taylor; William Ressler of Philadelphia, a Quarryville neighborhood na tive; the Octoraro Art Associ ation; Dr. Robert B. Hess, Quarryville; Charles X. Carl son, with cobweb painting, and many others. . In best fitted swine, C. Rich ard Hastings placed first, Ernst Frey second, and Robert Book third Best shown animal plac mgs included, 1. Mr. Hastings, 2, Mr Fiey, and 3, Raymond L Deiter. Miss Vivian Kreider, daugh ter of Mr and Mrs Clayton Kreider, R 2 Quarryville, was crowned Harvest Queen She succeeds Miss Ruth Ann Young Winners in the strong dairy cattle shqw Wednesday after noon included th» following 4- H and FFA exhibitors Ayrshire: Grand champion, Med Paes, Strasburg, reserve, Donald Fryer, Strasburg G«ern'sev: Grand champion, Kenneth Garber, Willow Street, reserve, Janice Hastings, Kirk wood. Holstein: Grand champion, Donald Weik. Strasburg, re serve, Paul Welk, Strasburg FHGng Contest: 1, Burnel l Andrews R 7 Lancaster; 2 Do nald Welk, Strasburg- 3, Don ald Trimble QuarrvviHe Showmanship Contest: 1, "Glen Bush on g, R 2 Columbia, 2 Robert Welk, Strasburg; 3, James L Hastings, Kirkwood The Soviet offers economic and technical aid to Greece. KEEPING GOOD COWS, MANAGING THEM PROPERLY and feeding them well I is a man-sized job. \ That’s where Red Rose «* Dairy Feeds and Red Rose Supplements can help you. Leaving Lancaster Coumy distant noints are these tomatoes being -loaded at the B. S Warfel & Sons receiving station on Highway -72 south of The Buck. From here the 1956 crop goes into the most dis tant corners of Pennsylvania, into New SEE THEM IN ACTION! Tiiese arrnew John Deere Tractors in 6 power sizes and 30 haste models are ready to demonstrate their greatly increased power, supe rior operating ease, new comfort and convenience features Watch them set new high standards for cost- cutting, labor-saving performance. NOW Alan C. Beyer Christiana. Pa. A. B. C. Groff New Holland. Pa. Landis Bros. Lancaster, Pa. Tomtaoes by the Tcailerload JfJB ■l4 FREE DEMONSTRATIONS! JOHN DEERE dealer’s Wenger Implement Co. TTie Buck, Pa. k_i ucttc at an average oi 30,0u0 baskets per than 100 farms are dehvci ing to the station, and many others have their crop—one of the best in yeais— picked up on the farm. ((Lancaster Faun ing Staff Photo). . at" your local H. S. Newcomer-& Sou Neuliauser Bros. Bird-in-Hand, Pa. F. H. Shotzberger Elm. Pa. ' Mount Joy, Pa.
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